Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 280 The Fujino Family

Chapter 280 The Fujino Family
The battle of Yingwuzhai shocked the martial arts circles all over the world.

Modern communication images are so developed that the major superpowers received the news almost simultaneously, and saw the death of Yingwu Zhai Qianmu Baiteng and more than 20 innate masters.

For a time, the prestige of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen not only shocked China, but also shocked the martial arts circles of all countries.

With their strength, they are enough to be called the first and second masters in the world.

Even if they are innate, there are not many people who can suppress them.

Qianmu Baiteng is not the enemy of Lu Xing in the mid-stage Xiantian, unless the Xiantian makes a move in the late stage, no one is sure to beat him.

If it weren't for the emergence of the cultivation world to break the power cognition of the martial arts world, I am afraid that the martial arts world in all countries would not allow Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen to leave Dongpu alive.

The eyes of all forces are all attracted to the Shinto Temple, what will be the result of the duel between the two great monsters in China and the number one superpower in Japan?

It was already evening when Huang Xing and the three girls arrived at the Shinto Temple.

The setting sun is like blood, adding a bit of bleakness.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the Shinto Temple looks peaceful and serene.

In the living room, the ten great masters sat on chairs, all looking a little restless.

As the No. [-] family in Japan, the Fujino family is second only to Sangong and Sizhai in strength. There are thirteen grandmasters and one innate early stage.

This strength is enough to dominate one side, but it is nothing compared to the Shinto Temple.

The Fujino family was already panicked by being implicated by Noriko Fujino to offend the Shinto Temple.

Today is the day when Huang Xing came to "return the sword". Except for the three masters of the Fujino family who stayed at home, the other ten masters and innate masters had already come to the Shinto Temple.

They are going to draw a line with Noriko Fujino in front of the Shinto Temple, and together they will take back the Muramasa Demon Sword.

Only in this way can the Fujino family continue to exist in Japan.

The only innate patriarch of the Fujino family has gone to the Supreme Seventh Elder of the Shinto Temple, and there is still some friendship between them.

The remaining ten great masters all gathered in the parlor of the Shinto monastery.

The atmosphere in the living room was very dignified, and the elder of the Shinto priest who received them just put a few perfunctory words, and left them here and ignored them.

It can be seen how dissatisfied the Shinto Temple is with the Fujino family.


A cold snort broke the silence, and a grand master of the seventh level looked at the middle-aged man at the top, and said in a strange way, "Second brother is really good at teaching daughters. Now not only has he defected from the family to join the Huaxia people, but he has also brought the whole family to suffer."

After hearing his words, the other masters also looked at the middle-aged man in the upper position, and there was also a sense of blame in their eyes.

That middle-aged man was the father of Noriko Fujino, the current head of the Fujino family, Fujino Yutoku.

The speaker was his elder brother, Fujino Yutaka.

Fujino Yutoku sat there with an ugly face, and said in a deep voice, "I will give an explanation to the Shinto Temple, and I will also give an explanation to the family."

He knew that Fujino Yutaka had been spying on the position of Patriarch for a long time. His elder brother had never fought for him before, and he poured all his hopes on his son.

Although his nephew is considered a genius, his cultivation and handling of affairs are far behind Fujino Noriko's.

Noriko Fujino is quite prestigious among the younger generation, and other elders are generally optimistic about her cultivation talent and handling methods. Fujino Yutoku has devoted all her resources to her and intends to train her to become the next head of the family. Her only weakness is her gender.

But now that Noriko Fujino has made such a big mistake, he still doesn't know if he can save his life, and even if the Fujino family can survive this difficulty, he, the father, will have to take the blame and abdicate.

"Method, method, how can you be smart all your life, and be confused for a while, no matter how strong Huaxia Lu Chen is, he is only one person, how can he compete with the Shinto Academy?"

Fujino Yude sighed helplessly, he never thought that his daughter would be obsessed with ghosts, rebelling against the family to follow Huaxia Lu Chen, and because of this, she offended the Shinto Temple and pushed the Fujino family to the brink of extinction.

Although he loves his daughter very much, for the survival of the family, he can only draw a line with her. What he can do for her is to try his best to save her life.

"What do you give to the Shinto Temple?" Fujino Yutaka said coldly, "Even if you get back the Muramasa Demon Sword, the Shinto Temple will definitely not let your precious daughter go."

A cold light flashed in his eyes and he said, "It's better for us to do it ourselves to prove the position and innocence of the Fujino family to the Shinto Temple."

"Fujino Yutaka." Fujino Yutoku shouted with a livid face, "I am still the Patriarch of the Fujino family, how to explain to the Shinto Temple, it is not your turn to be the master."

Fujino Yutaka looked at Fujino Yuto indifferently, he would not give the father and daughter a chance to stand up.

He was about to speak when he heard a squeak, and the door of the living room was opened.

Everyone looked over, and after seeing the person coming, they all stood up nervously and saluted respectfully, "Principal of the West Palace."

The person who came was Nishinomiya Tsuru, the head of the Shinto Temple. The ten great masters of the Fujino family looked at him anxiously. The life and death of the Fujino family depended on his thoughts.

Nishinomiya Tsuru walked to the top seat and sat down, pointed to the chair next to him and smiled at Fujino Yutoku, "Brother Yutoku, please sit down."

Seeing Nishinomiya Tsuru being so polite, Fujino Yutoku sat down flattered.

It was the first time for Nishinomiya Tsuru to meet him in person. Because of the matter of Noriko Fujino, the elders of the Shinto Temple who met Fujino Yutoku did not give him a good face. It is unexpected that Nishinomiya Tsuru, who is the head of the temple, has such a friendly attitude towards him.

Nishinomiya He took a sip of tea and asked with a smile on his face, "Master Fujino, what do you think of Ling Qianjin?"

Fujino Yude broke into a cold sweat, thinking that Nishinomiya Crane was starting to attack, and said tremblingly, "Fazi was bewitched by Huaxia Luchen, so he did such a rebellious thing. When I return the Muramasa Demon Sword to Master Nishinomiya, I will definitely take her away." Take him back and discipline him strictly."

He deliberately excused Noriko Fujino, and watched Nishinomiya Tsuru's reaction with fear while talking, for fear of causing his displeasure.

The faces of the other nine great masters all changed, fearing that Nishinomiya Crane would get angry because of this.

Nishinomiya Tsuru did not feel any displeasure as they thought, and still said with a smile on his face, "Patriarch Fujino misunderstood, I am asking you how to evaluate Ling Qianjin, just tell the truth."

He didn't wait for Fujino Hirode to answer, and said, "I heard that Ling Qianjin is not willing to give up her eyebrows, and the head of the Fujino family also intends to train her to be the next family."

Fujino Hiroto was puzzled, he didn't know why he would ask such a question, so he had to say truthfully, "Fazi's cultivation talent is the No. .”

"Since Ling Qianjin is so good, why not let her take over as the head of the Fujino Patriarch."

Nishinomiya Tsuru looked around at the ten great masters of the Fujino family present, and said with a faint smile, "I don't know what you think?"

 Sorry, there is only one update today

  The state is not good these days, the writing is very poor
  Insanely few subscriptions
  I'll take care of the outline

  Strive to write better stories

(End of this chapter)

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