Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 39 The Fisherman No. 7

Chapter 39
Xu Shasha's face turned blue and white.

This feeling.

It's like being an ignorant child.

Crying and clamoring to buy a toy car.

Then others get annoyed.

Buy a toy car and throw it to her.

Impatiently said to her, "Take it and play."

Xu Shasha looked at Ji Ran beside her, wondering what was going on.

It's not that poor college students are said to be good.

It’s not about a good work-study program to make a living.

This posture is completely wrong!

Ji Ran can understand Xu Shasha's mood.

At first, she also thought that Huang Xing was just an ordinary college student.

After knowing Huang Xing's identity, he was also very surprised.

It's just that she doesn't mind whether Huang Xing is poor or rich.

So although she was surprised, she quickly accepted it calmly.

But Xu Shasha was different, she thought Huang Xing was a poor student, and satirized him for not even having a car.

As a result, Huang Xing had someone buy one in the blink of an eye.

She felt like she had been slapped hard on the face twice.


It hurt so hot.

Ji Ran looked at his best friend with some sympathy, and explained for Huang Chen, "Salsa, Huang Chen used to live in the school dormitory alone, so he didn't buy a car."

Huang Xing told her not to gossip about his identity and background.

"Oh, that's right." Xu Shasha said a little discouraged.

She actually wanted to ask Ji Ran, didn't it mean that Huang Xing's financial conditions were not good, he was working part-time to earn living expenses, why did he suddenly have money to buy a car?
Xu Shasha didn't ask after all, otherwise, if she asked Huang Xing if his car was broken, it would be too obvious that she was deliberately finding fault with him.

She could only hold it in her heart, and then make various guesses about Huang Xing.

Along the way, Xu Shasha didn't pick on Huang Xing anymore, she just chatted with Ji Ran in the back seat.

It takes about half an hour to drive to Yujia No. [-].

After the three got out of the car, Huang Xing walked in with Ji Ran and Xu Shasha.

"Good afternoon, welcome to Yujia No. [-]."

The welcoming lady led Huang Xing and the others in, and immediately a waiter in the store greeted them, and asked politely, "Good afternoon, welcome to Yujia No. [-], how many gentlemen are you?"

"Three people, I want a private room."

Huang Xing glanced at the hall, and a large area on the right was the fresh food area.

All kinds of lively seafood are available.

There are only scattered three or four tables of customers on the left.

Because of the high consumption, not many people eat here at noon.

But it is said that at night, the business here is extremely hot.

The waiter led Huang Chen and the others to the private room. Ji Ran and Xu Shasha sat side by side, and Huang Chen sat opposite them.

The waiter poured them each a cup of tea, took out the iPad and handed it to Huang Xing, "Sir, miss, please order."

Huang Xing pushed the iPad in front of Ji Ran, and said, "Of course, you can order, you can order whatever you want, you don't have to save money for me."

He cooked rice noodles for Ji Ran at noon yesterday, and only ate at Student Street at night, so now he can make up for the big meal.

Today's 10 quota is enough for them to eat seafood, even if it is not enough, Wang Hu is still there.

Wang Hu has become his power now, so he didn't see anything wrong with letting Wang Hu buy a car.

Because what he can give Wang Hu will always be much more than this.

Ji Ran took the iPad and got together with Xu Shasha to order food.

There are various seafood menus on the iPad. After clicking on them, you can directly connect to the surveillance video of the fresh food area to see live seafood.

Girls are born foodies, and the two women looked at the exquisite seafood pictures on the iPad, looking at them happily, and discussing what to order.

Ji Ran was in high spirits and looked very happy. She was also very proud that her man was so capable.

When Xu Shasha saw the price of the menu, she couldn't help but click her tongue. The price of every dish was very expensive, much more expensive than the seafood they usually eat in Shanghai.

No wonder Huang Xing would say that this is the most famous seafood restaurant in Linjiang, and a meal here would cost tens of thousands to say the least.

Ji Ran knew that Huang Xing was great now, he didn't care about the money, and he wasn't polite to him when ordering.

She pointed to a 5888 yuan lobster and exclaimed in surprise, "Yeah, there are cicada lobsters here. It's great. Sasha, you haven't always wanted to eat this kind of lobster."

Without further ado, Ji Ran placed an order.

Cicada lobster is also known as Haizhile and deep-sea pipa shrimp. Compared with ordinary lobsters, its meat is not only very firm and chewy, but also has a strong taste.

However, because it is a deep-sea shrimp and its output is very small, it needs to be caught by diving into the sea, so it can be said to be extremely rare in the market.

"This sea cucumber porridge is the most nourishing and healthy, let's have a serving as a staple food."

"And this Seven Treasures Crab Roe Soup, it looks like it's drooling, let's have a serving too."


After ordering happily, Ji Ran handed the iPad to Xing Huang and said, "Xing Xing, do you think there is anything else you need?"

Huang Xing took a look at the dishes Ji Ran ordered, lobster, sea cucumber, shark's fin, abalone, crab roe soup, the price was more than 13000 yuan.

He searched the menu again, and found a special dish of steamed deep-sea bluefin fish, priced at 28888 yuan.

"Another serving of steamed deep-sea bluefin fish is about the same." Huang Xing added this dish to the menu, and then asked, "Do you want a drink or some red wine?"

Ji Ran responded, "I want a can of Wanglaoji."

Xu Shasha didn't take the initiative to answer, Huang Xing looked at her, waiting for her opinion.

She was a little afraid to look at Huang Xing, and said awkwardly, "I want Wang Laoji too."

She also saw the price of the steamed deep-sea bluefin fish just now, and this meal cost him more than 4 yuan, and Huang Xing didn't even bat an eye.

Xu Shasha still doesn't understand, Huang Xing is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, a rich and handsome online pretending to be poor to find true love.

Her heart is not bad, and she targeted Huang Xing as soon as they met because she cared too much about Ji Ran, fearing that she would have a negative IQ in love and be deceived.

"Hmph, observe him for a while to see if he is worthy of Ji Ran, and if he is really good to Ji Ran."

After the waiter left, Ji Ran and Xu Shasha continued to chat.

Girls always have all kinds of endless topics to talk about, chatting non-stop, Huang Xing can't get in the conversation at all.

While Huang Xing was still bored waiting for the seafood feast, Yujia No. [-] welcomed another group of guests.

"Young Master Qin, welcome. The private room you want is ready, please follow me."

Manager Zheng of Yujia No. [-] waited at the door in person. When he saw a group of young people approaching, he hurriedly greeted them with a nod and bow.

He received a call from Qin Muyu half an hour ago, saying that he was going to entertain distinguished guests and asked him to prepare a private room.

Qin Muyu, the son of the second master of the Qin family, is the true second generation of Linjiang.

Qin Guanlan's 21st birthday party is coming soon. The scale of this party is quite large. Not only local young talents from Linjiang participated, but also families from other places who have good friends with the Qin family were invited to attend.


Qin Guanlan has cultivated dark energy and become a real master of dark energy.

In the martial arts world, anyone who can cultivate dark energy before the age of 23 is considered an ancient martial arts genius.

Qin Guanlan became a master of dark energy at the age of 21, he can be said to be a dragon among men.

The Qin family also took advantage of this birthday banquet to show his peerless demeanor to the major families.

Qin Muyu came to Yujia No. [-] to entertain Ling Tianqi from Huaibei Lingjia who came from afar.

 Thanks to "Jingxizi" and "nmbdsbtx" for their rewards
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(End of this chapter)

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