Chapter 273
There are a total of 36 divine swords in the Sword Tomb Secret Realm, and the sword souls of these divine swords are very powerful, far beyond Xiao Qingchen's complete integration.

With her current strength, each divine sword can only be fused with one ray of sword soul.

The sword souls of these divine swords are not mutually exclusive, Xiao Qingchen has already fused a strand of sword soul from 36 of the 35 divine swords.

Only Alluring Love needs to find the person you love to be able to recruit the sword soul, so it has not yet merged.

Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen looked at each other tenderly, and reached out to Qingchengzhilian together, letting it witness their true feelings.


They held Qingcheng Zhilian in their hands, and a terrifying sword soul burst out.

This is the second strongest force that Huang Xing has seen so far.

The strongest power was the six seals of the gods used by Wudiqiang at that time. That kind of power was unsurpassed, and the whole world stood still at that moment.

The power of the sword soul of Qingcheng Zhilian is far beyond Huang Xing's cognition.

Even Jiang Yunxiao, who was in the Jindan stage, was not comparable to it.

No wonder Xiao Qingchen would say that he is as light as dust in the way of swordsmanship.

After seeing such a powerful sword soul, he really felt that he was still very small.

Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen looked at Qingchengzhilian's sword soul, with happy and sweet smiles on their faces.

Although they both know that they love each other deeply, they are still very happy to be verified by the love of Allure.

Xiao Qingchen closed her eyes, and began to fuse the sword soul of Qingchengzhilian.

One strand, two strands, three strands...

She didn't stop after fusing the first ray of Alluring Love's sword soul, but continued to fuse.

When she finished fusing the third strand, it seemed that she had reached her limit.

If it continues, I'm afraid it will be blasted by the sword soul.

She stopped the fusion, and the sword soul returned to Qing Cheng Zhi Lian.

The pair of eyes staring at them revealed shock.

With Xiao Qingchen's strength, it is already the limit to be able to fuse one strand of sword soul. She can fuse three strands of sword soul at once, which shows that her love for that man has reached the extreme, and she regards him as more important than her own life. important.

Xiao Qingchen opened his eyes, 36 kinds of sword spirits appeared on his body,
"Sword Nine."

She gave a soft drink, and the 36 kinds of sword souls formed the Tiangang Sword Formation, which was extremely powerful, comparable to the power that the blood spirit finally revealed at that time, surpassing the innate power.

She withdrew her sword soul and looked at Huang Xing tenderly.

Huang Xing congratulated her with a smile, "Congratulations, you have made another breakthrough."

She fused three sword souls of Alluring Love, complementing the original 35 sword souls, allowing her cultivation to break through to the mid-innate stage.

Xiao Qingchen said softly, "I just want to catch up with you and not be left behind by you."

Huang Chen scratched her little nose and said, "Silly girl, you don't have to work so hard. I will protect you in the future, and I won't let anyone hurt you."

Xiao Qingchen looked into his eyes affectionately and said, "I like to fight with you."

Huang Xing said with a smile, "I like to fight with me so much, I can let you have a good fight tomorrow."

Tomorrow is his ten-day appointment with the Shinto Temple.

The background of the Shinto Temple is stronger than that of the Four Sages and Nine Sects. After seeing the Demon Tower of the Pure Land of Bliss and the Secret Realm of the Sword Tomb, Huang Xing has a deeper understanding of these superpowers that have been passed down for thousands of years.

It is almost impossible to destroy such a force, but he is still very confident in killing them.

"Well, let's leave here first, and have a good fight together tomorrow."

Xiao Qingchen gently stroked the Love of Allure in his hand, and reluctantly put it back.

It can be seen that she likes this Allure Love very much.

Ding, trigger the task - Alluring Love.

Xiao Qingchen couldn't let go of Qingcheng's love, so he asked the host to bring Qingcheng's love out of the secret realm of Jianzhong and give her a surprise.

Task Reward: 1280 experience points and 1280 gold coins
Failure penalty: Deduct 1280 experience points and 1280 gold coins
The voice of the system task suddenly sounded in Huang Chen's mind, asking him to take Qingcheng Zhilian out and give it to Xiao Qingchen.

He heard from Xiao Qingchen that the 36 divine swords here cannot be taken out of the secret realm, and the only way is to fuse all the complete sword souls, so that the divine sword can be taken out.

There are a total of one hundred strands of the sword soul of Allure Love, and Xiao Qingchen's fusion of three strands is already the limit.

Even if he helps her now, at most it will only allow her to fuse a little more, which is far from enough.

How can we bring Love in the Allure out of the secret realm of Jianzhong?
Huang Xing was thinking quickly in his mind.

Have it.

He suddenly thought of a way, and asked Xiao Qingchen, "Qingchen, do you really like this Alluring Love?"

Xiao Qingchen nodded, looked at Qingcheng Zhilian and said, "When our cultivation base is high in the future, can you come back with me and take it away?"

Huang Xing smiled and said, "Why come back to pick it up later, I'll take it out and give it to you now."

Xiao Qingchen shook his head and said, "The sword soul that has not been fully fused with it cannot be taken out."

She wondered if she had already told him about this matter.

Huang Xing said narcissistically with a hippie smile, "Maybe I'm handsome, it's willing to go with me."

He picked up Love in the Allure and said, "Go, let's get out of here."

Seeing Lu Chen eager to try, Xiao Qingchen felt sweet in his heart, knowing that he was trying to take it out because he liked this Alluring Love.

The two flew to the stone platform together, and Xiao Qingchen touched the giant stone sword.

Shi Jian slowly opened a passage, and Huang Chen held Qingcheng Zhilian in one hand and Xiao Qingchen in the other, stepped into the passage together, and disappeared on the stone platform.


The moment Huang Chen stepped into the passage, with a thought, he put the love of Qingcheng into his system storage space.

The moment Qingchengzhilian disappeared, the eyes staring at them froze for a moment, unexpectedly, Huang Xing really took Qingchengzhilian out.

But she quickly realized that the aura of Qingchengzhilian seemed to disappear a split second before Huang Xing's aura.

This shows that Huang Xing used a method she didn't know to put away the love of Qingcheng first, and then brought out the secret realm of Jianzhong.

And he should be aware of his existence, so he pretended to be just trying to see if he could take it out.

If the other party put away the love of Qingcheng early in the morning, I would never let him leave the secret realm of Jianzhong with him.

"Damn you little thief, how dare you steal a sword right under your aunt's eyes."

She thought that she had been cheated by Huang Xing, so she let out an angry roar.

The destructive sword intent raged and bombarded the secret realm, and there were loud explosions, venting the anger in her heart.

Xiao Qingchen and Lu Xing appeared together on the stone platform of the Sword Tomb.

She saw that Huang Xing's hands were empty, and a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

Sure enough, it still didn't come out.

Although she knew that it was impossible to bring Qingcheng Zhilian out of the secret realm of Jianzhong, she still had a little hope in her heart that Huang Xing could create a miracle for her.

 Hey, there are only two updates today
  I will try my best to make up the missing chapter in the next few days

(End of this chapter)

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