Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 275 Phantom Mask

Chapter 275 Thousand Illusion Masks
Huang Xing withdrew his thoughts and began to look at the level 9 store and the level 10 mysterious store.

The elixirs in the level 9 store already cost 6400 gold coins, and the weapon skills even cost 12800 gold coins.

He can now get 5120 gold coins a day. If he buys the same level of kung fu pills, he will be stretched, but if he buys low-level pills, he can buy a lot.

Huang Xing felt that the things in the store were more for him to use to develop his power, and there were very few situations where he could actually use them himself.

After closing the store, he set his sights on the lottery Jiugongge.

The money rewards in the Jiugongge had already turned into spirit stones, but Huang Xing was still lazy to look at them.

Only the three most important physical rewards are king, otherwise it is a waste of a chance to draw a lottery.

The three kinds of physical rewards are the Dragon Yuan Pill at level 9, the sky-breaking spear at level 10, and the last one is the Thousand Illusion Mask at level 11.

Level 9 Dragon Yuan Pill can greatly enhance physical fitness and cultivation.

Not to mention the level 10 sky-shattering gun, Huang Xing is currently using a level 5 silver dragon gun. If he replaced it with a level 10 sky-shattering gun, his combat power would at least double.

When Huang Xing saw the introduction of the level 11 Thousand Illusion Mask, his eyes were immediately attracted, and he forgot about the level 10 sky-shattering gun.

Thousand Illusion Mask: After wearing it, the appearance and breath can be changed (broken and repairable).

Thousand Magic Mask has two forms.

One is worn on the face in the form of a mask, which can change the breath.

The other is directly fused with the Thousand Illusion Mask, which can not only change the breath, but also change the appearance.

Because it is in a broken state, after changing his appearance for the first time, he can only be changed to that in the future, which is equivalent to changing his face and gaining an extra identity.

Huang Xing is very eager for the level 11 Thousand Illusion mask, far more than the level 10 sky-shattering gun.

He still has to face the enemy of the Blood God Son.

Several girls are sheltered by the forces behind them, and they are not in danger for the time being.

He cannot join those superpowers and is in danger at any time.

If he had the Thousand Illusion Mask, he would be able to appear as another identity in the realm of comprehension and avoid many troubles.

Huang Xing took a deep breath, calmed down, and looked at Xiao Qingchen beside the pillow.

This girl, who was as cold as ice in front of outsiders, showed her purest side in front of him.

Their love was blessed by one hundred and eight thousand swords and witnessed by the love of Qingcheng.

Huang Xing bowed his head and kissed her lips, silently saying "lottery draw" in his heart.

Xiao Qingchen seemed to sense it, hummed softly, and kissed him back.

The two hugged each other and kissed passionately.

A system voice sounded in Huang Xing's head, "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Level 11 Thousand Illusion Mask."

But he didn't care anymore, he hugged the beauty in his arms tightly and pampered her again.

Early the next morning, after Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen bid farewell to Si Liancheng, they took Jianzong's special plane back to Linjiang.

"Sir, madam."

Fujino Noriko and Luo Xiaoying were waiting to meet them at Linjiang Airport. When she saw the two coming out, she bent down and shouted respectfully.

Huang Xing nodded slightly to her, and said calmly, "Let's go, it's time to make a break with them."

He looked at the two beautiful girls in front of him, they wanted to make a break with the past today.

Noriko Fujino changed into a purple and white kimono with the Fujino family logo embroidered on it.

This will be the last time she will wear the Fujino family kimono.

Luo Xiaoying looked cute and cute in her white practice clothes.

In the past, she only liked to wear black clothes, hiding herself in the darkness, unable to see any light.

Now that she has stepped out of her shadow world, she is full of hope for the future.

Huang Xing took the three girls on board the plane to Dongying.

He has already formally sent invitations to Ying Wu Zhai and the Shinto Temple.

Martial arts circles from all over the world know that the first and second masters in China's ranking will pay a visit to the No. [-] killer organization in Japan, Ying Wuzhai, and the Shinto Temple, the No. [-] force in Japan.

Everyone is looking forward to the upcoming battle.

Many forces think that it is unwise for Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen to go to Japan.

It's a pity that they are too young and energetic. After destroying the blood alliance, they thought they could be invincible.

With the background of super power, how can two innate masters be able to provoke?

Even if they can rival the innate superiors, going deep into the hinterland of the Shinto monastery is no different from courting death.

Even Daoist Fengqing and Si Liancheng dissuaded them from going to the Shinto Temple.

Dongying, Ying Wu Zhai.

The atmosphere in the conference hall was dignified, more than 20 grandmasters knelt and sat in two rows, all of them looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

They didn't see the demeanor of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen in the martial arts competition with their own eyes, but those Dongpu evildoers who witnessed their supernatural power in the competition field have brought the news back to Dongpu.

Killing the master was like slaughtering a dog, Tantai Mieshen and Yamano Zaofu couldn't stop their move, the innate blood Shura died tragically in their hands, even Ye Shisan, who was stronger than the blood Shura, was shot by Lu Chen None of the bodies remained.

Even if there were some exaggerations in what those monsters said, the ability of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen to overwhelm hundreds of masters in China, ranking first and second on the list, is enough to prove their strength.

How dare Ying Wuzhai underestimate such combat power?

With a creak, the door was pushed open.

A middle-aged man with a mustache in a black kimono walked in, and many masters all turned their attention to him.

The middle-aged man's eyes were cold, and he glanced at the masters with a bit of fierceness, then went straight to the top seat and sat down.

"Master of fasting."

More than 20 masters shouted respectfully to him in unison.

The middle-aged man is none other than the master of Ying Wu Zhai, Dongchuan Guangqi, who is born ninefold.

With eagle eyes, he glanced at the masters on both sides, and said in a deep voice, "Hua Xia Huang Chen has already got off the plane, and it is estimated that he will arrive here in half an hour. What do you guys think?"

"It's just two young people who are still young. Since they dare to come to Yingwu Zhai to die, let them be fulfilled."

"Mr. Koizumi, those two young men can kill Blood Shura, and their combat power is comparable to that of the innate. They should not be underestimated."

"Hmph, Blood Shura just broke through to the Innate Realm, and the two of them just won miserably. Elder Qianmu is more than twice as strong as Blood Shura. Even if they join forces, they will definitely not be the opponent of Qianmu Elder, moreover What's more, we have so many masters to help out."

When the other masters heard the name of Elder Qianmu, their faces showed respect.

Qianmu Baiteng, Yingwuzhai's only congenital superior, has not made a move for more than ten years, and his strength is unfathomable.

More than 20 masters talked about each other, discussing the strength of Lu Chen and Xiao Qingchen intensely.

They admit that the two Huaxia evildoers are very strong, and regard them as the most threatening challenge for Ying Wuzhai in the past century, but they have more confidence in Qianmu Baiteng's strength. They believe that as long as he makes a move, the two peerless Huaxia evildoers will absolutely Not an opponent.

In the cognition of these innate masters, the existence above innate is irresistible.

(End of this chapter)

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