Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 277 I Lend You Something

Chapter 277 I Lend You Something (Please Subscribe)
Lu Chen looked at Dongchuan Guangqi with a calm expression, and said slowly, "The first thing, please tell me, Dongchuan Zhaizhu, who asked you to assassinate Jiran a month ago?"

He could guess that the hiring of the killer was done by the offshoot of Ji's family overseas, and Daoist Fengqing had already checked his details secretly.

In terms of seniority, that man was still Ji Ran's cousin, named Ning Zhongze, who was Fei Chang'an's apprentice and was brought up by him since he was a child. The two were like father and son.

Fei Changan finally chose to go back to Huaxia to follow Ji Ran, but he couldn't bear to lay hands on him and wanted to repay Ji's family with death.

But how could Huang Xing tolerate someone hurting Ji Ran?
No matter who it is, since he dares to ask a killer to assassinate his woman, he must bear his wrath.

In his heart, he still respected Fei Changan, an old man, so he wanted to produce definite evidence that Ning Zhong asked Ying Wuzhai to assassinate Ji Ran, leaving Fei Changan speechless.

Moreover, Ning Zhong also has a marriage contract with the daughter of the Mondros family, one of the 72 pillars of the European Temple. He wants to find out whether this matter has anything to do with the Mondros family.

Because of Ning Zhongze's own rights, it is very difficult to directly ask Ying Wuzhai to take action without telling Fei Chang'an.

Dongchuan Guangqi's face changed when he heard Huang Xing's request.

The grievances between Ying Wuzhai and Huang Xing, apart from Gui Yi, also involved the assassination of Ji Ran, but fortunately the assassination failed and there was no irresolvable grievance.

He was a little bit troubled, Huang Xing's request seemed simple, but it already involved Ying Wuzhai's bottom line as a killer organization.

It is a big taboo of the killer organization to reveal the information of the client. If it gets out, Ying Wuzhai will never have a foothold in the killer world.

Seeing Dongchuan Guangqi's hesitant expression, Huang Chen's face sank, and he said coldly, "Don't Dongchuan Zhaizhu even have this bit of sincerity?"

Dongchuan Guangqi's expression was frozen, and his thoughts turned quickly.

They are the only masters left around the Martial Arts Field, and what they say here will definitely not be spread.

Moreover, Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen went to the Shinto Temple and narrowly escaped death.

As long as they died, who would know that Ying Wuzhai had revealed the news of the client?

Thinking of this, Dongchuan Guangqi said solemnly, "Since Zongshou Lu asked, I dare not hide it, the one who asked us to assassinate your lady is one of the 72 pillars of the temple, Miss Tiffin of the Mondros family. "

After hearing this, Huang Xing sneered.

Sure enough, as he expected, this matter is related to the Mondros family.

Even if the Mondros family is behind the strongest superpower in the martial arts world, the European Temple, he will seek justice for Ji Ran.

Dongchuan Guangqi looked at the sneering Huang Xing, and sneered in his heart: Let you be arrogant for a while, and when you get to the Shinto Temple, see if you can come out alive.

He didn't show any dissatisfaction on his face, he still asked with a smile on his face, "I don't know what is the second thing Lu Zongshou asks me to help?"

Huang Xing said lightly, "The second thing is to borrow something from Dongchuan Zhaizhu?"

Dongchuan Guangqi asked suspiciously, "What does Zongshou Lu want to borrow?"

Huang Xing said with a half-smile, "The head of Dongchuan Zhaizhu."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bloody sword light flashed, Dongchuan Guangqi's head was separated from his neck, and blood gushed out.

Sword Eight: Cutting the Sky and Pulling the Sword.

When Xiao Qingchen drew his sword out of its sheath, it was an extremely terrifying sword.

This is a sword that even Buddha Kalpa on the No.11th floor of the Zhenmo Pagoda can slash, and the Nine Heavenly Level Lord Ying Wuzhai was killed by her sword before he could react.

His head fell to the ground, and his face still maintained the moment from smiling to astonished.

Dongchuan Guangqi never thought of it until his death, and Huang Xing never planned to let Ying Wuzhai go.

Luo Linbing's death.

Luo Xiaoying's suffering.

The assassination of Ji Ran.

Each of these three things is enough for Huang Xing to destroy Yingwuzhai.


The martial arts arena instantly became chilling and quiet, only the sound of Dongchuan Guangqi's neck spurting blood like a pillar.


A wave of swords enveloped the entire martial arts arena, and Qianmu Baiteng, who was hiding in the shadows, appeared in the sky above the martial arts arena.

If he doesn't show up, it won't work.

Xiao Qingchen killed all the strongest members of Yingwuzhai except him with a single blow. How many swords are enough for her to kill all the other masters?
The Grandmaster of Yingwuzhai was frightened by Xiao Qingchen's sword. If they didn't know that Qianmu Baiteng was still there, they might have fled in all directions.

It was only then that they realized that the rumors that Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen killed the Grandmaster like butchers were not an exaggeration, and that Xiao Qingchen was even stronger than the rumors.

Qianmu Baiteng said in an angry voice, "Junior, I didn't want to make a move today. Since you are looking for death, I will help you."

As an innate superior, he has his own arrogance.

He didn't think that Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen would be his opponents together.

Ying Wuzhai wanted to reconcile with Huang Xing, but it was just to preserve his strength, borrowing a knife to kill people and let the Shinto Academy take care of them.


Qianmu Baiteng slashed out.

The sky was shocked and ghosts cried.

The light of the saber was like waves, cutting from all directions, towards Huang Xing and the three women.

Boom, boom, boom.

Huang Xing directly bought 16 Good Fortune Pills to upgrade his cultivation to the late innate stage.

Tianluo Gun Domain.

The shadows of the guns and the lights of the knives collided with each other, making a loud bang.

As soon as his innate late stage aura was revealed, everyone in Yingwuzhai was shocked.

It was rumored that Huang Chen had just broken through to the innate master during the martial arts tournament.

It's only been half a month.

Is he already a late-stage congenital?

He was number one on the land list, the first among the Chinese grandmasters, but he got it with his innate initial cultivation base.

Now that he is already a late-stage congenital, how terrifying should he be?
Qianmu Baiteng's face turned ugly, Huang Xing's strength had already far exceeded his estimation, and he could kill Xiao Qingchen, who was born at the ninth level, with a single sword.

In the middle stage of his innate superiority, he already felt some fear.

The more than 20 masters of Yingwuzhai were even more frightened and shivered. They all hid their figures, and they didn't dare to attack Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen.

They still have a glimmer of hope for Qianmu Baiteng, if the situation is not right, they will run away as quickly as possible.

"Leave this to me, and the others to you."

Lu Chen pointed at Qianmu Baiteng, and smiled faintly at Xiao Qingchen.

"it is good."

Xiao Qingchen answered coldly, and 36 sword souls appeared, forming a Tiangang sword array in the sky above the martial arts field, targeting the masters in the dark.

The master of Yingwuzhai saw those terrifying sword souls, each of which was comparable to the late innate stage, not to mention the 36 swords forming the Tiangang sword array.


They no longer cared about waiting for Qianmu Baiteng, Huang Xing, and Xiao Qingchen to decide the winner.

They knew they had no chance if they didn't escape.

More than 20 masters burst out with innate zhenqi all over their bodies and fled in all directions.

Jian Nine Tiangang Sword Formation.

Chaotic swords flew, and 36 sword spirits fell from the air.




Screams rang out.

Under the Tiangang sword array, more than 20 masters were massacred without any resistance, without even a chance to struggle.

 new month
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket
  The Mondelos family has already foreshadowed in Chapter 152 "Fei Changan's Choice", and it did not appear out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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