Chapter 357
Qi Mutian guessed, "Could it be that a strong gunman passed by here and started a fight with ghosts and thieves?"

"It should be like this." Shengzi Tianle nodded and said, "Elder Qi, you continue to track north, and I will take Junior Sister and Xiong Er back to Floating Light City first."

He sensed the remaining aura fluctuations here, and he could only know that there was a big battle here, but he didn't know that the ghosts and robbers had been completely wiped out by Huang Chen. He was afraid that some fish would slip through the net, so he asked Qi Mutian to continue tracking.

"Okay, the Holy Son will leave."

Qi Mutian didn't delay much, and with a flash, he continued to track north.

After reaching the Nascent Soul Realm, you can fly for a long time without flying magic weapons, and the speed is much faster than ordinary flying magic weapons.

Tianle Shengzi controlled the flying magic weapon and brought Huang Xing and Yan Hongyi back to Floating Light City.

When Huang Xing woke up, he found himself lying on a soft bed.

He first swam through the spiritual energy in his body, and found that the injury was much better.

In order not to arouse suspicion, he did not use level 9 healing elixir. Now that his injury has improved so quickly, it should be Tianle Shengzi and Yan Hongyi who gave him the best healing elixir.

"He gave you a three-turn life-returning pill, which is why you recovered so quickly." Invincible Qiang knew Huang Chen's thoughts, and explained to him, "This is an earth-level intermediate healing pill, if you can refine it to the ninth turn , as long as the soul is not scattered, it can be rescued."

Pills above the ground level are hard to find in the realm of comprehension, and with the black dragon inner alchemy that Yan Hongyi gave him, he owes her another favor.

The Xuanlong inner alchemy is a high-level earth-level treasure, which can slowly nourish a powerful body when stored in the body, and can only be fully refined at the Nascent Soul stage.

In addition, it can also directly smash the pill, bursting out the full blow of the golden pill in the later stage.

Yan Hongyi gave it to herself, wanting him to save his life.

But to do so would be wasteful.

Thinking of Yan Hongyi's method of transferring the Xuanlong inner alchemy to himself, Huang Xing smiled embarrassingly in his heart.

It was the first time he was kissed by a girl.

"you're awake."

Huang Xing opened his eyes, and what came into view was a white figure with sharp edges and corners on his handsome face, and his gentle voice made people feel very comfortable.

If it were placed on the earth, with his appearance and temperament, he would be enough to become a traffic star that fascinated thousands of girls.

Huang Xing asked in a weak voice, "Who are you? I seemed to see you and Miss Yan together just now?"

Tianle Shengzi introduced himself with a smile, "Under Confucianism, Tianle is my junior sister in red."

Huang Chen thought for a while, then shouted, "You are the Son of Tianle!"

He touched the wound on his body and let out a muffled snort.

His shocking performance is normal, the younger generation of Eastern Great Region is not shocked when they hear the names of the top ten holy sons, very few.

Shengzi Tianle nodded elegantly, and asked, "I have a few things I want to ask Mr. Xiong, is it convenient now?"

Huang Chen said straightforwardly, "Son of Tianle, please feel free to ask if you have any questions."

Shengzi Tianle asked curiously, "Young Master Xiong is only in the late stage of foundation establishment, how did he escape from the hands of ghosts and thieves?"

Huang Chen said with lingering fear, "I hijacked Lin Xiu and the Liaogui Thief to leave together. They wanted to take me back to meet the Liaogui Patriarch. I calculated that they had no time to return to the Flying Dharma Boat, so I used my life-saving cards to highlight their strength." They were surrounded, but they still stopped him, and when his life was hanging by a thread, he happened to meet a gun-path evildoer passing by."

"Seeing that there was only one person in him, the Ghost Thieves did not ask any questions and wanted to kill people to silence them. As a result, that evildoer in the way of guns had amazing combat power, and he blocked those Ghost Thieves by himself."

"When he saw that I was seriously injured, he let me escape first."

"I'm powerless to fight anymore, and I can't help much by staying, so I fled in the direction of the flying magic boat, and then I met you."

Shengzi Tianle frowned, what happened was similar to what he had guessed, but who was that evildoer in the way of guns?The remaining aura fluctuations gave him a very strange feeling.

He asked, "Have you seen clearly what that evildoer in the Dao of the Gun looks like? What kind of cultivation is it?"

Huang Chen took a breath, and said, "That monster of the gun way looks like he is only in his early twenties, he is holding a bloody long spear in his hand, and the aura of his cultivation is only at the early stage of foundation establishment, but one person shoots one gun, and the gun domain Cover those 27 ghosts and thieves and hold them back."

He smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "I always thought that my combat power was one of the best in the foundation-building period. Now that I see the combat power of that monstrous gunman, I realize that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

With Huang Xing's current identity as Xiong Er, the aura he transformed is from the late stage of foundation establishment.

In a normal state, it probably has the strength of the mid-stage of alchemy, but after taking the pill of fury at the level of alchemy, it has the full strength of the early stage of golden alchemy.

But compared to the fighting power of the evildoer in the Dao of the Gun who held back the 7 Golden Cores and the 20 Formation Cores in the early stage of foundation establishment, it is indeed far inferior.

Tianle Shengzi quietly listened to Huang Chen's narration, and when he heard the combat power of that gun-do monster, his calm face also felt a little turbulent.

He suddenly realized why he felt the fluctuations of the remaining aura were weird, because the domineering gun domain was in the early stage of foundation establishment.

He could deduce that the battle was very fierce. Even if he didn't know the final outcome, he could be sure that the gunman had the upper hand at that time.

With such a powerful combat power, that monster of the Gun Dao couldn't do it even if he played all his cards in the early stage of foundation establishment.

When did such a true dragon-level spear monster appear in the cultivation world?
Shengzi Tianle contemplated for a while, and then said, "Thank you Mr. Xiong for your answer, you should rest well first, and I won't disturb you any more."

After he said goodbye to Huang Xing, he left the room.

Only Huang Xing was left in the room resting. Seeing the bright light outside the window, he asked Wudiqiang with his divine sense, "Brother Qiang, how long have I been in a coma?"

"About seventeen or eighteen hours, it's already past nine o'clock in the morning of the next day." Wudi forced a smile, "The little girl in the red dress seems to be very interested in you, and she guarded you all night last night. Le Shengzi came over and asked her to go back to rest first, and she left."

Huang Xing didn't expect that he fell into a coma for so long at once, and two consecutive battles exhausted his energy greatly.

But as long as it doesn't exceed one day, otherwise, if you spend less than one day's quota, you will lose one day's experience and gold coins.

As for what Wudiqiang said about Daoyan Hongyi, he still needs to find an opportunity to make up for the favor he owes her.

Huang Xing transferred his spiritual thoughts to the storage space, and he didn't have time to count the cultivation resources that were looted yesterday.

He made a general inventory, and found that these ordinary monks were simply poor compared to the core disciples of the Holy Land like Jiang Chengguyi. The combined cultivation resources of the 28 people were not as much as Jiangcheng Guyi.

Except for the earth-level low-level magic weapon, the Heavenly Thunder Breaking Array Awl, the highest other magic weapons and elixir are only the middle-level Xuan-level.

All the spirit stones combined, less than [-] low-grade spirit stones.

Huang Xing shook his head, whether it's the earth or the cultivation world, the gap between rich and poor is very serious.

He was just about to withdraw his divine sense from the storage space, when he accidentally saw a dusty bead among a bunch of miscellaneous low-level magic weapons.


Recommend the new book "The Strongest DNF System in the City" to friends. Warriors who like to play dungeons should not miss it
(End of this chapter)

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