Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 309 The Inner Ghost

Chapter 309 The Inner Ghost
Huang Chen's voice was not angry but mighty, Tai Stan was startled, and couldn't help but think of Ying Wu Zhai's tragic situation.

They just underestimated the strength of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen. All the innate masters and innate masters gathered in the martial arts arena, but none of them ran away.

Could it be that Huang Xing wanted to gather all the people above the innate masters of the Mondros family together?

He said sadly, "Mr. Lu, I can represent the entire Mondros family. If you need any compensation, please feel free to ask. The Mondros family will definitely do their best to satisfy you."

Huang Xing looked at Tai Stan with lightning eyes, and said in a cold voice, "I don't want to say what I said a second time."

His gaze made Tai Stan chill all over, and he believed that if he didn't do what he said, he would strike without hesitation.

"Give me a shoulder squeeze."

Huang Xing leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. This time the pursuit was more exhausting than a big battle.

Hai Ni behind her obediently massaged Huang Chen's shoulders, looked at Tai Stan and said, "Father, please do as Mr. Lu says."

She knew that Ning Zhongze was hiding in the old castle. If Huang Xing wanted to kill, he would have done it long ago. He asked everyone to be called here to give the Mondros family a chance.

Titan was still hesitating, but when he heard Heine's words, he raised his head to look at her firm eyes, settled down, and told the butler, "Do as Mr. Lu said, and let them come over immediately."

This daughter of mine has been in contact with Huang Xing from the very beginning, probably knowing that the other party is not going to use the most extreme means of revenge.

Tai Tan sat there anxiously, not daring to breathe, for fear of disturbing Huang Xing.

Congenital masters came one after another. They walked into the living room and saw that Huang Xing was resting with his eyes closed. They didn't dare to make any noise. They saluted silently, found a seat and sat down quietly, and waited quietly. All people.

For about half an hour, Huang Xing rested with his eyes closed. When the last innate master arrived, Tai Stan stood up and saluted respectfully, "Mr. Lu, everyone is here."

Only then did Huang Xing lazily open his eyes, rest for half an hour, and his spirit recovered a lot.

He looked around at the more than 20 innate masters sitting in the conference hall, and asked indifferently, "Isn't there an old duke who is superior to innate in the Mondros family?"

Tai Stan was taken aback. He was born with a high status and rarely showed up, so they didn't think to inform him to come over.

He quickly ordered to the housekeeper, "Go and invite Duke Chloe to the conference hall."

Duke Chloe soon came to the conference hall. He was only in the early stage of innate superiority, and he couldn't put on airs in front of Huang Xing at all.

Huang Xing looked at the number, and it was consistent with the intelligence.

His eyes swept over everyone's faces, and he said with a half-smile, "Everyone here, who of you didn't stay in the castle after one o'clock yesterday afternoon, and then came back around four o'clock, stand up by yourself, maybe I can forgive your family .”

As soon as his words came out, everyone looked at me and you in confusion, not knowing what Huang Xing meant.

After more than ten seconds, no one took the initiative to admit it. Huang Chen said with a sneer, "It seems that you want to drag the whole family to be buried with you."

As the life and death of the entire family are at stake, Tai Tan asked anxiously, "Mr. Lu, what's going on?"

Huang Xing laughed mockingly, "Clan chief Taistan can guess, where is the murderer who killed your daughter now?"

Tai Stan shook his head, gritted his teeth and said, "We have exhausted all our efforts but have not been able to find Ning Zhongze's whereabouts, and we have not even found any information about him when the Guangyao Temple took action."

Huang Xing said with a smile, "Have you ever heard the old Chinese saying that the most dangerous place is also the safest place?"

Titan suddenly thought of something, and said in disbelief, "Mr. Lu means that at around four o'clock yesterday afternoon, some of us brought Ning Zhongze back to the castle."

After hearing his speculation, everyone was shocked.

Tai Stan yelled at the crowd with a ferocious expression, "Who is it? Who of you betrayed the family? Stand up quickly, otherwise you can find out who is the traitor as long as you investigate your whereabouts yesterday."

After he finished speaking, everyone was panicked and shocked, but still no one came forward to admit it.

Tai Stan ordered to the butler, "Go and find out immediately, who was not in the castle after one o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, and then returned to the castle around four o'clock."

Just as the butler was about to turn around and leave, Huang Xing suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, Patriarch Taistan, stop acting."

He looked at Tai Stan with a faint smile and said, "I summoned them as well, just to check if there are any accomplices."

Titan's angry face suddenly froze, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

Hai Ni also stopped massaging and stared blankly at her father.

Could it be that her father was the one who harbored her sister's murderer?

Tai Stan's face changed, and he smiled awkwardly, "Mr. Lu, what joke are you talking about? How could it be me?"

"Why can't it be you?"

Huang Xing looked at Tai Stan sarcastically, raised his hand and pointed at him.

call out.

One finger quicksand.

Once pointed out, the mountains and rivers are silent.

Nirvana's fingers pierced through the air and shot at Taistan.

At the moment when Huang Xing raised his hand, Tai Stan burst out with all his innate aura, turned around and ran away, but the strength of Nirvana's finger had arrived, directly piercing through his defense and shooting through his body.

He screamed as soon as he took off, and fell heavily to the ground.

He looked at Huang Xing in fear, not knowing where he was showing his flaws.

Huang Xing cast his eyes on the butler, and asked with a faint smile, "Aren't you going to run?"

The housekeeper still looked elegant, and laughed at himself, "Is it useful to run away in front of Mr. Lu?"

Huang Xing praised, "You are smarter than him."

Everything happened so fast that no one could react.

Helen stood behind Huang Xing, looking at Taistan on the ground with red eyes, unable to accept that her father and the murderer who killed her sister were in the same group.

The butler asked suspiciously, "How did Mr. Lu find us?"

Huang Chen smiled, and said casually, "It's just a wild guess."

In fact, the answer is very simple. From the first time he saw the butler, he discovered that he was a mid-term cultivation base, and he had doubts about him.

When I saw Tai Stan, I found that he was also an early-stage cultivator, so I suspected both of them.

Because in intelligence, Tai Stan is only the eighth level of innateness, and the housekeeper is the seventh level of innateness.

In addition, under his intimidation, the others did not admit that they brought them back to Ningzhongze.

The only ones who can be confident that they will not be discovered by the investigation are Tai Tan and the housekeeper who jointly plan the layout.

Seeing that Huang Xing didn't want to tell the reason, the housekeeper said calmly, "Is Mr. Lu interested in making a deal with us?"

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(End of this chapter)

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