Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 299 Ji Ran's Breakthrough

Chapter 299 Ji Ran's Breakthrough
In the morning of the next day, Xi Gonghe sent someone to send a token to the cultivation world. After discussing with the elders, they decided to give up another quota to Huang Xing.

Now he holds five quota tokens to go to the cultivation world in his hand.

Of course, it is only limited to the use of Japanese blood.

Today is the day when Noriko Fujino officially took over as head of the Fujino family. Huang Xing took all the girls to the headquarters of the Fujino family on the special plane of Ying Wusai.

Fengqing Daoist and the others have already returned to Huaxia. They came to Yingwuzhai yesterday to give Huang Chen a platform to let all the major forces in Dongpu know that Huang Chen has a close relationship with their four superpowers. After Huang Chen goes to the cultivation world, Those forces dare not brazenly move his interests on Earth.

The deterrent effect has been achieved, and there is no need to stay any longer. As the rulers of superpowers, they still have a lot to deal with.

After arriving at the Fujino family, Huang Xing approached Fujino Noriko and Luo Xiaoying to discuss going to the cultivation world.

He said to Noriko Fujino, "Fazi, don't go to the realm of comprehension this time, and help me with the affairs of the secular world and the martial arts world with Lord Tiger."

"Yes, sir."

Noriko Fujino actually wanted to go to the cultivation world to experience it, but Huang Xing arranged for her to stay, so she stayed unconditionally.

Huang Xing explained, "The situation in the realm of comprehension is not yet clear. I will take you in after I gain a firm foothold inside."

The places in Japan are assigned by the Shinto Academy, and he guessed that after entering the world of comprehension, he can only join the Holy Land of Shinto.

If Noriko Fujino and the others join the Shinto Holy Land, it will not be a good thing for him.

Moreover, according to Taoist Fengqing, these superpowers on the earth are the authentic origin. He has a faint premonition in his heart that the cultivation world has another purpose in opening up the channel with the earth this time, and it will eventually return to the earth.

Noriko Fujino asked, "Sir, what about these quotas? Are we going to re-select people from the Fujino family and Kagewusai?"

"No need." Huang Xing shook his head, and said with a weird smile, "These quotas are for my own use."

Noriko Fujiwara was puzzled, these quotas can only be used by people of Dongying blood, if they don't choose people from Patriarch Fujino and Kagewusai, what is he using them for?
Seeing that Huang Xing didn't say anything, she didn't dare to ask more.

Huang Chen asked Fujino Noriko to take over as the head of the family first, and took Luo Xiaoying to find Ji Ran and the others.

Summoning the four girls, Huang Xing took the spirit stones for them to practice.

When Lu Xiaoke saw his "storage ring", he excitedly took it off and studied it.

As a result, after researching for a long time, I found that it was nothing special, just like a silver-plated ring worth tens of dollars on the street.

The four girls practiced at the same time, compared to Huang Xing, he could more intuitively understand their speed of refining spirit stones.

Luo Xiaoying should belong to the speed of the normal refining period, and the refining speed is only one-fifth of Xiao Qingchen's.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke haven't reached the Qi refining stage (innate), so they can't directly store spiritual energy in their bodies.

From the Jade Slips, Huang Xing learned about the division of levels in the realm of cultivation. Only those who have reached the stage of Qi refining can be regarded as the threshold of real cultivation, and forces above the third rank can be regarded as formal outer disciples.

One of the benefits that the cultivation world gave to the disciples who entered the martial arts world this time was that no matter how high or low their cultivation level was, they could directly become inner disciples.

If one wants to become a Qi Refining Stage, one must cultivate one's own original Qi, which is the innate true Qi of the martial arts world.

Then you can continue to practice and absorb external spiritual energy, strengthen your original energy, and improve your cultivation base.

The exchange of strength between the martial arts world and the cultivation world, in fact, half a step of innate ability can be equivalent to the Qi refining period.

But the world of martial arts must walk out of its own way, so that it can break through half-step innately to become an innate master.

However, in the Qi refining period of the cultivation world, there is no such thing as stepping out of one's own way. As long as one develops the original Qi, a real monk can continue to break through.

However, they refer to cultivation as "pursuing the Dao".

Lu Xiaoke only has dark energy cultivation base, and can only absorb spiritual energy to nourish his body and make it stronger.

She refined it very slowly, and the aura was sucked into her body bit by bit.

Ji Ran's energy-transforming cultivation base can directly absorb spiritual energy and fuse it with his own internal energy, accelerating the transformation of internal energy into innate true energy.

The speed at which she refined spirit stones was actually about the same as Luo Xiaoying's. Huang Xing looked at her with delusion-breaking eyes, and the spiritual energy and internal energy were fused together visibly with the naked eye.

After refining a spirit stone, all the internal energy in Ji Ran's body was transformed into innate qi, and he directly broke through to innate qi without any hindrance.

But she can be regarded as the weakest innate grandmaster, the amount of innate zhenqi in her body is less than one percent of that of a normal innate grandmaster.

Her breakthrough made Huang Chen fall into contemplation. He and Lu Xiaoke used the marrow washing pill, but they only reached the first level of dark energy, and Ji Ran directly reached the first level of transformation energy. Now, just refining a spirit stone, she broke through to the innate master .

This speed is too terrifying.

He remembered the night when Ji Ran washed his marrow, the sky and the earth were thundering, and Invincible Qiang was shocked to swear, and because of this, he used the "Six Seals of the Gods" to fall into a deep sleep, and he still hasn't woken up yet.

The three of them noticed Ji Ran's innate aura, they all stopped practicing in horror, and looked at her in disbelief.

"Sister-in-law, you broke through again?"

Lu Xiaoke stared wide-eyed and asked in disbelief.

"It seems so."

Ji Ran himself was a little dazed. Although he didn't feel how much his strength had improved, the internal energy in his body had become innate qi, a real innate aura.

Lu Xiaoke looked at Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen sadly and shouted, "You are all monsters just like my brother."

Luo Xiaoying also nodded in agreement. Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen's monsters are obvious to all. Unexpectedly, Ji Ran also hides his secrets.

"What do you know." Huang Chen smiled proudly, "It's called, it's not a monster, and you don't enter a house."

Lu Xiaoke muttered with self-pity, "My brother and I are also a family, why aren't we monsters?"

Huang Xing gave her a blank look, "Can this be the same?"

"Why is it different?" Lu Xiaoke yelled angrily, "Is it because you have a sister-in-law, so you are going to kick me out?"


Huang Chen was at a loss for words, and coaxed with a smile, "You are also a little monster, so that's fine."

"Hee hee, that's right." Lu Xiaoke smiled happily, "I'm a little monster who can beat Ultraman."

Huang Xing said angrily, "Those who can beat Ultraman are called little monsters, not little monsters."

"I want you to take care of it." Lu Xiaoke snorted.

After the two brothers and sisters made such a fuss, Ji Ran's innate sense of astonishment eased, and Huang Xing smiled at the four girls, "Little monsters, keep on practicing. When you become stronger, I'll take you to fight Ultraman."

"Down with Ultraman."

Lu Xiaoke responded to the call by waving his arms, and started practicing excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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