Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 274 Upgrade to Level 9

Chapter 274 Upgrade to Level 9

Huang Xing looked at Allure Love in the storage space, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He was right in betting that the storage space of the system can indeed accommodate Allure Love.

Ordinary storage rings are unable to forcibly accommodate Allure Love with such a strong sword soul.

If it were Jiang Yunxiao who wanted to force Qingchengzhi into her storage ring, she would definitely not be able to do it.

There is no level limit to the storage space unlocked at level 8, so Huang Xing took a gamble and could store Allure Love in it.

After leaving the secret realm, he couldn't feel the gaze staring at them from somewhere, so Lu Xing felt relieved.

That gaze gave Huang Xing a creepy feeling, and now he is definitely no match.

He caught Xiao Qingchen's disappointed gaze, and smiled at her, "Silly girl, close your eyes."

"Ah?" Xiao Qingchen was startled when he heard Huang Chen's words.

Isn't this what I told him before I played with the love sword array for him?
Is he going to make a surprise for her like he did just now?
Xiao Qingchen didn't expect that Huang Xing had already brought out the love of Qingcheng, thinking that he might use other ways to surprise himself.

She closed her eyes obediently, wildly guessing what kind of surprise Lu Chen would give her.

No matter what kind of surprise he gave himself, it was her most precious gift.

Huang Chen said "take out" silently, and the love of Qingcheng appeared in his hand.

The simple and unsophisticated Excalibur, the hilt and scabbard are carved with exquisite patterns, which makes people deeply attracted at a glance.

The sword was not out of its sheath, quietly in his hand, like an ordinary long sword.

"You can open your eyes."

Huang Xing held Qingcheng Zhilian behind him, and blocked it with his body.

Xiao Qingchen couldn't wait to open his eyes and looked around, but didn't find any changes around him.

Huang Xing suddenly handed Qingcheng Zhilian in front of her, and smiled softly, "Give it to you."

Sudden surprise.

When she saw Qingchengzhilian, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She didn't expect Huang Xing to really bring it out of the secret realm of Jianzhong.

Looking at Xiao Qingchen who was in a daze, Huang Chen smiled and said, "Why are you still in a daze, I can put it away if you don't want it."

Xiao Qingchen snatched Qingchengzhilian into his arms, with a happy smile on his face.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task, gaining 1280 experience points and 1280 gold coins."

A system voice sounded in Huang Chen's head. He looked at Xiao Qingchen who had been laughing silly all the time, and asked warmly, "Do you like it?"

"I like it." Xiao Qingchen kissed Huang Xing sweetly, and replied shyly.

She didn't ask Huang Xing how he brought Qingcheng Zhilian out, no matter what method he used to get it out, she didn't care.

Huang Xing's inheritance has always been very mysterious and has never been revealed, and Xiao Qingchen tacitly refused to ask.

She believed that Huang Xing didn't take the initiative to tell her, there must be a reason why he couldn't tell.

Huang Xing asked, "Do you want to try the sword?"

"En." Xiao Qingchen nodded, holding the sword in his left hand and the hilt in his right hand.

She circulated the power of the sword soul of Qingcheng Zhilian in her body, and slowly pulled it out.

The divine sword was unsheathed, and the terrifying sword soul appeared again.

The hundred and eight thousand swords in the sword mound all uttered a sword groan in fear, and surrendered to it tremblingly.

Xiao Qingchen looked at the Sword Soul of Love in the Allure with piercing eyes, as if she was using her will to communicate with it.


The sword soul of Allure Love returned to the sword god, and the surroundings returned to silence.

Xiao Qingchen gently caressed the blade with his fingers, then put the sword back into its sheath.

Huang Xing asked curiously, "Is Love in the Alluring City confessed?"


With a thought in Xiao Qingchen's mind, Alluring Love disappeared in her hands.

She explained softly, "After it recognizes its owner, I can take it into my body."

Huang Chen didn't find it strange when he heard it, he stroked her blue hair lightly, and warned, "Love in the city is too powerful, don't show it unless it is absolutely necessary, lest it attract prying eyes."

Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime.

There are so many strong people in the cultivation world, and their strength is still very weak. If they attract strong people to peep, Xiao Qingchen will be very dangerous.

"I know." Xiao Qingchen said softly, "I will always keep it in my heart."

She made a pun, not only hiding the love of Qingcheng in her heart, but also engraving Huang Xing's love for her in her heart.

The two left Jianzhong, and the sun had already set.

When they returned to the boudoir where Xiao Qingchen lived, Huang Xing shamelessly wanted to take a medicinal bath with her.

Xiao Qingchen couldn't resist him, so he could only agree with a red face.

After a while of mandarin ducks playing in the water, Huang Xing directly hugged her to the bed, doting on her tenderness towards him.

After Xiao Qingchen fell asleep, Huang Xing waited for the arrival of zero.

Because he completed the task of "Love in the Fallen City", he could be promoted to level 9 one day earlier.

As soon as twelve o'clock passed, Huang Xing used up the refreshed quota, and a system voice sounded in his head:

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 9, unlocking the spirit stone function, unlocking level 9 items in the store, and getting a chance to draw a lottery."

He couldn't wait to check the unlocked spirit stone function:
The daily quota is converted into spirit stones, 10 = 1 low-grade spirit stone.

Huang Xing heard Jia Jing mention Lingshi, which is the currency of the cultivation world and the most important cultivation resource.

The innate qi in the world of martial arts is called spiritual energy in the world of self-cultivation.

Lingshi is divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and extreme-grade.

The conversion ratio of each level is 1:100.

Lingshi contains a lot of spiritual energy, which can be directly absorbed by practitioners.

The function unlocked by this upgrade is equivalent to bringing him in line with the cultivation world.

Huang Xing checked his attributes:
Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 9 (0/76800)

Today's Quota: 256/256
Gold: 19860
Combat power: mid-stage of Qi refining
Dao Dharma: Good Fortune Scripture
Martial skills: Crimson Blood Strike, Ten Heavy Waves, Crazy Dragon Slashing Soul, One Finger Quicksand, Tianluo Spear Field
Items: none
Mission: none
Whether it is used to buy things or practice, using a low-level spirit stone can get 10 points of experience.

Looking at the upgrade experience, Huang Xing was a little speechless.

It actually increased by 3 times at once, which means that it takes 30 days for each level to be upgraded.

He can only accept this reality. Anyway, it is very fast to upgrade to a level in a month.

He noticed that his innate mid-stage combat power had become mid-qi refining stage.

He knew that this was the realm division of the realm of comprehension.

Qi refining stage, foundation building stage, alchemy stage, golden elixir stage, Nascent Soul stage,...

Level swap between martial arts world and cultivation world:

Innate Grandmaster = Qi Refining Period
Inherently above = foundation-building period
Transcending above the innate = alchemy stage
The gap in strength between the world of martial arts and cultivation is even greater than the gap between the world of martial arts and the world of martial arts.

The 100 Tianjiao and evildoers selected this time in the martial arts world are only the lowest disciples in the cultivation world.

But Huang Xing believes that gold will always shine.

The resources and cognition of the martial arts world limit the development of these Tianjiao monsters.

As long as they are given a higher stage, they will definitely be able to make their mark in the cultivation world.

(End of this chapter)

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