Chapter 368 Mr. Bai

The power of the golden core is poured into the right palm, and its power is multiplied through the amplification of the earth-level magic weapon.

This palm is pushed out, destroying the dead.

The man in black and white hair sensed the power of this palm and was ready to rescue him at any time.

No matter what the cause of the matter is, if such a true dragon-level evildoer died in Huoyun Square during the foundation-building period, it will always be troublesome for the forces behind him to investigate.

He didn't know that Huang Xing was just a casual cultivator, and felt a little strange in his heart, why would Xu Youze fight such an evildoer in the Qizong shop?

And judging from the fighting situation, there was no mercy.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the power of this palm.

The grin on Liu Tianyi's face grew thicker, and he kept shouting in his heart, go to hell, go to hell.

The tall slender woman sighed, this battle is about to end, and the true dragon-level evildoer is about to fall.

Maybe I will never see such amazing fingering again in the future.

Yan Hongyi turned pale with fright at the side, and hurriedly stopped, "Stop."

Without hesitation, she shattered the black dragon inner alchemy in her body, instantly allowing her to have the late stage golden alchemy, and attacked Xu Youze.

Facing the power of this palm, the corner of Huang Xing's mouth showed a sneer.

With people as guns and fingers as fronts, everything is invincible.

As soon as he pointed at Xu Youze's palm, the dying light converged into a dark spear point.


The light of extinction pierced through the terrifying power of the palm, attacking Xu Youze's soul.


Huang Xing was slapped flying with a palm, and hit the ground heavily. His spiritual veins were damaged, many bones were broken, and he was seriously injured.

At the same time, along with Xu Youze's scream, his soul was hit by the Miehun finger, and his soul was almost knocked out of his wits.

Yan Hongyi's attack has also arrived, Xu Youze's soul has been severely injured, and he has no strength to resist, and he is about to be killed by a sword.


The boundless power enveloped Huang Xing, Yan Hongyi and Xu Youze.

Yan Hongyi's attack, which was comparable to Jindan's late stage full-strength sword, was instantly blocked.

A series of changes made people overwhelmed.

Before everyone could react, a man in black and white hair appeared in the void on the third floor.

He looked at the bloodless and listless Xu Youze, his brows were condensed into a ball, and he was attacking with his soul. This is the attack method only available to monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

He turned to the mighty Yan Hongyi in the later stage of Jindan, which seemed to be the effect of the broken pill of Xuanlong Neidan.

This little girl contains a high-level profound dragon inner alchemy in her body, and her status is extraordinary.

Finally, he turned his attention to Huang Xing, who was covered in blood and supported him to stand up from the ground.

Who is this true dragon-level evildoer in the late stage of foundation establishment?Even know the means of mind and soul attack!
"Master Bai."

Seeing the man in black with white hair, Xu Youze said with a ferocious expression, "They dare to make trouble in Qizong's store, please Master Bai to decide."

He felt that his soul was pierced, which was much more terrifying than physical injury, and he looked at Huang Xing full of resentment.

Liu Tianyi also quickly smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Senior Bai, Liu Tianyi is in the Liu Family of the Lower Eastern Tomb, my father..."

"Noisy." Master Bai looked at him lightly, and said impatiently, "Did I ask you something?"

In the middle of Liu Tianyi's words, he was blocked and froze there, but he didn't dare to be dissatisfied with Lord Bai, so he could only smile apologetically and shut his mouth.

Only then did Lord Bai look back at Huang Xing and Yan Hongyi and asked, "Who are you?"

Yan Hongyi looked at Xu Youze coldly, took out a token from the storage spirit ring and threw it to Master Bai, then landed next to Huang Xing, took out a pill and fed it to his mouth, said distressedly, "Xiong Er , are you okay, take this pill quickly."

This is a profound-level intermediate healing elixir. Lu Xing opened his mouth and swallowed it. Looking at Yan Hongyi, who was as powerful as the golden elixir, he said movedly, "Silly girl."

He also didn't expect Yan Hongyi to be so decisive, and the high-ranking Xuanlong Neidan would be broken as soon as he said it.

This profound dragon inner alchemy needs to be slowly refined to have a miraculous effect. If the alchemy is broken directly, the power contained in it will soon dissipate.

However, my power of good fortune can refine all powers, and can help her refine the power of the black dragon inner alchemy that flows out, so as to minimize the loss.

He looked up at the black-clothed and white-haired man in the void. He couldn't see through his cultivation. With such a strong power, he should be the Yuanying Patriarch sitting here.

Yan Hongyi has already shown the token, they should be fine, he just wants to take her back to Xiankeju as soon as possible, and help her refine the black dragon inner alchemy.

As for Xu Youze, his soul has been severely injured by himself, half of his life will be ruined if he does not die, and Qi Zong will definitely punish him severely for this matter and give Yan Hongyi an explanation.

It's a pity that the finger just now was used in his normal state. If he is now injured and has a high-spirited fighting spirit, one finger can really destroy his soul.

Lord Bai caught the token, looked down at the token in his hand, and couldn't help but change his expression.

I saw the four characters "Confucianism in the world" engraved on one side of the token, and the two characters "Long Su" on the other side.

The world of Confucianism, the real Longsu in the late Dongxu period!

As a monk cultivates, the higher the level of cultivation, the harder it is to improve.

The real person in the cave period has disappeared from the world.

It is heard that the real Longsu is retreating to attack the Mahayana realm, and there is a great chance of breaking through, and his status will be even more extraordinary at that time.

The red-clothed woman in front of me has the token of the real Longsu, so she must have a close relationship with him, and is probably his direct disciple.

Although Lord Bai is a great monk in the Nascent Soul stage, he didn't dare to trust him. He returned the token to Yan Hongyi, and asked gently, "I'm Bai Shicang in the Piaomiao Palace, what's the girl's name? What's the relationship with Senior Longsu?" ?”

Yan Hongyi took the token and took back the storage spirit ring, and said seriously, "My name is Yan Hongyi, and Long Su is my master."

The conversation between the two made everyone shudder.

Yan Hongyi's token was not the token of an ordinary Confucian disciple under heaven, they didn't recognize it.

They are also not qualified to know the real name of Longsu Master, but they can be honored as seniors by Bai Shicang in the Nascent Soul stage.

The identity of Yan Hongyi's master, Long Su, is absolutely terrifying.

"It turns out that Senior Long Su's senior apprentice, please send my regards to Master Ling." Bai Shicang received Yan Hongyi's confirmation, and asked politely, "Why did you have a conflict with Qi Sect?"

cough cough.

When Xu Youze heard the words, he couldn't help feeling anxious, and his wounded soul was in severe pain.

He also knew that he was unreasonable in this matter. Judging from Bai Shicang's attitude towards Yan Hongyi, his injury must have been for nothing, and even in the end, he might be punished by the sect.

He looked at Yan Hongyi, and thought sadly in his heart, if you revealed your identity earlier, you wouldn't dare to cheat her!

Indignantly, Yan Hongyi told the whole story of the incident.

After Bai Shicang finished listening, his entire face was gloomy, his eyes swept over Xu Youze and Liu Tianyi, and he asked coldly, "Is what Miss Yan said true?"

(End of this chapter)

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