Chapter 305 The Temple
When the patriarch of Mondrose received Huang Xing's call letter, his face turned blue with fright.

Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen's trip to Japan shocked the world.

More than 20 innate masters and one innate master of Yingwuzhai were killed.

The sword master Miyazaki Tatsuno of the Shinto Temple was defeated by Xiao Qingchen.

The strength of the Mondros family is slightly inferior to that of Yingwuzhai, how can they stop Huang Xing?
Mondros Tiffin and Ning Zhong knew the news and were even more frightened.

The two of them are the masterminds of this matter. If the Mondros family wanted to protect themselves, they might hand them over to Huang Xing to appease his anger.

Tiffin hugged Ning Zhongze tremblingly and said, "Zhongze, Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen are too strong, the family may sacrifice us, please ask for their forgiveness."

Ning Zhong's face turned livid, he never thought that the cousin who had never masked her face found such a strong boyfriend.

If he had known this earlier, he should have taken the initiative to bring Jiran back at that time. If he could build up this relationship, he might have replaced the Mondros family.

But now, it's too late.

"Baby, don't be afraid, maybe things are not as bad as we thought."

He put his arms around Tiffin who was trembling with fear, and said with luck, "The Mondros family is one of the 72 pillars of the temple. Huang Xing's revenge is a provocation to the entire temple. The Guangyao Temple will not sit idly by."

The twelve temples in Europe are collectively called the holy temple, and the Guangyao Temple is one of them.

The Mondros family is attached to the Temple of Radiance and is under his protection.

Tiffin shook his head, and said pessimistically, "The price to be paid for dealing with Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen is too great, and the mistake is on our side, the Guangyao Temple will definitely not do anything for us."

Ning Zhong listened to her words, and the corner of his mouth showed a stern look.

After he knew that Huang Xing had destroyed the blood alliance, he left himself a secret escape channel.

If Huang Xing really came to seek revenge, and the temple didn't take action, he could only flee to the end of the world.

As for the life and death of the Mondros family, it's none of his business.

Ning Zhong was thinking about his escape plan when Tiffin's cell phone rang and she picked it up.

"Father told us to go back." She hung up the phone and said to Ning Zhongze anxiously.

"Baby, don't worry, everything is up to me, I will take all the responsibilities, and beg Huang Xing to let you go."

Ning Zhong hugged his fiancée and comforted her affectionately.

After hearing his words, Tiffin was very moved, and said excitedly, "No, everything is my fault."

She hugged Ning Zhongze tightly and said, "Zhongze, I am the one who contacted Yingwuzhai, and then put the blame on me. You are Miss Ji's cousin, and Fei Zong is your master. In terms of their face, they might spare you."

She kissed Ning Zhongze's lips, and said with a smile, "Let me bear all these crimes, and you live well."

"Don't worry, I will live well."

Ning Zhong whispered in Fen's ear.

His face suddenly became ferocious, and a dagger slipped out of his sleeve, mercilessly piercing Tiffin's back into her heart.

When Tifen heard his words, he was a little puzzled when he suddenly felt a pain in his back and his heart was pierced.

Her affectionate smiling face instantly became distorted, and there was unbelievable pain in her eyes.

The man I loved deeply for five years killed her without hesitation.

She wanted to ask why, but she no longer had the strength to ask, and died in Ning Zhongze's arms in despair.

Ning Zhong pushed Tiffin's body away. He looked at the body on the ground with cruel eyes, and said to himself, "Baby, don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame that Huang Xing."

"Who made him so strong, so strong that the temple dare not provoke him easily."

"Do you think your father will let you take on this matter alone?"

After muttering, he put away the dagger, turned and left.

He dug tunnels in his villa very early in case of emergency.

The escape route has also been arranged, and you can leave without anyone noticing.

The world is so big, it is so easy to find someone.

He didn't dare to flee with Tiffin, because that silly woman would definitely not leave the danger to the family and leave with him.

The Mondros family—

Titan is the patriarch of Mondros and the father of Tiffin.

He waited anxiously in the chamber, waiting for his daughter and Ning Zhongze to return.

Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen are too strong, and the temple has scruples about them.

In addition, Master Huang was famous, and the temple was unwilling to deal with them for the Mondros family.

The only thing he can do now is to hand over the two culprits, then give Huang Xing enough compensation, and beg him to forgive the Mondros family.

And it all happened because of Ning Zhongze, her daughter was just bewitched, maybe Huang Xing would spare his daughter's life for the sake of the compensation they gave.

ding ding ding-

The phone rang, and he answered the call. It was the call from the men sent to monitor Ningzhongze's villa.

"Patriarch, it's been 5 minutes, and Miss and Ning Zhong haven't come out yet."

Tai Stan frowned. He wasn't worried that Tifen would run away. He knew his daughter well. She valued her family more than her life, and she would never run away at this time.

He sent people to monitor mainly to be careful that Ning Zhong ran away.

Tai Stan had a bad premonition and said anxiously, "Go to the villa immediately and bring back Tifen and Ning Zhongze."

after awhile.

"Master, miss, she—"

"What's the matter with her Tiffin?"

"Miss, she is dead! Ning Zhong has disappeared."

When Tai Stan heard the bad news, he almost lost his grip on the phone.

"Search for me. There must be a secret passage in the villa. It's only been 5 minutes. He can't run very far. Find that beast for me. I want to tear him into pieces."

The group of men immediately searched the villa and found a secret passage, but halfway through the pursuit, the secret passage suddenly collapsed, burying them all alive.

The Mondros family used all their strength, but they still couldn't find Ning Zhongze's whereabouts.

The next day, the eyes of martial arts circles from all over the world were attracted to the Mondros family.

Huaxia Huang Chen's every move attracted the attention of all parties.

But this time, they found that Xiao Qingchen didn't go with him, only Huang Chen went to the Mondros family in Europe.

The Secret Room of the Radiant Temple——

Dijiaro, the King of Radiance, met secretly with a man in black.

Di Gallo asked, "Yaugyu-kun is here, what's your business?"

The man in black took out a jade box and handed it to him, "The god king will know it after seeing it."

Di Gallo took the jade box suspiciously and opened it, only to see a small stone inside.

He found it very familiar, and suddenly remembered, isn't this the shape of the spirit stone in the Jade Slips of the Realm of Cultivation?

Di Jiaro asked in a deep voice, "Is this the spiritual stone of the cultivation world?"

The man in black nodded, "The God King has good eyesight."

Di Garro asked, "Where did Yagyu-kun get it?"

The man in black smiled strangely, "Hua Xia Huang Chen."

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(End of this chapter)

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