Chapter 331 Destruction (Thirteen)
The Holy Maiden of Light's heart is as strong as her cultivation, and now she is being crushed step by step by Huang Chen.

The origin of the dark power in her body is also very mysterious, and it cannot be refined by borrowing the divine power of the temple.

But at the same time, she could not refine the divine power of the temple by borrowing the power of darkness.

Huang Xing can refine the divine power of the temple, and can also refine the dark power.

This is not something that can be achieved simply by having a high cultivation base.

This is the suppression of the law of force.

The law of power he practiced is higher than the divine power of the temple and the mysterious dark power.

Huang Xing's sentence, "Is the you now, the real you?" pointed directly at her heart, causing her psychological defenses to collapse thousands of miles away.

Many times she will fall into confusion and hallucinations, wondering if she is really herself now.

Just like absorbing the black wood, she knew that there would be new dangers when it grew up, and her will might be destroyed by it.

But another voice told her that she could become stronger by absorbing the black wood, and with her strength, she would definitely not be in danger like the first time.

She didn't know if this was her own intention, or because she was influenced by the black power in her brain, she finally chose to absorb the black wood.

Seeing that her mind was struggling, Huang Xing shouted coldly, "I have given you the opportunity, if you don't cherish it, the final fate can only be completely replaced by dark forces."

He looked at the dark power in the brain of the Holy Maiden of Light, and saw that it was changing in a strange state.

"Don't lie to me." The Holy Maiden of Light said with cold eyes, "How could you be so kind as to help me refine that dark power when you want to gather all seven powers? You must take the opportunity to snatch that dark power."

The dark power has already merged with her, and if she wants to snatch that dark power, she must be refined to death and become a dark power again.

Huang Chen shook his head and said, "In my eyes, the seven powers of darkness are dispensable. If you hadn't plotted against me, I wouldn't ask you for the black wood."

He said without anger, "This is just your punishment for scheming me."

The Holy Maiden of Light avoided Huang Chen's eyes in fear, and agreed, "Mr. Lu, I can give you the black wood. I don't know much about this kind of dark power. I only know that in the records of the Dark Council, this kind of dark power was first It is called the "seven source power", gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind power, and later was polluted by the dark demon god and turned into a dark force, and I don't know about the others."

The corner of Huang Chen's mouth chuckled, he knew that the Holy Maiden of Light compromised so easily because of the complicated and weird will in her mind.

The dark force was afraid of continuing to entangle, and the Holy Maiden of Light agreed to let him help refine herself, so she gave up the black wood immediately.

And she subconsciously believed that the black wood would be dangerous to her in the future, so she was eager to strip it from her body.

Huang Xing frowned slightly. Except for the dark power in the brain of the Holy Maiden of Light, the four forces he encountered now were all on Chinese people. How could all the "seven origin forces" recorded by the European Dark Council be parasitic on Chinese people? body?
He asked, "How did you obtain the first dark power, and how did you refine it? How do you know that Ning Zhongze has wood source power?"

The Holy Maiden of Light said, "The power in my body is the power of gold, and it seems to have always been on me. Five years ago, I became a saint of light and entered the inner temple. The divine power automatically poured into my body, and then the power of gold suddenly burst out in my body."

"The divine power of the temple and the power of the golden source are refining each other in my body, and it becomes what it is now."

"Afterwards, my strength improved by leaps and bounds. Using the power of the golden source, I was able to reach the middle stage of transcending innateness. I did many things that violated the light, and gradually became the two identities of the dark speaker and the light saint."

"I can't tell if it's really me now."

"But it's also possible that this is the real me and I'm just using dark forces as an excuse to justify what I did."

As she spoke, confusion and struggle appeared in her eyes.

Huang Xing knew that this was a sequela of not completely refining the dark power. Her will had already merged with Jin Yuanli's will and influenced each other. Her behavior was completely under her control, but her mind was a little split.

If the power of darkness is truly refined, like Asako Sakurai, the two wills will devour each other clearly, and whoever wins in the end will become the only will.

The Holy Maiden of Light continued, "I met Ning Zhongze by accident half a year ago, and when I sensed the Muyuanli on him, I had the idea of ​​devouring Muyuanli. Because of Mr. Lu, we have to do it first."

Huang Xing listened quietly to the statement of the Holy Maiden of Light, and he believed that these words were true.

She is in a weird state now, the dark power does not allow him to re-refining, but she originally voluntarily uttered this information in the hope that it would be useful to Huang Xing, and eventually help her re-refining the dark power.

Neither of these two wills can stop the other. This kind of contradictory psychology is the true self of the Holy Maiden of Light at this time.

Lu Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "For the time being, I believe that you only know this information, now you strip Mu Yuanli and give it to me."

The Holy Maiden of Light did not hesitate, and immediately forced Mu Yuanli out of her body.

The dark buds burst from her body, instantly turning into long vines, as terrifying as black tentacles all over her body.

The divine power of the temple was suppressed in an instant. Wanting to destroy the power of Mu Yuan, Huang Xing's power of creation took the lead and enveloped the Holy Maiden of Light.

The divine power will automatically disperse when it encounters the power of good fortune, and Huang Xing also begins to concentrate on refining the wood source power.

About 10 minutes later, Mu Yuanli was refined into a small vine by him, wrapped in the power of good fortune and collected into the body.

The Holy Maiden of Light looked at Huang Xing with apprehension. His power of creation was too miraculous. Not only could he refine the divine power of the temple, but he could also refine the power of wood origin. He was simply her nemesis.

Huang Xing looked at the Holy Maiden of Light, the golden silk white robe on her body had been shredded into pieces by Mu Yuanli, and her fat white jade skin was faintly visible.

"Mr. Lu, please wait a moment."

The Holy Maiden of Light also found that she was not fully clothed, a blush appeared on her face, and she hurriedly changed into a white robe again.

When she appeared in front of Huang Xing again, she had returned to her original holy appearance.

She said in an elegant voice, "Mr. Lu, I have already agreed to your three conditions, and now I have something to ask, and please agree to it, sir."

Huang Xing said calmly, "Your Highness, but it's okay to say."

The Holy Maiden of Light said, "Mu Yuanli has already been given to Mr., and I will secretly hand over the resources of the four temples to Mr. in the future, but the Guangyao Temple belongs to the temple. If you just give up like this, other people may have ideas."

Huang Chen asked with a slight smile, "Then what does Your Highness want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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