Chapter 279
Luo Xiaoying also stared at Huang Chen, her eyes were as clear as water.

everything is over.

Yingwuzhai's Xiantian Grandmaster and Xiantian Master had already died in the hands of Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen.

The great hatred was avenged, and her hatred heart also melted away.

Tears flickered in Luo Xiaoying's eyes, and she wanted to cry a lot.

She tried not to let herself cry.

She told herself that from now on, she could only smile, not cry.

"Cry if you want to cry."

Huang Xing knew that at this time, it would be better to let her cry out to vent her emotions.

His words caused Luo Xiaoying's tears to burst, and it was out of control.

She hugged Huang Xing tightly, lying in his arms, tears flooded her.

Luo Xiaoying had cried enough before letting go of Huang Chen.

She realized that she had lost her composure, lowered her head, blushed, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

I don't know whether to tell Huang Chen or Xiao Qingchen.

"Let's go, it's time to return the knife."

Huang Xing didn't kill them all, the remaining people in Yingwuzhai are irrelevant, they should be swallowed up by other forces in Japan soon.

Ying Wu Zhai will also cease to exist in the future.

All the way back to the gate of the villa, it was still quiet.

As it comes, so it goes.

Noriko Fujino drove away from Ying Wu Zhai, the quiet surroundings suddenly became lively, and figures flew into Ying Wu Zhai.

They landed in the martial arts arena, looking at the corpses all over the ground, they were all in a cold sweat.

It was less than 15 minutes before the four of Huang Chen came in, Ying Wu Zhai included Qian Mu Baiteng, the Supreme Elder above Xiantian, and all the Xiantian masters fell.

There were not many traces of fighting in the martial arts arena, they checked the wounds of the corpses on the ground.

Qianmu Baiteng was shot through the heart, other than that, there was no other wound.

Dongchuan Guangqi's death was the worst, his body and head were separated, and there was still a smile on his face.

More than 20 masters were killed with a single sword, with terrified expressions on their faces. The corpses were scattered around, and they seemed to be running away.

These ancient warriors who came in to inquire about the news came from major forces in all countries in the world.

Without exception, they were terrified.

They can imagine the situation at that time.

Qianmu Baiteng didn't resist, and was shot and killed by Huang Xing.

Dongchuan Guangqi still had a smile on his face, but Xiao Qingchen chopped off his head.

More than 20 masters of Yingwuzhai fled in all directions, but they were all instantly beheaded by Xiao Qingchen with a sword.

These two Chinese monsters are much stronger than the rumors.

The spies of these major forces felt their whole bodies were cold, and their clothes were already wet with cold sweat.

They took out communication tools one after another and reported the situation here to their respective forces.

Shrine, Chamber of Commerce.

"Everyone, Yingwuzhai has been destroyed, Huaxia Huangchen is coming to us."

There are more than 30 congenital masters kneeling in the conference hall, each of them is as imposing as a tiger, and they are all congenital late masters.

In this meeting, the masters of the early and middle stages of innate are not eligible to participate, which shows how strong the Shinto Academy is.

The one who spoke was Nishinomiya He, the director of the Shinto Academy, who had already received news about what happened to Ying Wu Zhai.

The meeting hall fell into silence. Although the strength of Yingwuzhai is far inferior to that of the Shinto Academy, there are Qianmu Baiteng in the middle stage of Xiantian and more than 20 Xiantian masters. Unexpectedly, they still failed to stop Huaxia Luchen and Jianzong Xiao Qingchen.

A master of the Ninth Heavenly Level said disdainfully, "Hmph, the strength of our Shinto Academy is not comparable to that of Yingwuzhai. If they dare to come here, let them come and go."

He has the confidence to say this, the Shinto Academy alone has 32 masters in the late Xiantian period, and there are more than five Xiantian masters.

Nishinomiya Tsuru glanced at him, and continued, "According to the traces left at the scene, it can be speculated that the entire battle lasted no more than one minute. More than 1 innate masters of Yingwuzhai were killed by Jianzong Xiao Qingchen at the same time. Teng was also killed by Hua Xia Huang Chen within three moves."

After listening to this, many masters took a breath of air.

The strength of these two Chinese monsters is so frightening, I am afraid that the people they are sitting with will not be their opponents.

The face of the Ninth Level Innate Grandmaster who spoke originally changed, but he still said confidently, "Even if both of them have innate strength, as long as a few Supreme Elders make a move, they will never return."

The other masters also calmed down. They couldn't deal with Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen, but with the background of the Shinto Academy, the two still had no chance of winning.

Xi Gonghe shook his head and said, "This is different from the past, and you all know about the cultivation world."

The matter of the cultivation world was not limited to China, almost at the same time, the corresponding forces in the cultivation world of various countries sent people out to contact the martial arts world.

The master asked in confusion, "What does this have to do with the cultivation world?"

Xi Gonghe explained, "Every country's cultivation world will select some of its own geniuses to go to the cultivation world. Monsters like Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen will definitely go to the cultivation world."

"If peerless evildoers like them appeared in China in the past, we would definitely kill them at all costs, but now, we don't need to fight him to the death."

If there hadn't been a realm of comprehension, peerless evildoers like Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen would be truly invincible when they grow up. I'm afraid there will be no one in the world by then.

No matter how much they paid, they would still take this opportunity to kill those two monsters.

But now that the cultivation world has appeared, it is nothing if Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen go to the cultivation world.

There is no need for the temple to pay such a high price to kill them.

Most importantly, the envoys from the realm of comprehension told them that they are still in charge of matters in the martial arts world.

They will not lose all their rights because of the emergence of a powerful cultivation world.

Why did they fight to the death for two monsters who were about to go to the cultivation world?

Those few innate elders are all old and mature, and they have already hinted that he should be polite before fighting, and they will take action if there is no other way.

After all, if a fight really broke out, one or two of them might die.

The masters in the conference hall felt very reasonable after hearing Nishinomiya Crane's words.

They were usually crazy, but now that they heard that both Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen had the ability to kill them with one move, they felt a little scared.

Although they knew that the Supreme Elders of the Shinto Academy were enough to suppress Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen, but if a fight really affected them, then they would not be wronged.

Nishinomiya Tsuru finally concluded, "This time, we will be polite first and then soldiers. As long as he is willing to return the Muramasa Yaodao, we don't need to fight them."

Another master of the Ninth Layer of Xiantian said worriedly, "Huaxia Lu Chen is coming in a menacing manner, I'm afraid he won't return the Muramasa Demon Saber easily."

(End of this chapter)

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