Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 38 You Can Go For A Drive Anytime

Chapter 38 You Can Go For A Drive Anytime

Seeing that Xu Shasha agreed to live with her in Huang Chen's house, Ji Ran coquettishly took her arm and said with a happy smile, "Sasha is the best."

Xu Shasha glanced at Huang Xing provocatively, as if telling him to wait and see.

Huang Xing expressed helplessness.

In the past, to find a daughter-in-law was to find the mother-in-law.

Finding a daughter-in-law now requires not only dealing with the mother-in-law, but also dealing with the group of girlfriends.

Offend the girlfriends group.

I don't know how to die.

But a big man doesn't need to be as knowledgeable as a woman.

He suggested, "I'll take you to dinner first."

"Okay, you want to treat us, Sasha, to a seafood feast, she likes seafood very much."

Ji Ran said happily.

She hoped that her best friend could live in peace with Huang Xing.

"Ranran knows me best." Xu Shasha held Ji Ran's hand, looked at Huang Xing with a smile and said, "Don't be too polite, just a few big lobsters, sea cucumbers, and shark fins will do."

She stared at Huang Xing's expression, fearing that he would fool her with the farmed seafood, and said with an embellished smile, "These are also what Ranran likes to eat, we have to eat them several times a month in Shanghai, they must be pure and natural It's delicious."

Xu Shasha roughly understood Huang Xing's conditions, she was just a work-study college student.

This meal may be his living expenses for several months.

She just wanted Huang Chen to back down, and let him know that Ji Ran's meal is his living expenses for several months. Don't think that if Ji Ran likes him, he can eat swan meat like a toad, and talk about girlfriends without spending a penny. .

She also wants to let Ji Ran know that love is a thing that has to face reality in the end.

Now in love, hot-headed, squeeze the bus together, and eat at a roadside stall together, I feel happy. After getting along for a long time in the future, I find that I have to plan carefully for daily necessities.

At that time, it was too late to regret.

There was no look of embarrassment and heartache that Xu Shasha expected, he still had a faint smile on his face, and said, "No problem, I'll take you to Yujia No. [-], where the seafood is the most famous in Linjiang. "

Ji Ran said that if he wants to eat a big meal, he must have a big meal.

Linjiang is close to the sea, and there are not many other things but seafood. Wanting to eat seafood is the easiest thing.

Yujia No. [-] is the most upscale seafood restaurant in Linjiang, and Huang Chen has only heard of its name but has not been there yet.

I heard that for a seafood meal there, the minimum per capita consumption is 3000 yuan. In the past, Huang Xing would never go there to eat seafood extravagantly.

He knew that Xu Shasha intended to target him, wanted him to bleed, and wanted him to know that he was not worthy of Ji Ran.

But now.

I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint her.

Xu Shasha couldn't see Huang Xing's embarrassing expression, so she turned her head to look at Ji Ran, and found that she also had the same expression as usual.

She knew Ji Ran's character, she would be very unhappy if she caused Huang Xing to bleed like this.

"Strange, isn't this Huang Xing a poor student?" Xu Shasha felt strange in her heart, but she quickly thought, "Could it be that Ji Ran had already expected that he would make Huang Xing bleed, so he gave him the money first?" Bar!"

"It must be so."

Xu Shasha thought that Ji Ran's character might really do this, the more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she looked down on Huang Xing even more, cursing in her heart, "This shameless little boy."

"No, I must not let Ji Ran and Huang Xing be together, and if this continues, I will count the money for him when he is sold."

Xu Shasha secretly thought in her heart that she must find a way to get Ji Ran to leave Huang Xing.

The three of them walked with their own thoughts, Huang Xing gave full play to the gentleman spirit of his compatriots, and helped Xu Shasha take the suitcase.

Xu Shasha had free coolies, and she didn't find fault with her. After throwing the suitcase to Huang Xing, she pulled Ji Ran to the other side, and she separated Ji Ran and Huang Xing in the middle.

Huang Xing murmured in his heart, "You are really a good girlfriend from China, defending yourself is like guarding against thieves."

The three walked out of the lobby, and Huang Xing took a taxi to take them to Yujia No. [-].

Seeing that Huang Xing didn't even have a car, Xu Shasha was even more sure that Ji Ran must have given him the money for the seafood feast in advance, and she felt even more despised.

She deliberately asked, "Of course, when will Huang Xing's car be repaired? Can you lend me the car after it's repaired? I want to drive around Linjiang City by myself."

Ji Ran was asked inexplicably, as if Huang Xing didn't have a car, she replied, "Huang Xing doesn't have a car, if you want to drive by yourself, you can go to the car rental shop to rent one first."

"Ah! So he didn't have a car. I thought it was broken and was being repaired so he didn't drive." Xu Shasha exclaimed in surprise, "Then we can only take taxis and squeeze buses when we go shopping these days. car?"

Only then did Ji Ran realize that Xu Shasha was deliberately laughing at Huang Xing, her face turned pale instantly, and she was both angry and sad.

She wanted to quarrel with Xu Shasha, but she didn't know how to speak.

They have known each other since junior high school, and they have almost never quarreled, and now they don't know how to quarrel with her.

She thought in her heart, "No, I must have a private talk with Sasha later, so that she will stop targeting Huang Xing."

"Fuck, this bitch dares to despise the future No. [-] Shenhao in the universe. If it weren't for the current level restriction, Brother Qiang would have killed her with money."

Wudiqiang seemed to be insulted, and he was more excited than Huang Xing.

Huang Xing asked puzzledly, "You despised me the day before yesterday, so you took the task to get 500 million upgrades. Now that I'm despised, why don't you come to a task and let me spend 800 million to buy a car?"

He wanted to figure out the rules of the system missions, and only by accepting multiple missions could he upgrade quickly.

If he can find the pattern, he can quickly upgrade.

Invincible replied, "I don't know about this either. The missions are all random and out of my control."

Huang Chen frowned. It seems that Invincible is not the Shenhao system, but more like the instructor of the Shenhao system, commonly known as "Game Wizard".

It doesn't matter if there are no tasks.

Sitting in the passenger cab, Huang Xing knew that Xu Shasha was mocking him for not having a car, so he replied calmly, "Actually, you can also take Didi Taxi."

This answer made Xu Shasha speechless, and cursed in her heart, "Damn it, this man is so shameless!"

After hearing Huang Xing's answer, Ji Ran's complexion improved, and he laughed and said, "Yes, it's so convenient to take a Didi taxi now, it's equivalent to hiring a private driver."

Whether he has a car or not, being together is the happiest.

Huang Xing took out his mobile phone and called Wang Hu.

Wang Hu: Hello, Young Master Lu, do you have any orders?

Huang Xing: Help me buy a car, and send it to Yujia No. [-] within an hour.

Wang Hu: No problem, what kind of car does Young Master Lu want to buy?
Huang Xing: Whatever, you can do as you see.

Wang Hu: Okay, young master Lu, don't worry, the new car will be delivered to Yujia No. [-] within an hour.

Huang Xing hung up the phone, and said to Xu Shasha calmly, "I've got someone to buy a car and bring it over. After lunch, you can go for a drive anytime."

(End of this chapter)

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