Chapter 298 Power

Xi Gonghe looked at the calm-looking Lu Xing, wishing he could punch him in the face.

He had already thought that Huang Xing would ask him for a place in the cultivation world for Asako Sakurai, and he was ready to ask him to return some benefits from Japan in exchange.

Then when I went to the realm of comprehension, I found that Asako Sakurai was just using him to improve her strength.

The quota he exchanged for the benefits returned to the Shinto Temple.

And he didn't dare to get angry in front of the God Envoy of the cultivation world, so he could only bear it by himself.

Just thinking about it makes the whole body feel comfortable.

The Shinto Temple can also be regarded as regaining some face in him.

Who knew that he was so shameless that he wanted to go to the realm of comprehension without saying anything, and he didn't mention trading benefits at all, and wanted the Shinto Temple to give it to him for nothing.

The transactions between the major forces are all about exchanging interests to maintain a balance.

Even if their Shinto Academy is the only one in Dongying, there are still interests exchanged with other small forces.

If you use power to oppress people casually, you will break the rules of the game.

Huang Xing is now so blatantly plundering because it is obvious that the Shinto Academy does not dare to turn against him.

Just as Xigonghe wanted to find an excuse to refuse first, Lu Xing said with a serious face, "Master Xigong, Asako used to be a true disciple of the Shinto Academy, so he should have a quota, and now I just ask you to return this quota to me." She didn't ask you to take out another quota."

What Huang Xing said was convincing. It was the first time for the power holders of the major forces to see his dominance and shamelessness. Not only did he want to leave, but he also took away the quota.


Give it back to her!
After hearing Huang Xing's strong words, Xi Gonghe was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke.

But now is not the time to turn his face. He suppressed his anger and used delaying tactics. He smiled with a frozen face, "Lu Zongshou, I am not in charge of the quota. I have to go back and ask the elders for instructions."

Lu Xing said lightly, "Since the master of the West Palace can't make the decision, I will go to the Shinto Academy tomorrow to ask the Supreme Elders to ask for the quota back."

He has already regarded the quota as his own, and it has become "begging for it".

Xi Gonghe was holding back his anger, and he couldn't show his composure in front of everyone, his face turned blue, and he said with a smile, "Don't bother Lu Zongshou, I will ask the Supreme Elders for instructions after I go back, and I will definitely do it." Give Lu Zongshou a satisfactory answer."

Huang Chen smiled wildly, "Then thank you, Master Xigong."

Nishinomiya Crane smiled awkwardly, roaring crazily in his heart:
Let you dance around for another half a month now, after the cultivation world comes, what are you doing in front of God Envoy?
When the time comes, Sakurai Asako will return to the Shinto Temple, which will make you lose face.

Moreover, Huang Xing's inheritance is so strong, maybe those envoys in the cultivation world will also be interested, and there will be a good show at that time.

He was already thinking about how to contribute to making Huang Xing's inheritance arouse the interest of the god envoys in the cultivation world.

It would be best if Sakurai Asako could find out his details.

Xi Gonghe looked at the rulers of China's four major powers beside Huang Xing. If he joined a certain power to seek asylum, it would not be easy to deal with him.

But no matter what, when the Shinto Temple became a branch of the Shinto Holy Land, at least it would not be threatened by him like it is now.

The episode before the succession ceremony ended soon. The major forces in Dongpu saw Huang Xing's domineering and arrogance for the first time.

Ji Ran, Xiao Qingchen, and Lu Xiaoke also came to the Martial Arts Field to join Huang Xing. Amidst the sound of drums and salutes, Luo Xiaoying officially became Yingwuzhai's partner under the witness of the major forces in Dongpu. Vegetarian.

She became a congenital master at the age of 24, enough to be called a monster.

There is half a silver mask on the face, half angel and half devil, adding a bit of mystery.

The evil spirit honed from the training camp on her body made her a bit more ferocious and majestic.

Everyone had to sigh with emotion that none of the girls around Huang Xing was a simple person.

Even Lu Xiaoke, whose cultivation base is only dark energy, is also the master of the real martial arts sword.

After drinking for three rounds, the power holders of the major forces also left one after another. They will go to the headquarters of the Fujino family tomorrow to congratulate Noriko Fujino for officially taking over as the head of the Fujino family.

Huang Xing and Ji Ran are newlyweds, and they are endlessly lingering in their world.

Ji Ran also had a lingering aftertaste on his body, leaning on Huang Chen's shoulder.

The day when she left the cultivation world was getting closer and closer, and she and Huang Xing spent less and less time together.

She was worried about gain and loss in her heart, afraid that if she was separated from Huang Xing for too long, he would forget herself.

The world of comprehension is not like here, you can see each other by video at any time.

At that time, even if you want to know the other party's news, it will not be easy.

But there is no way.

Facing the danger of the Blood God Son, she had no choice but to join the Ascension Dao Sect and obtain asylum.

But Huang Xing had a last resort and couldn't join the Yuhua Daomen to accompany her.

He wants to break into the realm of comprehension where the weak are preyed on by the strong alone, and because she faces the danger of the Son of the Blood God.

Thinking about it, she was a little frightened.

He has taken too many risks for himself.

In that decisive battle with the blood alliance, he tried his best for himself, and almost fell.

Thinking of his bloody appearance, her heart bleeds with pain.

"Lu Chen."

Ji Ran raised his head, his eyes blurred with tears, and shouted in a low voice.

"What's the matter, Ran?"

Seeing her tears, Huang Xing held her face distressedly, gently wiped it off with his thumb, and asked nervously.

Ji Ran stared at him, with a smile on his face, and said seriously, "I love you."


Only then did Huang Chen feel relieved, and slapped her... with a stern face, and said with a smile, "Let you scare me."


Ji Ran groaned softly, hugged Huang Xing tightly, put his head on his chest, and murmured in a low voice, "No matter how long we've been apart, I will always wait for you, always love you, this life will never change."

"Idiot, it won't be too long."

Huang Xing kissed her on the brow, and said confidently, "Believe me, in a short time, I will level the Holy Land of Blood, and then we can be together all the time, and no one can separate us."

Ji Ran replied firmly and softly, "I believe in you, I believe everything you say."

She raised her head and suddenly apologized, "Xing Huang, I'm sorry."

Huang Chen didn't know why, so he put his arm around her shoulders and asked, "Why did you say sorry all of a sudden?"

Ji Ran said softly, "I shouldn't show face to you this afternoon."

Hearing her apologizing to himself for this incident, Huang Xing felt ashamed, "Idiot, I should say I'm sorry."

Ji Ran covered his mouth with his small hand, "Don't tell me you're sorry."

She said softly, "As long as you have me in your heart, I will be satisfied."

"I always have you in my heart, I will always have you, in this life and in the next life, you are mine."

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(End of this chapter)

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