Chapter 306

When Di Jiaro heard Huang Xing's name, he frowned slightly, with a look of fear on his face.

As one of the twelve god kings in the temple, he has almost stood at the pinnacle of this world.

There are very few people who can make him jealous.

Huang Xing, who has become famous during this period, can be regarded as one.

He already knew the grievances between Huang Xing and the Mondros family.

The Mondros family was at fault for this matter, and the Glory Temple did not intend to go to war with Huang Xing because of this, but asked the Mondros family to hand over the mastermind who bought the murder and apologize to Huang Chen.

However, another accident happened yesterday. Ning Zhong, one of the masterminds, killed Tiffin, the eldest lady of Mondros, and disappeared without a trace.

Mondros tried his best to search, and the Temple of Glory also assisted in the investigation, but there was still no news of him, as if the world had evaporated.

They are still having a headache about this matter, worried that Huang Xing will anger the entire Mondros family because of this.

The Supreme Elder of the Shinto Temple, Yagyu Zongyan, came to him secretly with a spirit stone at this time, and his motivation was intriguing.

Reminiscent of the legendary Asako Sakurai, a true disciple of the Shinto Temple who rebelled and followed Huang Xing, it is self-evident that Liu Shengzong Yan obtained the spirit stone.

Di Garro praised meaningfully, "Yagyu-kun is really a good method."

"God King has won the prize."

Liu Shengzong smiled bitterly, and said in a hoarse voice, "I don't know if the god king is interested in Huaxia Huang Chen's inheritance?"

Di Jialuo had already guessed the intention of the Shinto Academy in his heart, which was to use the power of the temple to get rid of Huang Xing. He shook his head and said, "People from the cultivation world will come soon, and there will naturally be no shortage of cultivation resources by then. Take the risk to snatch the inheritance of Hua Xia Huang Chen."

"God King's words are wrong." Liu Shengzong retorted, "To put it bluntly, like me, although we are now the pinnacle of the martial arts world, but the potential is exhausted, in the eyes of the emissaries of the cultivation world, I'm afraid We are not as useful as those young disciples, how many cultivation resources will they provide us?"

Di Jialuo fell into deep thought. Yagyu Zongyan's words were quite reasonable. Among the major forces, they also gave priority to using resources on potential disciples, and they would not waste resources on cultivating disciples without potential.

This time, only disciples under the age of 30 are eligible to go to the cultivation world.

Liu Shengzong saw that he was a little moved, and continued to bewitch, "Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen broke through consecutively in just two months. Now they are only Xiantian masters, and their combat power exceeds that of Xiantian. I am afraid that his inheritance is in the cultivation world. It’s also extraordinary.”

Di Jialuo frowned, Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen's fast breakthrough and strong combat power caught the superpowers by surprise. When they reacted, they had already reached the peak of the martial arts world, and they wanted to go for it again. His inheritance is extremely difficult.

"As far as I know, although Xiao Qingchen has the name of a monster, but before meeting Huang Xing, she was only at the second level of energy transformation. After being with him, she made rapid progress all the way. It can be seen that she also received the benefits of Huang Xing's inheritance, so she was born reach its present strength."

Liu Shengzong didn't change his strictness, and continued to encourage: "Whoever gets Huang Xing's inheritance will become the pinnacle of the martial arts world, and maybe after breaking through, he will be appreciated by the god envoys in the cultivation world and get the opportunity to go to the cultivation world .”

When Di Garro heard that he had the opportunity to go to the world of comprehension, his face changed. This matter was very tempting to him.

Liu Shengzong pointed to the spirit stone in the box and said, "The king of gods can refine this spirit stone, and the spirit energy contained in it, we don't know how long it will take for normal cultivation. Lu Xing can casually take out hundreds of spirit stones to give The girls around him are practicing, and it can be seen that he has extremely rich spirit stones. If we practice with spirit stones every day, wouldn't the speed be dozens of times faster than now?
Di Garro stared at the spirit stone, his breathing was a little short.

He runs his exercises and absorbs the aura from the spirit stone.

Suddenly, he felt an incomparably pure innate qi pouring into his body, making him feel comfortable all over.

This is a cultivation state that he has never experienced before.

In the late stage of reaching the innate superiority in the martial arts world, the speed of cultivation will become extremely slow, and it is almost impossible to transcend the innate superiority.

Di Garro absorbed the aura freely, and a feeling arose in his heart.

As long as he is given enough spiritual stones to absorb spiritual energy, he will soon be able to surpass his innate abilities.

He stopped practicing, his eyes flashed.

If Liu Sheng Zongyan didn't bring the spirit stone, and let him be eloquent, he would not act rashly before he was sure of the benefits he would get from dealing with Huang Xing.

Now that he has tasted the substantial sweetness, he has already begun to calculate the ratio of giving and receiving in his mind.

Liu Shengzong saw that Dijiaro already had the idea of ​​dealing with Huang Xing, and finally threw out a temptation, "King Guangyao, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Huang Chen to come to the Mondros family alone this time, if you miss this time Chances are, in 6 days he will take the inheritance to the realm of comprehension, and I'm afraid we can only die of old age on the earth for the rest of our lives."

His words were like the last straw that crushed the last bit of hesitation in Dijiaro's heart. He asked with a cold look in his eyes, "Hua Xia Huang Chen's last trip to Japan, can Mr. Liu Sheng see his strength?"

Liu Shengzong shook his head and said, "Huaxia Lu Chen didn't make a move in the Shinto Academy, but even Xiao Qingchen can defeat Miyazaki Sword Master who is beyond innate. Lu Xing's strength is definitely stronger than her, and it is rumored that he In a decisive battle with Blood Shura, the more injured you are, the stronger you will be, and there is even a kind of elixir that can instantly increase your combat power."

Di Jialuo frowned tightly, and wanted to deal with Huaxia Huang Chen. Obviously, they had no way to rely on their Guangyao Temple alone. It seemed that the only way to win was to join forces with other temples to ambush him.

There was not much time left for him, so he didn't think too much, and immediately contacted the god kings of other temples to discuss countermeasures together.

Seeing that Dijiaro had been persuaded by him, Yagyu Zongyan sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Hua Xia Huang Xing's trip to Dongying made the Shinto Academy feel ashamed, and finally bought back a token from Jiangong at a great price, and Tian Yuzhai and Jiangong also became dissatisfied with the Shinto Academy because of this.

He dared to plot against the Shinto Academy, and he had to pay a heavy price to let the world know what would happen if he offended their Shinto Academy.

It is almost impossible for the Shinto Academy to deal with Huang Xing with their own strength. Just when they received the news that he was going to pay a visit to the Mondros family, they asked Sakurai Asako to take the risk and secretly give them a spirit stone, and then came to Guangyao non-stop The temple approached Di Jiaro, intending to borrow a knife to kill someone, and urged the temple to attack Huang Chen.

If there was any force in the martial arts world that could deal with Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen, it would only have the behemoth of the Holy Palace.

And this time, Huang Xing actually went to the Mondros family alone. It could be said that God was going to kill him, he had to die.

 only one chapter today

  Three chapters will be updated tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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