Chapter 330 Destruction ([-])
The Holy Maiden of Light jumped up from the stone chair and stood in the void, her murderous intent looming on her body, her eyes glaring at Huang Chen like fire.

She herself has the strength to transcend the mid-term above the innate, and with the help of the divine power of the Temple of Light, her combat power has reached the golden core stage.

After detaching from the innate (the alchemy stage), you start to gather Qi in the body to form alchemy, and after the golden elixir is formed, you can break through the realm and become the golden elixir stage.

Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes looked at the Holy Maiden of Light, and saw that the divine power in her body had gathered together and condensed into a small ball shape.

It was the first time he had seen Jindan, and he didn't know if there was any difference between Huaxia's Jindan (condensed from spirit energy) and Europe's Jindan (made from condensed divine power).

The dark power in the brain of the Holy Maiden of Light has merged with her, which seems a bit weird. It should be to enhance mental power and develop the brain. Like the three dark powers on Sakurai Asako, she can directly use its power to transcend innate Mid-term (mid-term of alchemy).

The function of the black wood is only to strengthen her physical body, it has not yet merged with her, and cannot borrow its dark power.

The atmosphere is tense, and the battle is imminent.

Huang Xing calmly poured and drank alone, turning a blind eye to the killing intent of the Holy Maiden of Light.

After a while, the Holy Maiden of Light dissipated the divine power from her body, sat down on the stone chair again, and said in a compromised way, "That dark power has been refined by me and cannot be stripped out. Please change the conditions, Mr. Lu, Sally Ann I will do my best to satisfy Mr. Lu."

Huang Xing was safe and sound when the "Light Alliance" absorbed the divine power of the Guangyao Temple and blew himself up. She was not sure that he would be killed in a short time.

If the news that she is the dark speaker is spread, her plan will fall by the wayside, but it is impossible to hand over the dark power to Huang Chen. The Holy Maiden of Light can only promise to pay other conditions to satisfy Huang Chen.

Huang Xing stared at the Holy Maiden with aggression, and said with a confident smile, "If I can let Her Highness the Holy Maiden get rid of that dark power safely, can you give it to me?"

There are two dark forces on the Holy Maiden of Light, and the one in her brain has been integrated with her. Even if he uses the power of nature, he cannot separate it from the brain domain while ensuring the safety of the Holy Maiden of Light.

And the black wood hadn't fully merged with her, Huang Xing had full confidence to separate it from the body of the Holy Maiden of Light.

The Holy Maiden of Light shook her head, and said calmly, "That dark power is my bottom line, even if both sides suffer in the end, I will not hand it over to Mr. Lu."

Her voice was soft, but firm.

Huang Xing said mockingly, "Do you think I'm rare to these seven dark forces?"

The Holy Maiden of Light's complexion suddenly changed when she heard the words, and Huang Chen revealed that there are seven dark forces in total, which shows that he has already known about it.

She calmed down, and said with an aggrieved look, "Since Mr. Lu is not rare, why should he force others to make things difficult for him, and force Sally Ann so hard."

Lu Chenfeng said calmly, "I have obtained three of the seven powers, and I have refined them into the body of the black-clothed subordinate who stood behind me just now. Although these seven powers are strong, they really don't have much temptation for me. I just want to Just look at how powerful the seven powers will be when they unite."

There was a turbulent wave in the heart of the Holy Maiden of Light. Unexpectedly, Huang Xing had obtained three dark powers, and casually refined all three dark powers into other people's bodies.

Doesn't he know how powerful the dark forces are?
"In my opinion, Her Majesty the Holy Maiden seems to be unable to truly control this dark power." Huang Xing looked at the panic-stricken Bright Holy Maiden, and said seductively, "As long as Her Majesty the Holy Maiden gives me the black wood and tells me With everything you know, I can help you truly refine another dark force in your body."

Hearing these words, the Holy Maiden of Light's hair stood on end, her aura erupted again, and divine power poured into her body frantically, ready to attack Huang Xing at any time.

Huang Xing was able to avoid her perception and monitor every move in the secret room, she was surprised but not shocked.

Huang Xing put it bluntly that she was the Dark Speaker, she was frightened but not afraid.

Now Huang Xing said that there was another dark power in her body, which made her feel fear for the first time.

She looked at Huang Xing's eyes full of magic, and she was like a naked lamb under his gaze, without any secrets.

The Holy Maiden of Light avoided Huang Xing's gaze, and did not dare to look at him.

She shook her head and said, "Mr. Lu, don't force me."

When she refined the first dark power, something went wrong.

But even if Huang Xing could really help her refine the dark power in her brain, she would not dare to let him refine it.

The brain region is the most important part of the human body, if you let Huang Xing help refine it, it is equivalent to handing over your life to him.

"I'm not forcing you, but saving you." Huang Chen's eyes shone coldly, and he asked coldly, "Is the you now still the real you?"

The dark power resides in the human body, and ultimately replaces it with the purpose of obliterating the will of the host.

The dark power in the brain of the Holy Maiden of Light has reached the point where she is overwhelmed by her tyrannical strength. The two wills have merged together and become the current strange state. It is impossible to tell whether she is the Holy Maiden of Light. , or the will of darkness.

As long as she doesn't really refine it, she can't be her true self.

There was a struggle in the eyes of the Holy Maiden of Light, she shook her head and said, "I can't completely refine it with the power of the temple, so why should I believe that you can really refine it?"

Lu Chen smiled calmly, and while running the scripture of good fortune, a cloud of good fortune appeared in his hand, wrapping the surrounding divine power.

The corners of the Holy Maiden's eyes shrank, staring closely at the force of good fortune.

Horror gradually appeared in her eyes, which eventually turned into fear.

The whole body was shaking non-stop.

The power of good fortune in Huang Xing's hands actually refined the divine power and inhaled it into his body.

The divine power in the temple has been passed down for thousands of years. It is an extremely high-level power, and she can only borrow it. No one has ever been able to refine it.

Huang Xing's ability to directly refine divine power shows that his power is more advanced.

Even apart from the myths and stories, the Temple is also the number one superpower in the realm of comprehension, controlling more than half of the Western Territory.

Where does his inheritance come from?Surpassed the power system of the temple!

After refining a ray of divine power, Huang Chen stopped, and looked at the Holy Maiden of Light with an evil smile.

The divine power on the Holy Maiden of Light had dissipated, she looked at Huang Xing in shock.

This is a shocking secret, isn't he afraid that he will reveal it?

The god envoys in the cultivation world are all from the most powerful superpowers, even if they knew that Huang Xing had accidentally obtained the inheritance, he wouldn't care too much.

But if they knew that Huang Xing could refine the divine power of the temple, they would definitely spy on his inheritance and even try to snatch it.

(End of this chapter)

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