Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 358 Grimace Bead

Chapter 358 Grimace Bead
That dusty bead was about the size of a longan, dull and dull, very inconspicuous among a bunch of low-level magic weapons.

Huang Xing's eyes were attracted by it because there seemed to be a grimace drawn on the bead.

He also couldn't describe what kind of face it was.

Like crying, like laughing.

Like sad, like happy.

People saw an indescribable mood and became restless.

When he glanced at it just now, the grimace seemed to smile at him.

But when I looked at it carefully again, the grimace remained motionless again.

Huang Xing took out the beads with his spiritual thoughts, and held them in his hands, feeling heavy.

The delusion-breaking eyes looked at the grimace on the bead, but they couldn't see through anything.

As long as it is a magic weapon below the heaven rank, he can distinguish the rank at a glance, but now he cannot see through this bead.

It means that it is either above the heavenly ranks, or it is just a vulgar thing.

The beads that can give him a strange feeling are naturally not ordinary things, he asked Wudi Qiang, "Brother Qiang, do you know what this bead is?"

"I don't know." Invincible Qiang said lazily, "I only know the things that are commonly circulated in all walks of life. I don't know what these strange things are."

He yawned and said, "You're awake, I'm going to sleep, Brother Qiang, I'm still sick, I'm sleepy."

Huang Xing said, "Thank you Brother Qiang, go to sleep now."

When he was in a coma, Wudiqiang needed to help him pay attention to the movement around him and wake him up in case of danger.

Invincible went into sleep, Huang Xing focused his attention on the bead, studied it for a long time but couldn't find out why, so he had to put it back into the storage space first.

He thought back to the weird smile on his grimace just now, it must not be his illusion.

It seems that I can only wait for my cultivation base to improve, and then try to see through it after the Eye of Delusion Breaking has been upgraded.

Two consecutive battles have consumed him a lot, but they have also greatly improved him.

The day before yesterday, I fought with Jiang Chenggu one by one. After recovering, I absorbed the aura, and found that the aura that the body can hold has increased a lot, and the cultivation base has increased a lot.

He took out a high-grade spirit stone and began to absorb and cultivate.

The spiritual veins in the body are like a hungry wolf, devouring spiritual energy frantically.

After absorbing a whole high-grade spirit stone, the spirit veins in his body were only filled to one-third.

The capacity is much larger than before, which means that his cultivation base has improved a bit.

The injuries on his body have not yet healed, and if he absorbs the spiritual energy, the spiritual veins will not be able to hold on.

Huang Xing circulated the "Natural Scripture of Good Fortune" to refine the spiritual power on his body into the power of good fortune.

The reason why his combat power is so strong is because the power of good fortune is much stronger than the pure spiritual power of ordinary monks.

Ten parts of spiritual power can probably be refined into one part of good fortune.

His power of creation looks the same as ordinary spiritual power, but it is equivalent to ten times stronger than ordinary monks.

"dong dong dong"

Huang Xing was still practicing, when there was a knock on the door.

He stopped practicing and said, "Come in."

With a "squeak", the door was pushed open, and a red figure walked in.

Seeing that Huang Xing was meditating and practicing, she should be fine, and her face showed joy.

But when he saw the skin and flesh on his body, and the dry blood stains, he was inexplicably distressed.

She walked to the bed and asked with concern, "Is your injury better?"

"It's much better." Huang Xing got up and wanted to get out of bed, only to find himself in a mess, smiled awkwardly, and said, "You should have given me the holy medicine for healing, otherwise my injury would not have recovered so quickly."

Yan Hongyi nodded, and said softly, "Senior brother gave you a three-turn life-returning pill."

Huang Chen said in amazement, "The holy medicine of the earth-level intermediate level in the world of Confucianism!"

The three-turn Huiming Dan is a unique healing medicine of Confucianism, and it is extremely precious.

It is said that it can reach rank seven at most, which belongs to the high level of heaven, and it can be revived as long as it has a breath.

(A total of nine revolutions, the realm of comprehension has not yet appeared)
Huang Chen thanked, "Thank you Son Tianle for me."

Then he looked at Yan Hongyi and said, "Thank you also for Miss Yan's Xuanlong Neidan."

As he said that, he opened his mouth, spit out the black dragon inner alchemy in his body, and said, "I was just about to attack with all my strength in the later stage of the golden alchemy when the broken alchemy broke out. Fortunately, that monster of the gun path saved me. It must be possible to escape, and now the Xuanlong Neidan is returned to the girl."

Yan Hongyi looked at the Xuanlong Neidan, and remembered how it was transferred to Huang Xing at that time, his face flushed with embarrassment.

Now that she just spit it out of Huang Xing's mouth, she swallowed the refining directly, and felt even more embarrassed.

Her little face became flushed, very cute, she opened her mouth to inhale, and swallowed the Xuanlong inner alchemy into her body.

Then he quickly changed the topic and said, "Several seniors have been tracking for a whole day, but they haven't found any traces of the ghost thief or the evildoer of the gun path."

Huang Xing said with emotion, "I don't know how the fight between the evildoer and those ghost thieves was, but I saw his aura at that time, even if he couldn't beat him, it shouldn't be a problem if he wanted to leave."

Yan Hongyi said, "Brother calculated from the remaining aura fluctuations at the scene that there was a big battle between the ghost thief and the gun-path evildoer, but don't worry, the gun-path evildoer must have the upper hand. It is likely that it has all been wiped out in his hands."

Huang Xing thought to himself, it's a good thing he changed back to his original breath at that time, otherwise he would have revealed his secrets.

He exclaimed, "That evildoer in the way of guns is too terrifying, I don't know if he is a true disciple of the gun sect."

Yan Hongyi shook his head and said, "It's not a true disciple of the Gun Sect. My brother checked it out. According to your description, it should be a peerless evildoer named Huang Chen."

Huang Xing said suspiciously, "Huang Xing? I don't seem to have heard of this name before."

Yan Hongyi explained, "He is an evildoer from the earth, and it's not a big secret. You will find out later."

Huang Xing continued to pretend to be stupid and asked, "Earth? What kind of sect is it? I've never heard of it either."

"Puchi." Yan Hongyi said with a smile, "The earth is not a sect, but a small world. I don't know the details."

The realm of self-cultivation advertised to the following disciples that they were orthodox, and called the earth a small world.

Huang Chen nodded half-understood and said, "If you meet him in the future, you must thank him for saving your life."

He thought in his heart, if he could meet "Lu Xing", it would be a ghost.

The two chatted for a while, Tianle Shengzi and a hale and hearty old man knocked on the door and walked in.

Huang Xing looked at the old man, and found that he couldn't see his realm, which meant that his cultivation was higher than that of Nascent Soul.

Shengzi Tianle had an extraordinary bearing, he didn't have any pretensions, and said with a smile, "Young Master Xiong, it looks like your injury is recovering well."

A strange look flashed across his face, Huang Xing's recovery from his injuries was much faster than he had imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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