Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 36 Tooth marks on the arm

Chapter 36 Tooth marks on the arm
"Squeak" sound.

Huang Xing turned his head to look, Ji Ran was slowly walking towards him.

The pink pajamas are printed with kawaii Hello Kitty, making her look even cuter.

The hibiscus comes out of the clear water and is carved naturally.

Curved eyelashes, bright black eyes, clever smile, beautiful eyes looking forward to.

Huang Xing couldn't help but be dazed.

Sensing Huang Xing's gaze, Ji Ran walked towards him uneasily, and asked softly, "What are you doing?"

"I'm chatting with Xiaoke."

Huang Chen responded, and quickly took a sip of boiling water to calm down his heart.

Ji Ran sat on the side sofa and asked, "What time will Xiao Ke arrive tomorrow?"

Huang Xing said, "Xiao Ke will come by train and arrive around 04:30 in the afternoon."

Ji Ran said embarrassingly, "Tomorrow my best friend will also come over, we will arrive at the airport at 12 o'clock, then we will pick up my best friend first."

Her best friend knew that she came to find Huang Xing alone today, and had already scolded her bloody, so she wished she could fly over and beat her up now, to wake her up.

"Your girlfriend?"

Huang Chen was surprised, unexpectedly her best friend would also come over.

But when it comes to a girl going to meet strange netizens alone, it is normal to bring a companion.

He quickly joked in relief, "It's not because I'm afraid that I'll sell you out, so I specially asked a bodyguard to come over."

"Guess right, no reward." Ji Ran replied playfully.

"Hey, there are no bodyguards around you now, so can I do whatever I want?"

Huang Xing pretended to be a big bad wolf and looked at Ji Ran with a wicked smile.

Ji Ran picked up the pillow beside him and threw it at Huang Xing, cursing angrily, "Smelly rascal."

Huang Xing didn't dodge, let the pillow hit his face, and only caught it when it fell, pressed his two fingers in circles, and said with a smile, "Just now Xiao Ke sent our group photo to the shark forum, now The entire Shark Live broadcast knows that Goddess Ji Ran is my stinky rascal's girlfriend."

Afraid that Ji Ran would be unhappy, Lu Xiaoke posted their group photo to the forum privately, and quickly explained, "Xiao Ke also posted our group photo because it said in the forum that you stopped broadcasting today because you were going on a date with Brother Shenhao. You clarify."

Ji Ran didn't mind Lu Xiaoke posting their group photo to the forum, and said, "If you know it, you'll know it, it's not a shameful thing."

Huang Chen acted like a good boy when he got a bargain, and said pitifully, "But a lot of people said that I robbed their Goddess Ji Ran, and they wanted to fight me for a duel, scaring the baby to death."

"What? You're not happy?" Ji Ran stared at Huang Xing and said, "Just let them beat you to death, you stinky rascal."

"You want to murder your husband!" Huang Xing pointed at Ji Ran and said angrily.

"Hmph, if you dare to be a hooligan, I will let my best friend beat you to death tomorrow." Ji Ran gestured with her fists and said, "She is a black belt master in karate."

Huang Chen said with a playful smile, "You forgot that I can also kung fu, and it's real kung fu."

In Huang Xing's eyes, karate is just flamboyance.

Only then did Ji Ran realize that her Huang Xing is a master of martial arts, but she still said without losing momentum, "Hmph, you are not allowed to fight back when she hits you, only she is allowed to hit you, you are not allowed to hit her."

"Hey, I will definitely not hit her." Huang Xing got up and walked towards Ji Ran like a big bad wolf, and said with a smile, "I will only hit you."

Ji Ran watched Huang Xing approaching her step by step, and said nervously, "What are you doing?"

She was a little nervous. Just now, her best friend told her to lock her in the room alone after taking a shower, and not to be alone with him at night.

As Huang Xing walked, a smirk appeared on his face.

Ji Ran was nervous for a while, and couldn't help shrinking back.

Huang Xing walked up to him, scratched her nose lightly, and said with a smile, "Idiot, I'll massage the soles of your feet."

Before Ji Ran could answer, Huang Xing picked her up.

Ji Ran shyly leaned on Huang Chen's shoulder, saw that there were rows of tooth marks on his arm, which looked old, she asked softly, "What's going on?"

"I was bitten by a dog when I was a child." Huang Xing said with a gentle smile.

He remembered the experience of being bitten by a stray dog. At that time, he was only five or six years old. In order to protect a little sister, he was chased and bitten by a vicious dog.

In retrospect, I learned to be a hero to save the beauty at a young age, which is quite remarkable.

Huang Xing collected his thoughts, let Ji Ran lie on the sofa, then put her feet on his lap, and helped her massage the acupuncture points on the soles of her feet, so that the blood circulation in her body would be smooth.



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(End of this chapter)

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