Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 266 Climbing the Tower One Step Up

Chapter 266 Climbing the Tower Together

Lu Xiaoke heard that he would become a female monk when he climbed the tower, thinking about his bald head, he was a little creepy, glared at the little monk angrily and said, "Who are you scaring, I don't believe it."

"Xiao Ke, the Nine Precepts didn't lie to you." Huang Xing smiled at her, "If the influence of Buddhism is too deep and you have a heart of refuge, you will become a female monk."

Hearing what his brother said, Lu Xiaoke was sure there was no falsehood, and felt a little afraid in his heart.

It really reminds me of my bald head.

too ugly.

She looked at Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen, the two sister-in-laws looked fearless, and she said boldly, "I'm not afraid of that Dharma."

She pulled Huang Chen's arm with a smile and said, "Anyway, I have my brother protecting me, so I'm not afraid to go anywhere."

Ji Ran also looked at Huang Xing expectantly, she and Lu Xiaoke also had the same idea.

In their hearts, Huang Xing is their heaven, omnipotent.

"Okay, you all go up the tower with me, but when I let you down, you have to back down."

Huang Xing did not disappoint them, and agreed to let them climb the tower together.

The Dharma of Zhenmo Pagoda tests Dao Xin, and has little to do with cultivation.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke inherited the Dragon Chanting Sword and the True Martial Sword, and Jiang Yunxiao praised them very much, so Lu Xing just took this opportunity to see how their Dao Xin is.

If they couldn't bear it, he could protect them and retreat with his strength.

What really worried him was Xiao Qingchen, because Buddhism would directly suppress her demon heart.

The battle between Buddha and demon is extremely dangerous.

"Yeah, it's great, I know my brother is the best."

Lu Xiaoke jumped up happily, and then showed off to the little monk, "See, my brother protects me, so I won't become a female monk."

The little monk flattered and flattered, "That's right, the boss is mighty, domineering and handsome, and with the protection of the boss, the younger sister can go anywhere, and the little monk also wants to go up and play with him."


Xu Yuan didn't care about the little monk's dissolute appearance, he saw that Huang Xing was confident to let all the girls climb the pagoda together, so he didn't stop dissuading him, and said, "Since all the benefactors want to try climbing the pagoda, then follow me together .”

After he finished speaking, the three holy monks led the crowd up the stone ladder.

When everyone stepped into the eighth floor, the boundless Dharma gathered and washed away their hearts.

When the Dharma enveloped Huang Xing's body, it would disperse automatically, and all dharma would not invade.

The king's heart in Ji Ran and the natural heart in Lu Xiaoke also exude, easily resisting the scouring of Buddhism.

Seeing this, the three holy monks were all taken aback. They didn't expect the second daughter's Dao Xin to be so strong that she could easily block the eighth level of Dharma.

Xiao Qingchen, the little monk, and Luo Xiaoying were not so relaxed.

Xiao Qingchen stepped into the eighth floor.

The Buddha's voice sounded in her mind like thunder.

Golden lotuses gushed out from both of her feet, which were crushed by her foot, but they took shape again.

The two golden lotuses spread golden light covering her, as if they were going to burn her to ashes.

The demonic intent and killing intent from Xiao Qingchen's body also radiated out, the black magical intent and the bloody killing intent merged into blood black, wrapping her up, resisting the burning of the golden light of Buddhism.

When everyone looked at Xiao Qingchen, her body seemed to be burning with blood-black flames.

The golden light outside the flame was invincible, but it couldn't penetrate even a little bit.

After yesterday's baptism of Buddhism on the seventh floor, Xiao Qingchen's demonic heart was much stronger, and he was able to handle it with ease even on the eighth floor.

The little monk sat cross-legged on the ground, his body was shining with gold, and he looked solemn and precious.

Although he is a Buddhist practitioner, if the Buddha's heart can't resist the Dharma, he will suffer backlash.

He had never climbed to the eighth floor before, and originally wanted to practice the seventh-level Hell Suppressing Devil Art, and then climbed the tower after passing the test of the seventh-level hell illusion.

But because of the black lightning, he was severely injured and failed to cultivate the seventh level of Hell Suppressing Demon Art.

The little monk was now on the eighth floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower, and immediately began to practice again.

The illusion of the seventh floor of hell is opened.

The little monk thought of Hell and Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

The two auras on his body complement each other, allowing him to enter an extremely mysterious realm.


The aura on the little monk's body suddenly increased a lot.

The three holy monks looked at him with gratified smiles on their faces.

The little monk not only supported the eighth level of Buddhism to wash away the Buddha's heart, but also used it to cultivate the seventh level of hell-suppressing demon skills.

But he didn't stop, and continued to open the illusion of the eighth floor of hell.

The eighth layer of iceberg hell.

The little monk seemed to be in an ice cave, and his body was covered with thin frost.


He suddenly opened his eyes and uttered a Buddha's name.

The frost melted on the little monk's body, and he stood up, looking like an accomplished monk.

Huang Xing checked his cultivation base, the first time he broke through, he was already at the seventh level of Huajin.

Now break through again and directly reach the half-step innate.

After Luo Xiaoying entered the eighth floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower, the Dharma washed her heart, and various expressions changed on her face.

Pain, joy, hatred, relief...

Taste all the flavors of life.

She remembered being ridiculed for not having a father when she was a child.

She remembered her brother's resistance when she first met her.

She thought of her brother's doting on her.

She thought of her brother holding her hand with a smile, and inserting the dagger in her hand into her chest.

She remembered that in order to keep her innocence, she had shaved her face so hideously and horribly.

She remembered that in order to survive, she killed one opponent after another, and her hands were stained with blood.

She thought of Huang Chen's disappointed eyes.

She thought of Huang Chen's gentle gaze.

She remembered every detail of meeting Huang Xing.

Recalling the past, she seemed to live again.

Luo Xiaoying burst into tears, and opened her eyes with a smile.

She already knew how to take her future path.

She shouldn't be immersed in the pain of killing her brother with her own hands.

Brother traded his own death for her right to live.

Only by living well can she be worthy of her brother's sacrifice.

She wants to live happily, because this is exactly what her brother expects.

Luo Xiaoying's innate aura permeated.

In the baptism of Buddhism, she walked out of her own way and broke through the innate realm.


The three holy monks looked at these younger generations and couldn't help but feel emotional.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead. The young people of this generation have greatly surpassed their time.

Huang Chen could see that the eighth floor was already the limit of the little monk and Luo Xiaoying, and they had just broken through, so let them stay on the eighth floor to consolidate their realm.

He took the three daughters and continued to follow the three holy monks to the ninth floor.

Stepping into the ninth floor, Huang Xing was still strolling around in the garden, and he was invulnerable.

Seeing that he was indeed not affected by Buddhism at all, the three holy monks felt more at ease.

In fact, they were also worried that the Dharma on the seventh floor was not strong enough, so it had no effect on Huang Xing at all.

Now even the Buddhism on the ninth floor has no effect on him, maybe he can really climb to the top of the Demon Town Tower.

 The next two chapters will be updated together at 12 o'clock in the evening

  Thank you for your continued support
  I put a lot of thought into this book

  Every story is intertwined
  Can you guess who is imprisoned on the ninth floor of the Demon Town Tower?

(End of this chapter)

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