Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 369 Bear 2, For You

Chapter 369 Xiong Er, For You

Everything Yan Hongyi said was true, without any embellishments, even if Xu Youze had a hundred courage, he would not dare to deny it in front of Bai Shicang, with a deathly expression on his face, unable to refute.

"You bastard, dare to operate fraudulently in Huoyun Plaza."

Seeing everyone's expressions, Bai Shicang knew that Yan Hongyi's words were true. With a sweep of his sleeves, Xu Youze was swept away, and crashed into the defensive circle.

Xu Youze spat out a mouthful of blood, his injuries were even worse, he stood up staggeringly, and begged, "Master Bai, please spare me."

Bai Shicang snorted coldly, ignored Xu Youze, turned to Huang Xing and Yan Hongyi and said, "I will truthfully report this matter to Elder Qi Zong Qu, and I believe Qi Zong will give you a satisfactory explanation."

The Elder Qu he was talking about was the inspecting elder of the Qi Sect.

He is a member of the Misty Palace and has no right to punish Xu Youze of the Qi Sect.

I can only think that the other party is fraudulently operating on his own territory and give him a small punishment.

Xu Youze's face was ashen, and he knew in his heart that his appearance was too ugly for this matter, and Yan Hongyi's status was noble, so Qi Zong would definitely punish him severely and give him an explanation.

Yan Hongyi cupped his hands and thanked Bai Shicang, "Thank you, Senior Bai."

In fact, if Bai Shicang hadn't blocked him just now, Xu Youze would definitely have died by his sword, but she also knew that he couldn't be blamed for this matter.

Bai Shicang said warmly, "I can barely refine the mysterious dragon pill power on Miss Yan's body for you, and the injury on Mr. Xiong's body also needs to be treated. Please come with me, both of you."

There are some special physiques in the realm of comprehension, such as Huang Xing's "God of War Physique" and Xiao Qingchen's Bright Sword Physique.

The greatest effect of the black dragon inner alchemy is to slowly refine it in the body to strengthen the body. Although it is not as powerful as a special physique, it can also make the body far superior to ordinary people.

Directly smashing it into pills, except that you can use the power of the mysterious dragon pill to hit it with all your strength at the beginning, after that you can no longer control the power of the mysterious dragon pill, it will be lost quickly, and it is difficult to refine that power into the physical body.

Simply put, it's a waste of money.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Xuanlong Neidan.

Xu Youze's face became even more desperate. His body could contain a mysterious high-level treasure like the Xuanlong Neidan, which showed that Yan Hongyi's master loved her very much. What kind of existence was he provoking?
He looked at Yan Hongyi and Huang Xing with fear in his eyes.

Qi Zong would not kill him because of this, but as long as that Xiong Er breaks through to the alchemy stage, he can definitely crush himself easily.

He decided to hide in Qizong and never come out again, otherwise Xiong Er would seek revenge on him, and he would definitely die.

There was resentment and sadness in his heart, and the most difficult to heal was the wound of the soul. This time, he was severely injured, and he didn't know if there was any possibility of recovery.

When Liu Tianyi heard about Xuanlong Neidan, his heart was full of jealousy, even he couldn't enjoy that kind of treatment.

If he also has the black dragon inner alchemy, then his physique can be raised to a higher level.

He thought of Yan Hongyi's shattered pill, and his heart was full of gloating.

Huang Chen declined politely, "Thank you, Senior Bai, for your kindness. We can just go back to Xiankeju to heal our injuries."

Bai Shicang slightly frowned and said, "It would be a pity if all the Xuanlong Dan power in Miss Yan's body was lost in vain."

Seeing that Lu Xing was unwilling to go with Bai Shicang, Yan Hongyi agreed, "Thank you, Senior Bai, the power of the Xuanlong Dan is extremely difficult to refine, and the effect is minimal, so don't bother Senior to waste energy."

Seeing that they were determined to do so, Bai Shicang stopped forcing himself and said, "I'll send you back to Xiankeju."

If he tried to refine it, he would consume a lot of energy, and the effect on Yan Hongyi's physique enhancement would not be obvious, so the gain outweighed the gain.

His willingness to do the refining was just to convey a kind of goodwill, since they refused, he was still happy and relaxed.

Huang Xing didn't refuse, and he returned to Xiankeju earlier, so he could refine the Xuanlong Danli for Yan Hongyi earlier.

Bai Shicang was about to take them away when Yan Hongyi suddenly said, "Senior Bai, please wait a moment."

Then he looked at the dying Xu Youze.

Bai Shicang asked in confusion, "What else is Miss Yan doing?"

Seeing Yan Hongyi looking at Xu Youze, he thought she was not going to let him go, and felt a little embarrassed.

After all, Qi Sect is also a first-rank sect, if they kill their Gold Core Deacon without authorization, it will be hard for face.

Xu Youze took a step back in fear, thinking that Yan Hongyi was going to attack him.

Just when everyone thought that Yan Hongyi was going to make a move, she took out the soul-clearing pill and said to Xu Youze, "Give me the red phalanx and the spirit-gathering ring."

Her words stunned everyone.

Xu Youze was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and said quickly and politely, "You don't need to use the soul-clearing pill to call the soul, and give the red phalanx and the spirit-gathering ring to Miss Yan, and I will make an apology to the two of you."

He has no authority to send out the high-level magic weapon of the mysterious rank, and he plans to make up the spirit stone himself when the time comes.

If he could get Yan Hongyi's forgiveness, the Zongmen's punishment for him would be much less.

Yan Hongyi shook his head, and said seriously, "You don't need to give it to me, I can exchange it with the Qinghun Pill myself."

This is the "token of love" she is going to give to Xiong Er, how can someone else give it to her?
Xu Youze wanted to say something more, but Bai Shicang said, "Just do what Miss Yan said."

"Yes, Master Bai." Xu Youze could only swallow the words back, and said to Xiaolian, "Take out the red phalanx and Juling ring and exchange them with Miss Yan."

Xiao Lian hurriedly ran over from the corner in a panic, opened the protective formation, took out the red phalanx and Juling Ring, and handed them to Yan Hongyi.

Yan Hongyi delightedly took the Chihuang phalanx and Juling Ring, held them in his hands and handed them to Huang Xing, and said happily, "Xiong Er, I'll give it to you."

"Fool." Huang Xing picked up the red phalanx and Juling Ring, kissed Yan Hongyi's forehead lightly, and said softly, "Thank you for your gift, I like it very much."

Under the eyes of everyone, being kissed by Huang Xing, Yan Hongyi's face flushed with shame, she lowered her head and pinched the corner of her clothes and said, "Let's go back quickly."

"En." Huang Xing put away the red phalanx, and then directly brought the Juling Ring to his hand.

"I'll take you back." Bai Shicang coughed lightly, seeing that they were ready, his spiritual power enveloped them, and led them away from the Qizong shop.

Xu Youze looked at the back of them leaving, as if all the strength in his body had been exhausted, he slumped on the ground.

He knew that what awaited him would be the most severe punishment from Qizong.

Liu Tianyi clenched his fists loudly. It was a great humiliation to him that he was the son of the patriarch of an imposing second-rank family and was left aside as air.

He was madly jealous of Huang Xing in his heart, not only was his talent superior to his own, but also a mysterious and noble girl like Yan Hongyi broke pills for him and bought gifts for him.

If he can get Yan Hongyi, maybe he still has a chance to compete for the position of young patriarch.

Bai Shicang quickly sent Huang Xing and Yan Hongyi back to Xiankeju, bid them farewell and left.

The two returned to their Tianzihao room, and just as Yan Hongyi was about to care about Huang Xing's injury, he said first, "Hongyi, let me help you refine the power of the mysterious dragon."

(End of this chapter)

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