Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 35 The Shark Forum Shock

Chapter 35 The Shark Forum Shock

Huang Xing took a comfortable cold shower and returned to the living room. Ji Ran hadn't come out yet. Girls always take a shower much slower than men.

He poured a glass of boiling water and sat on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and started a wechat with Lu Xiaoke.

Lu Xiaoke didn't want to disturb his date with Ji Ran, so he consciously didn't send him a WeChat message all night.

Huang Xing: Xiaoke, what are you doing?
Lu Xiaoke: I'm watching the Shark Forum, it's so funny.

Huang Chen: What's the matter, so funny?
Lu Xiaoke sent three push links "swish, swish, swish".

Lu Xiaoke: See for yourself.

Huang Xing clicked on the first link curiously, and the highlighted title of the post was about Ji Ran - "Deciphering the Secret Behind Ji Ran's Suspension".

There were hundreds of replies to the post, Huang Xing quickly browsed through the post, feeling extremely speechless.

The general content of the post is that the number one God in the universe gave Ji Ran millions of gifts last night, and then Ji Ran stopped broadcasting tonight by coincidence.

The host analyzed that it was because Ji Ran had already made an appointment with the number one Shenhao in the universe today, so he didn't have time to live broadcast.

The follow-up posts are also all kinds of strange things, some are envious, some are jealous, some are ironic, and some are blessings. Anyway, it doesn't cost money to talk about it on the Internet, so you can say what you want to say.

Some people even swear that they are the lobby manager of a five-star hotel. Ji Ran and an uncle in his 40s opened a presidential suite in their hotel.

Huang Xing shook his head, there are really everyone on the Internet, and any kind of story can be made up.

He clicked on the second post with the title - "Surprise!A Woman's War of Local Tyrants".

The post said that just now Ke Feiyang went to Ji Ran's live broadcast room to buy 500 million gifts.

The shark live broadcast went completely crazy again. For two consecutive days, 500 million gifts were swiped at one time, and they were all swiped to the same anchor.

The people who eat melons thought that Ke Shao was going to fight against Brother Shenhao because of Ji Ran, and they all marveled at the inhumanity of the trenches, calling for Brother Shenhao to come out to fight one by one.

Various screenshots of Ji Ran's live broadcast were also sent out, and people commented on her appearance in all aspects, and finally came to the conclusion that Ji Ran is a 180-degree natural beauty with no dead ends, and was dubbed "Shark Live Streaming" The first beauty anchor".

Then a large group of melon-eating people followed the post and knelt and licked the goddess.

Of course, there were also many envious people who scolded Ji Ran for being clever and fake, for playing around with the two local tyrants.

The last post was posted by the ID of "Ke Feiyang" - "I, Ke Feiyang, sincerely apologize to Ms. Ji Ran".

In the post, Ke Feiyang spoke sincerely, expressing his deep remorse for inviting the sailor Hei Jiran, and hoped that Jiran could forgive himself.

The friends who followed the post were all stunned. What's going on?
Then a group of melon-eating people gave full play to their gossip abilities, and some speculated that Ji Ran might be the granddaughter of a certain boss. Ke Feiyang had stepped on a thunderbolt and could only spend money to eliminate disasters.

Some also guessed that it was because the No. [-] Shenhao in the universe was a certain business tycoon who put pressure on Ke Feiyang's family business to make him confess and apologize.

In a word, either Ji Ran himself is awesome, or Brother Shenhao who chases Ji Ran is awesome.

Ke Feiyang was really frightened. After he ran out of Dynasty Entertainment City, he immediately called to tell his father what happened here.

When Father Ke learned that his son had caused a catastrophe, he was so angry that he wanted to strangle him to death.

But when his son got into trouble, no matter how angry he was, he had to find a way to remedy it.

If the Lei family wanted to seek revenge, they would first seek revenge from Young Master Lu and Wang Hu in Linjiang, and they would not come to Tianjing City to cause trouble for the time being, and there was no way to reconcile the enmity between their offspring and grandchildren, so they could only deal with it carefully.

On Young Master Lu's side, Ke Feiyang didn't have much animosity with them.

The cause of the incident was that his son asked the trolls to hack Ji Ran on the Internet, so he would spend 500 million yuan to give Ji Ran a gift, which would not only allow her to receive money, but also increase her popularity.

500 million is not a big deal for the Ke family, and it is best to spend money to avoid disasters.

In this way, Young Master Lu is always embarrassed to trouble Ke Feiyang again.

That's true, when Huang Xing saw Ke Feiyang swiping 500 million gifts and apologized, he didn't plan to waste time making trouble for him.

However, his finger whose meridians were destroyed could not be restored.

After a while, Lu Xiaoke sent a message.

Lu Xiaoke: Brother, have you finished reading?
Huang Chen: It's over.

Lu Xiaoke: What happened to Mr. Ke?Could it be that Sister Ran is really the granddaughter of a certain boss?
Huang Chen: How do I know, you can ask yourself.

Lu Xiaoke: Hee hee, I'll go over to ask Miss Ran tomorrow.

Lu Xiaoke: By the way, did brother and sister Ran take a group photo when they went out to play?
Huang Chen: Yes, what's the matter?
Lu Xiaoke: Quickly send it to me.

Without thinking too much, Huang Xing sent a few group photos to Lu Xiaoke.

Lu Xiaoke: Elder Brother and Elder Sister Ran are a natural match for each other, they are a perfect match.

Huang Xing: This is necessary.

Lu Xiaoke: Brother, wait a minute, let me be busy.

Huang Xing didn't know what Lu Xiaoke was doing, but after a few minutes, she sent another link.

Lu Xiaoke: Haha, I sent a group photo of my brother and sister Ran to the forum to brighten their dog eyes, and let them know what brother Shenhao and what Ke Shao are all on the sidelines, the number one beauty anchor of the shark is my brother Huang Chen girlfriend.

Huang Chen: ...

Without a word, Huang Chen clicked on the link - "There are pictures and the truth, revealing the real boyfriend of Shark's No. [-] beauty anchor for you".

The post was written by Lu Xiaoke about Huang Xing and Ji Ran's beautiful online dating story of Glory of Kings. He posted all the screenshots of the relationship between the Glory of Kings couple that he sent to her in the morning and the group photo just now.

There are pictures and the truth, and the melon eaters who have been discussing the story of Ji Ran and Brother Shenhao all night were shocked and wanted to kill the man in the photo.

The follow-up posts are refreshed quickly.

"You can get Shark's No. [-] beauty anchor when you play Glory of Kings? God, I'm going to download Glory of Kings right away."

"@青山丽影, daughter-in-law, let's run now too, okay?"

"Brother Shenhao cried faintly in the presidential suite. After spending 510 million, he is not as good as a gamer."

"This is definitely true love. I feel sorry for the misunderstanding that the goddess was beaten by money just now and went on a date with brother Shenhao."

"Same as confession +1."

"A clean stream in the live broadcasting world, with beautiful people, sweet and pure voice, from now on I will be a fan of Goddess Ji Ran."

"I just want to know where the coordinates of the photo are. I'm going to fight Man Tian Xing Chen one-on-one, and dare to snatch my goddess Ji Ran."

"This game ID looks familiar."

"Isn't this the Arthur and Angela of the novice trio who abused God K last night!"

"666, on the importance of playing the game well."


Huang Chen: You cheat your brother and sister Ran so much, you are not afraid of being beaten to death!

Lu Xiaoke: I am here to refute the rumors for Sister Ran, okay? They all thought that Sister Ran was that kind of materialistic woman who was knocked down by Brother Shenhao with money. The reason why the broadcast is off tonight is to go on a date with Brother Shenhao.

Lu Xiaoke: Now as soon as the post is published, the image of Ran's sister is full marks in an instant.

Lu Xiaoke: Goddess of perfection, yeah!
 Will this chapter be written very watery?

  Please give your opinion!
(End of this chapter)

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