Chapter 278

One-sided carnage.

More than 20 innate masters of Yingwuzhai were instantly killed by Xiao Qingchen.

They have already exploded with innate qi all over their bodies, either to defend their bodies, or to attack with moves.

But without exception, they were strangled to death by the Tiangang Sword Formation composed of 36 sword souls.

All that was left was a scream and a hideous look of fear.

Qianmu Baiteng watched Yingwuzhai's grand master being slaughtered, but he dared not rescue him.

Because at the same time Xiao Qingchen summoned the sword soul, Huang Xing's spear had locked him.

Experts of their level can easily be seen through by the opponent with just one rash move.

The more dangerous it is, the calmer Qianmu Baiteng will be.

They miscalculated the strength of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen. The strength of these two people has far exceeded the rumors.

He suppressed his anger, ignoring the massacre of those masters.

Cursing these trash in my heart, I can't even catch the opponent's move, and I can't help him hold a person.

Both are innate masters, the gap between them and Xiao Qingchen is too great.

Qianmu Baiteng no longer dared to regard Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen as innate masters, but innate superiors of the same level as him.

He is going to fight one against two now, and if he is not careful, he will fall.

Only by fighting with all his strength can he have a chance to come back.

The screams stopped.

More than 20 innate masters all fell in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Qingchen withdrew his sword soul and put the sword back into its sheath, as if nothing had happened, standing beside Huang Xing coldly.

Noriko Fujino and Luo Xiaoying stood behind her, feeling the icy chill.

During this period of time, Xiao Qingchen was by Huang Xing's side like a gentle little girl, and now she killed more than 20 masters in an instant without blinking her eyes.

The two girls took a deep breath in their hearts, they had personally experienced the martial arts competition and knew how strong Xiao Qingchen was at that time.

In just half a month, her strength doubled.

Is this the difference between evildoers and ordinary people?

Lu Chen also sighed in his heart. Before coming to Dongpu, Xiao Qingchen told him that she would kill to prove the way.

He didn't stop her, because this was the way Xiao Qingchen chose, all he could do was to walk with her.

When Qianmu Baiteng saw Xiao Qingchen return the sword back to its sheath, he didn't seem to intend to do anything, he was slightly taken aback, but he immediately came to his senses.

She wanted Huang Xing to deal with him alone.

He was so clearly seen by his opponent, he was both angry and secretly happy.

If it is a one-on-two, his chances of winning are not high.

But fighting alone, with his innate mid-term cultivation base, he is almost standing at the pinnacle of the martial arts world, and he is not afraid of anyone.

Qianmu Baiteng sneered in his heart, these two juniors were too arrogant, digging their own graves.

He wanted to kill Huang Xing with a single blow, lest Xiao Qingchen see that something was wrong and join forces to deal with him.

Huang Xing looked at Qianmu Baiteng with a faint smile, the two of them looked at each other, and the aura on their bodies bumped back and forth between them.

Qianmu Baiteng's strength is still higher than that of Xue Shura and Ye Shisan.

Looking at it, Huang Xing felt that there was an indestructible knife in front of him, which could cut down all obstacles in front of him.

But he's not what he used to be.

Soaring from the innate early stage to the innate late stage, his current strength is comparable to when he took the berserk pill and was seriously injured to get the increase in fighting spirit.

The gun moves.

Tianluo Gun Domain.

With one shot, Huang Chen shot out, like a silver dragon galloping, rushing through Qianmu Baiteng's sword field like a bamboo, and stabbed at him.

"It's good to come."

Qianmu Baiteng let out a secret joy.

Strong players with comparable strength will fight, and whoever strikes first means that whoever is more likely to show his flaws first.

His eyes were fixed, staring at Huang Xing like an eagle's eye, looking for his flaws.

But he didn't know a word - produced by Brother Qiang, it must be a boutique.

Huang Xing's moves have reached perfection, so how could Qianmu Baiteng be able to see the flaws?
If you want to defeat Huang Xing, you can't directly crush him with your cultivation.

If you want to win with moves, even Xiao Qingchen's peerless evildoer can't do it.

Qianmu Baiteng frowned, Huang Xing's spear was too perfect, as if it merged with the world, so he couldn't find any flaws.


He lost the upper hand, so he could only defend with a knife, and he slashed out with a knife. The sword and gun collided, and the whole martial arts arena shook like an earthquake.

Qianmu Baiteng was blown away, rolled around in mid-air, and fell with a single blow.

Meteor falls.

The knife was like a shooting star, cutting through the air, unstoppably slashing towards Huang Xing, trying to split him in half.

The sword that descended from the sky was like a beast trying to devour Huang Xing.

With a cold look in his eyes, he picked up the gun and moved it, turning into a white light, to meet it.

Sudden mutation.

With a pull of Huang Chen's Silver Dragon Spear, he killed a carbine, and the ten heavy waves blasted back.

The knife that fell like a meteor also slashed at his body, but the seemingly groundbreaking slash on Huang Xing's protective body did not stir up any waves, and Qianmu Baiteng also dissipated like a phantom.




The ten heavy waves blasted behind him, making an explosion of true energy.

Then there was the sound of a spear point piercing flesh.

There was a black shadow behind the empty back.

I saw the Silver Dragon Spear piercing through Qianmu Baiteng's body, hanging him in mid-air, and the knife in his hand was only three inches away from Huang Xing's body.

But with this three-inch distance, he couldn't make an inch of it.

Qianmu Baiteng's eyes were still cold and fierce, and his knife could penetrate Huang Xing's body immediately.

Ying Wu Zhai is an organization of assassins, but what they are best at is the way of assassination.

The martial arts world has been hidden for a hundred years, making it impossible for these killer organizations to actually fight, so their innate masters are relatively weaker than those in the same realm.

But Qianmu Baiteng is already in the mid-stage of congenital superiority, and has already returned to basics. Even without actual combat, he has already practiced this style of phantom meteor fall.

When he was blown away by Huang Xing, he had already hidden himself, and the one who fell from the sky with the knife was just a phantom.

That phantom is exactly the same as the real one, even the aura and aura are perfectly simulated, even the innate can't detect it.

Qianmu Baiteng looked at Huang Xing's back with wide eyes, and asked in disbelief with his cold eyes, "How do you know it's a phantom?"

As his throat made a sound, blood also rushed up from his throat, dripping like a water column.

Huang Chen didn't answer, but smiled coldly, drew back the silver dragon gun, and walked towards the three women.

Qianmu Baiteng's body fell in response, and he didn't know it until his death. Under Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes, the escapism and illusions were as clear and bright as fireflies in the dark night.

Both Fujino Fazi and Luo Xiaoying stared at Huang Xing in a daze. All this happened so fast that they hadn't even come to their senses.

Although Xiao Qingchen didn't see through Qianmu Baiteng's moves, she already sensed that something was wrong with that phantom, because she couldn't feel the killing intent on phantom.

Huang Chen walked up to the three girls, looked at Luo Xiaoying quietly, with a spring-like smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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