Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 37 Ji Ran's Best Friend

Chapter 37 Ji Ran's Best Friend
In the last chapter, the latter was blocked, a thousand words were omitted, and I made up my own brain.



Huang Xing kissed Ji Ran's forehead, got up and sat on the sofa beside him and lit a cigarette.

Ji Ran also got up and sat curled up on the sofa, lowering his head slightly, fiddling with the corners of his clothes with his hands.

The two remained silent, and only the sound of flustered heartbeats remained in the quiet living room.

"cough cough"

Ji Ran was choked by the smell of smoke and coughed lightly.

Huang Xing looked up, quickly put out the cigarette, and put it in the ashtray.

He broke the atmosphere of silence and said, "Of course, it's getting late, you go to rest when you're tired."

"En." Ji Ran responded softly, stood up and said in a soft voice, "Good night."

Then go back to your room.

"Good night."

Huang Xing watched Ji Ran go back to his room, then took out another cigarette and lit it.

He was so impulsive just now that he almost ate Ji Ran.

Huang Xing shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly.

He believed that if he was more domineering just now, Ji Ran would obediently obey him.

But he doesn't want to do that.

He could imagine that Ji Ran was so outstanding, how many men would pursue her in reality.

But she has been waiting for almost two years for herself who has not met on the Internet.

this love.

He couldn't bear to let her be a little bit reluctant.

He couldn't bear to let her suffer a little bit of grievance.

She has been waiting for herself for so long.

Let yourself wait for her now.

Wait until she is willing to give her whole body to herself.

Allow yourself to guard her for the rest of your life.

"Brother Qiang, thank you."

Huang Xing sincerely thanked Wudiqiang.

If it wasn't for the Invincible Qiangshenhao system, he wouldn't have the confidence to confirm a relationship with Ji Ran last night.

Maybe I have been pretending to be stupid and avoiding, she will be tired one day and will give up.

The fate of the two will also end.

Invincible responded, "You're welcome. By the way, I remind you to use up today's quota as soon as possible. It will be twelve o'clock soon."

Huang Xing checked his attributes:
Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 1 (72/100)

Today's quota: 77650
Gold: 52
Combat Power: 500 (Huajin [-]st level)
Dao Dharma: Good Fortune Scripture
Item: Washing Marrow Pill (quest reward, Lu Xiaoke’s exclusive use)
Mission: none
Going out to the student street at night didn't cost much, and there was still a quota of 77650.

Huang Xing used the account of the number one Shenhao in the universe to log in to the Shark live broadcast, rushed in the money and directly paid it to Ji Ran, then clicked on the forum and found the post posted by Lu Xiaoke.

There have been thousands of replies to the post, Huang Xing browsed quickly.

Most of the people who eat melons sent their blessings. After all, Ji Ran is a clear stream in the live broadcast industry, and there is no black spot at all.

But some people questioned that Ji Ran was hype.

However, this group of people was quickly overwhelmed by Ji Ran's fans, and there were not many waves.

Huang Xing replied below with the number of the number one Shenhao in the universe:
"Bless you, you will be a couple forever."

This is his blessing to himself and Jiran.

Huang Xing turned off his phone and went back to his room to sleep, ignoring the hot discussion that his action had caused on the Shark Forum.

At noon the next day, Huang Xing accompanied Ji Ran to Linjiang Airport to pick up her best friend.

This morning, for the first time, Huang Xing didn't go for a morning run, but helped Ji Ran prepare breakfast.

After the two had breakfast together, they played in double row for the glory of the king all morning.

The two had a lot of fun, and when they were happy, Ji Ran would reward Huang Chen with a treat.

"Lu Xing, my best friend has a bit of a temper. If you speak badly, don't take it to heart."

The two waited at Exit 6, and Ji Ran gave Huang Xing a vaccination in advance.

She knew that her best friend had always been very resentful towards her online dating, and felt that her brain was burnt out, and she didn't have any good feelings for Huang Xing.

Huang Xing touched Ji Ran's hair, imitating her tone last night, and said seriously, "She is only allowed to hit me, and I am not allowed to hit her."

Thinking of what happened last night, Ji Ran blushed, snorted, pinched the flesh on Huang Chen's waist with his hands and twisted it, punishing him slightly.


What's more, Huang Chen is so strong that he even feels the pain.

A woman's nirvana is too ruthless!

"Sasha, here."

People came out from Exit 6 one after another. Ji Ran saw her best friend Xu Shasha and waved happily.

A short-haired girl in jeans and a loose shirt looked over and smiled.

However, when she saw Huang Xing who was beside Ji Ran looking at her, her face suddenly changed, and she looked a little annoyed.

"Lu Xing, this is my best friend, Xu Shasha."

Ji Ran happily stood beside Xu Shasha, took her hand and introduced to Huang Xing.

"Hi, my name is Huang Xing, Ji Ran's boyfriend."

With a smile on his face, Huang Xing introduced himself in a friendly manner.

Xu Shasha seemed to treat Huang Xing like air, and ignored him, but said to Ji Ran, "Of course, I booked a double room at the Hanting Hotel, and you come to live with me at night."

She didn't dare to let Ji Ran and Huang Xing live together again.

"Sasha." Ji Ran called out a little unhappy, then looked at Huang Xing with an apology on his face.

The current girlfriends are really good, they have to take care of everything.

However, Huang Xing saw that Xu Shasha had a lot to do with Ji Ran and had no malicious intentions, so his attitude towards her was understandable.

Just like Lu Xiaoke, if he dared to date someone online, and lived together without knowing the reality, he would have to break her legs.

Sometimes people's thinking is such a double standard.

Huang Xing objected, "Of course, it's not safe to live in a hotel now."

He was referring to Lei Shao's matter, worried that Lei's dog would jump over the wall to deal with Ji Ran, and the safest thing was to be by his side.

"The hotel is not safe, is your home safe?"

Xu Shasha gave Huang Xing a white look, and she didn't want Ji Ran to move out, so she just said that there was no excuse for this.

Huang Chen didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile, "You really guessed right, my house is indeed the safest in Linjiang."

He didn't brag when he said this, the place with him is the safest place in Linjiang.

"Shameless." Xu Shasha muttered, this man was as unreliable as she thought, and said to Ji Ran, "Of course, stay at the hotel with me at night."

"This..." Ji Ran said in embarrassment, "Sasha, we still live at Huang Chen's house. The bed in my room is big, we can sleep together."

"Of course, you..."

When Xu Shasha heard that Ji Ran was approaching Lu Chen, she immediately became furious. She didn't know what ecstasy drug Huang Chen had given her to make her so obsessed.

She took two deep breaths, suppressed her anger, and said with a sneer, "Okay, if you live in his house, you will live in his house."

Xu Shasha knows that Ji Ran is in love now, and she won't listen to what she says. If she is too tough, it will backfire.

Hmph, let me take a good look at Huang Xing's charm to captivate Ji Ranmi.

She wanted to live with Ji Ran in Huang Chen's house, and then find out his shortcomings, so that Ji Ran could see Huang Chen's true face.

She has practiced karate and has the strength of a fourth-degree black belt. Generally, three or five men don't look down on her. With her protecting Ji Ran, she is not afraid of being "bullied" by Huang Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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