Chapter 308 Tracking
Huang Xing was thinking about Ning Zhongze while walking.

Ji Ran's cousin was thoughtful, Fei Chang'an and Ti Fen, who were closest to him, didn't see his true nature, and his methods were extremely vicious, even his fiancée could be killed without hesitation.

In addition, he was able to evade the search, and it is very likely that a mysterious force was involved behind it.

This mysterious force can allow him to escape the investigation of the Guangyao Temple, and its power is definitely not small.

Huang Xing was very puzzled, Ou Lu still had the power to oppose the temple?

The two walked a certain distance and encountered the place where the secret passage collapsed, but it had been re-dug by the Mondros family.

Huang Xing carefully looked at the traces around him, raised his head to look at the soil above his head, and said thoughtfully, "He left from here."

Hai Ni froze for a moment, then asked suspiciously, "How do you know?"

Although it collapsed once and was excavated again, Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes still saw some clues. He explained, "The top here was originally an exit. Your people chased here and touched the mechanism. It collapsed and destroyed the exit, and after you dug again and found the passage behind, you naturally thought that he left from the last exit, and you all followed the wrong direction at the beginning, so he had the golden time to leave."

After hearing Huang Xing's explanation, Hai Ni cursed Ning Zhongze's cunning in her heart, and marveled at Huang Xing's observation ability.

"Hold me tight."

Huang Xing hugged her suddenly, and said lightly.

Before Hai Ni could react, she felt an incomparably terrifying breath enveloping her, and her whole body soared into the sky.


She screamed in fright, closed her eyes, and hugged Huang Xing tightly.

Boom, boom, boom.

Huang Xing hugged Hai Ni, turned into an invincible spear, broke through the soil above, and fell to the ground.

After Hai Ni felt that she was standing firmly, she dared to open her eyes and found that she was already on the ground.

Looking at the bright sky, the sun was a bit dazzling, she quickly squinted her eyes and lowered her head to see the face close to her eyes.

"Have you hugged enough?"

The clear and indifferent voice came to her ears, and Hai Ni realized that she was hanging on Huang Xing like a koala. She quickly let go of him, lowered her head shyly, and apologized softly, "I'm sorry."

The aura that enveloped her just now was extremely terrifying. She had never seen such a powerful force, which made her feel deeply terrified.

Only then did she understand why even the Guangyao Temple did not dare to offend him.

But the power that wrapped her up just now also made her feel a sense of security that she had never had before.

It felt like there was nothing to be afraid of by his side.

She secretly raised her eyes to look at Huang Xing. He was concentrating on searching for traces around him. Those eyes seemed to have infinite magic power, and they could see through everything.

Gradually, she was attracted by those eyes and was fascinated by them.

Huang Xing concentrated on searching for traces around him, and he found some clues.

Ning Zhongze's anti-tracking ability is very strong, and all traces are destroyed, but it is still difficult to escape his delusion-breaking eyes.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he took steps to follow the traces left by Ning Zhongze.

Heine followed closely behind.

Huang Xing's pace seemed to be walking, but his speed was extremely fast. Although Hai Ni had cultivated at the first level of Hua Jin, she barely kept up with her whole body's internal energy and was panting and sweating profusely.

She didn't dare to say anything, she gritted her teeth and followed behind.

After chasing for about ten minutes, Huang Xing stopped suddenly.

He frowned, and Ning Zhong left traces and disappeared, replaced by another trace.

This kind of trace is more blurred, his eyes are like lightning, and it takes a lot of energy to check it out.

It seems that there is a strong person here to meet him and take him away.

"Hold me tight."

Huang Xing hugged Hai Ni again, and flew out.

His eyes flicked continuously to search for the traces left by the mysterious man, simulating his route and tracing away.

If that person saw Huang Xing's appearance at this time, he would definitely be horrified.

Because the route and speed of Huang Xing's flight are exactly the same as when he left.

Hai Ni hugged Huang Xing quietly, watching him secretly.

Serious man, so handsome.

With many twists and turns, this pursuit exhausted Huang Xing's spirit extremely.

Especially when entering the bustling living area, finding out the clues left by the mysterious person yesterday from countless traces made his eyes ache a little.

About two hours later, Huang Xing tracked to an old castle. He looked up, with a sneering smile on his lips.

Hai Ni was also stunned when she saw the castle in front of her.

Huang Xing hugged her and shuttled around all the way, apparently following the traces left by Ning Zhongze.

In the end, it turned out to be the old castle of their Mondros family.

An ominous premonition arose in her heart, and she asked in panic, "Could it be that he is hiding in our old castle?"

The most dangerous place is also the safest.

The Mondros family and the Guangyao Temple's carpet search could not find any trace of Ning Zhongze.

Who would have thought that he would hide in the old castle of the Mondros family.

Huang Chen nodded with a cold face.

Hai Ni's pupils dilated, and she looked at her castle in fear.

The Mondros family is one of the 72 pillars of the temple. How can ordinary people sneak into their castle, even the innate masters can't sneak in.

There are only two possibilities for Ningzhong to hide in the castle.

The first one is to have a strong person above innate lead him to sneak in.

The second type is that an inner ghost with a high status appears in the Mondros family and takes him in.

Hai Ni prayed in her heart that it must not be the second situation. If there is an inner ghost in the Mundros family, I am afraid that her family will really be doomed this time.

"Mr. Lu, welcome to Mondrose Castle."

The tuxedo butler who had been waiting at the gate of the castle saw Huang Xing and Hai Ni standing not far away, walked over gracefully, and saluted respectfully.

Seeing Hai Ni's uneasy expression, he thought that things might not go well this time.

But there was nothing they could do, they could only wait for Huang Chen's verdict.

Huang Xing smiled playfully at Hai Ni, "Let's go, let's go in."

The housekeeper brought Huang Xing and Hai Ni to the living room, and at the same time asked the guard at the door to inform the chief of the Taistan clan.

When Huang Xing came to the living room, Taistan was already waiting at the door. He put one hand on his chest, bowed to salute Huang Chen, and said sincerely, "Welcome Mr. Lu, the mistakes made by the Mondros family, we I am willing to do my best to compensate Mr. Lu and Miss Ji."

Huang Xing didn't answer, but just smiled faintly, walked into the living room, and sat down in the upper seat.

Tai Stan couldn't figure out Huang Xing's thoughts, so he could only follow in nervously.

After sitting down, Huang Xing ordered, "Go and call all the people in your family whose cultivation level is higher than the Xiantian Grandmaster."

(End of this chapter)

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