Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 370 Strengthening the Body

Chapter 370 Strengthening the Body
"Ah?" Yan Hongyi asked in surprise, "Can you help me refine the power of the profound dragon?"

"En." Huang Xing nodded and said, "Come with me to the practice room."

After speaking, he walked directly to the training room.

Yan Hongyi was full of doubts, but still followed him quickly.

When the two came to the training room, Yan Hongyi said with concern, "Xiong Er, the pill power of the mysterious dragon is almost impossible to refine, you should heal yourself first."

Not to mention just Xiong Er in the foundation building stage, even Bai Shicang in the Nascent Soul stage, or even her master Longsu Daoist in the Cave Void stage could not effectively help her refine the mysterious dragon pill power.

"It's hard for others, but it doesn't mean it's hard for me." With a confident look on his face, Huang Xing urged with a smile, "Sit down with your back to me."

Yan Hongyi was puzzled, but turned around and sat down.

Xiong Er has created too many miracles for him, and has an inexplicable sense of trust in him.

Huang Xing sat cross-legged behind Yan Hongyi, and circulated the power of creation into her body.

Because of the delay, more than half of Xuanlong's pill power has been lost.

As soon as Huang Xing's power of creation entered her body, he first wrapped up the power of the mysterious dragon to prevent it from spreading.

Yan Hongyi felt a soft aura pouring into her body, and the power of the mysterious dragon miraculously stopped flowing from her body.

She was shocked in her heart, "Could it be that Xiong Er can really help me refine the power of the mysterious dragon?"

As if to confirm her conjecture, Huang Xing's power of creation began to refine the power of the black dragon pill, slowly nourishing her body.

Huang Chen used two things in one mind, and split out a group of good fortune to warm and nourish her withered hidden spiritual veins.

He originally wanted to wait for a while and get to know her better before helping her restore her hidden veins, but what she did for herself today made him decide to start nurturing her hidden veins now.

Yan Hongyi noticed that there was a berserk force constantly washing over her body, and she could slightly feel that her body was getting stronger.

There is also a mass of soft spiritual energy that wraps the withered spiritual veins in her body, which is very comfortable.

The process of flushing the body was very slow, and it took about four or five hours without interruption before all the pill power of the mysterious dragon was refined and flushed Yan Hongyi's body.

Huang Xing withdrew his power of good fortune, and suddenly sprayed a mouthful of blood onto Yan Hongyi's back.

Refining the mysterious dragon's alchemy to wash away his body consumes a lot of energy. He still needs to increase his fighting spirit to survive until now.

Yan Hongyi was taken aback, she didn't bother to check the changes in her physical body, and turned around to look at Huang Xing.

Seeing that his face was pale and bloodless, she asked anxiously, "Xiong Er, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine." Huang Xing smiled at her, and then said to Wudiqiang with his divine sense, "Brother Qiang, if I haven't woken up tomorrow morning, wake me up."

He was worried that he would miss the time to enter the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, and when he finished speaking, he relaxed and passed out.

Yan Hongyi caught his body, hugged him, and shouted anxiously with red eyes, "Xiong Er, Xiong Er."

No matter how much she shouted, Huang Xing still didn't respond.

She checked Huang Xing's body in a panic, and found that his injuries had deteriorated, and he was exhausted, and there was hardly a trace of spiritual energy in his veins.

She didn't realize that Huang Xing had opened up 37 spiritual veins.

The spiritual veins after thirty are called hidden spiritual veins, which cannot be discovered by others.

Unless he said it himself, or judged based on the opponent's strength.

Of course, the hidden spirit vein still couldn't hide from Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes.

Yan Hongyi hugged Huang Xing, took out a jade bottle from the storage spirit ring, opened the seal, and poured a drop of spiritual liquid into his mouth.

This drop of spirit liquid is called Qiong Ganoderma lucidum liquid, she only has two drops in total, and it belongs to the holy medicine for the healing of low-level earth.

She put away the jade bottle, checked Huang Xing's body again, and was relieved after confirming that his life was not in danger.

She looked at the unconscious Huang Xing, and felt a pain in her heart. Regardless of the deterioration of his injury, he had been resisting to finish refining the Xuanlong Pill Qi for himself.

Yan Hongyi hugged him distressedly, walked out of the practice room, and put him on her boudoir bed.

Then he called for clean water, and carefully wiped the sweat on his face and the blood at the corners of his mouth.

After finishing her work, she realized that her back was sticky. Just now, Huang Xing vomited a big mouthful of blood on her back.

Yan Hongyi came to the bathroom, stripped off her clothes and soaked in the water.

She gently wiped the white and flawless skin on her body, and felt that her physical body was much stronger and full of power.

Just now when Huang Xing helped her refine the pill power of the black dragon, she was horrified. She never thought that when even her master couldn't do it, Xiong Er actually did it.

At this time, her physical body has become very powerful, almost comparable to that of a great monk in the early stages of a baby.

And just now she noticed that Xiong Er used the spiritual air to nourish his withered hidden spiritual veins.

How did he discover his withered hidden spiritual vein?

What shocked her even more was that her withered hidden spirit veins seemed to have regained some vitality.

She kept these secrets in her heart, as long as Xiong Er didn't tell her, she wasn't going to get to the bottom of it, let alone reveal it to anyone.

Yan Hongyi felt a burst of sweetness in her heart. Xiong Er revealed his secret to help her because he trusted her.

Thinking of him kissing her forehead in full view just now, her face flushed with embarrassment, and her whole body also turned bright red.

When Huang Xing woke up, it was already late at night.

He opened his eyes, and the moonlight came in through the window, covering Yan Hongyi lying on the bed with a layer of silver tulle.

He woke up naturally, which means that it has not been more than a day, and the time of coma is much shorter than he estimated.

He felt that the injuries in his body had basically healed, and there was still a strange healing medicine on his body. It seemed that when he was unconscious, Yan Hongyi gave him the best healing medicine.

Invincible Qiang yawned and said, "She gave you Qiong Ganoderma lucidum night, the junior level, and the injury is no longer serious. I'm going to sleep, brother Qiang is sleepy."

Since Wudiqiang woke up from a deep sleep last time, it seems that he has not recovered, and he is groggy every day, sleeping more than him.

When he was in a coma, Wudiqiang wanted to help him guard him until now.

Huang Xing thanked, "Thank you for your hard work, Brother Qiang."

Invincible Qiang didn't respond and fell into a deep sleep.

He turned his head to look at Yan Hongyi who was curled up like a kitten, felt pity for her, gently stroked her little head, then got up and got out of the bed.

Yan Hongyi groaned, woke up, saw that Huang Xing had already woken up, and shouted happily, "Xiong Er, you're awake."

Then he said nervously, "Lie down and have a good rest, don't move around while the injury is still in progress."

"I'm fine." Huang Xing got up and got out of bed, and said, "You go to bed and rest, I'll go to the practice room to practice."

"Then how can it be?" Yan Hongyi held Huang Xing's body to prevent him from getting out of bed, and said with concern, "Your injury is not healed yet, hurry up and lie down and rest."

"I'm really fine."

"No, you lie down and rest."

"I'm so good, I'm as strong as a little bull now."

"No, no, just lie down."



The two pushed and tugged, Yan Hongyi brutally pushed Huang Xing back on the bed, and she accidentally fell on top of him.

(End of this chapter)

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