Chapter 375

The improvement of the system level can greatly enhance his combat power.

If he can break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment within ten days, then the competition for Fire Cloud Qi will be almost guaranteed.

Simply absorbing spiritual stones for cultivation, the amount of daily absorption is limited, and it cannot be absorbed endlessly.

Only by absorbing the pure power flowing out of the Yuxin Hot Spring in Dongying Shinto Temple can one improve oneself at one time.

If he directly refined the wood source power in his body into aura, it would be enough for him to break through to the late stage of foundation establishment, or even directly to the early stage of alchemy.

However, it would be too wasteful to directly refine a spiritual object like Mu Yuanli into spiritual energy.

In the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, there happened to be one thing that was enough for him to break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

That is the ten fire cloud flowers that are born with the fire cloud energy.

The flowers of the fire cloud are in full bloom one by one, and only after all ten flowers are in full bloom can the aura of the fire cloud be truly conceived.

When the first fire cloud flower is in full bloom, the arrogance and evildoers of the big forces will not fight for it, but will leave it to the low-level forces and casual cultivators to fight for it.

This is almost the best cultivation resource they can compete for when they enter the Land of Fire Cloud.

For the nine Fire Cloud Flowers in the back, only the arrogance and evildoers of great powers will fight for them.

Moreover, in order to preserve their strength and compete for the Fire Cloud Qi, the major forces have agreed that whoever wins the Fire Cloud Flower will get it, and other people are not allowed to fight for it, at least not in public.

Huang Chen's goal is those Fire Cloud Flowers, and he still has ten days to practice, plus refining the Fire Cloud Flowers, and then buying some Foundation Establishment Pills, it is enough for him to break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

He made a plan in his heart, touched Yan Hongyi's little head and said, "I will grab a fire cloud flower and give it to you when the time comes."

He didn't say anything about his plan to snatch Huoyun Qi, for fear that she would worry.

"Okay." Yan Hongyi leaned on him happily, and said sweetly, "Thank you, Xiong Er."

She has seen Huang Xing's strength before, if it is just to snatch the Fire Cloud Flower, there should be no problem.

The two snuggled together for a while, Yan Hongyi took out a jade slip, and led Huang Chen to find the next attraction.

This jade slip is a relic left by her sister, recording the beautiful scenery she found in the Fire Cloud Secret Realm.

She came in secretly, and did not join Tianle Shengzi.

Others are busy looking for cultivation resources, but she is looking for the beautiful scenery of Huoyun Secret Realm, and all of them are recorded in the jade slips with image stones.

She couldn't enjoy the beautiful scenery with Shengzi Tianle, so she wanted to record it and share it with him.

Unexpectedly, it ended up being a slam dunk.

Yan Hongyi wanted to follow in her sister's footsteps, walk the path she walked, and see all the scenery she had seen.

She felt that she was lucky because Xiong Er was by her side.

If her sister also had Tianle Shengzi by her side, she would definitely feel that the scenery here is even more beautiful.

According to the records in the jade slips, the two began to look for new scenery.

They went deep all the way, and gradually began to meet some monks, some fights, and some corpses.

The Huoyun Qi is bred on the Huoyun Mountain in the center of the Huoyun Secret Realm.

When monks teleport in from the outside, they will randomly teleport to the edge, and then keep moving closer to Huoyun Mountain.

The closer to the middle, the better the cultivation resources bred.

Most monks will choose a suitable place to find cultivation resources according to their own strength.

If it is only on the periphery, there is generally no danger, but the level of cultivation resources obtained is also very low.

The further you go in, the more dangerous you will be. Not only will you encounter fierce beasts, but more monks will kill each other.

Huang Xing accompanied Yan Hongyi to play for four days, and visited the four scenery recorded on the map.

Every place is like a dream, making people linger and forget to return.

Along the way, I also saw a lot of cultivation resources, such as spiritual plant spiritual grass, refining materials, and rare spiritual mines, most of which are low-level and intermediate-level yellow ranks.

Huang Xing has the eyes to destroy delusion, so it is very convenient to find it, but he didn't search deliberately, but just happened to meet it and put it in the storage space.

The deeper they went, the more monks they encountered.

As long as they didn't take the initiative to attack them, they just passed by in a hurry.

When they were intercepted and killed, Huang Xing was on the sidelines, just in time for Yan Hongyi to sharpen his fighting experience.

After her physical body was strengthened, her combat power improved by leaps and bounds. Although it was only the early stage of core formation of the second rank, it was not much less than the late stage of core formation of the previous rank four.

Now if she meets Lin Xiu again, she will have the strength to fight. If she is more proficient in martial arts, it will not be a problem to defeat him.

"Look, Xiong Er, that's Windless Cliff." Yan Hongyi pointed to a cliff, and said excitedly, "My sister said that there is no trace of wind on that cliff, and the space there seems to be stopped. It’s normal, but you can see the burning clouds floating in the sky, and you can also see the leaves swaying under the cliff, and the whole person seems to be detached from this world, watching the changes in the world with cold eyes on the cliff.”

Looking around, Huang Xing saw Wufeng Cliff soaring into the clouds, shrouded in clouds and mist, reflecting a bright red.

He smiled softly, "Go, let's go to the bottom of the mountain, and I'll carry you up."

Yan Hongyi shouted happily, "Okay, okay, let's go there quickly."

In the past few days, she felt that she was the happiest person in the world. Since her sister's death, she has never been so happy.

In fact, they can fly directly to Wufengya, but mountain climbing is also a process of enjoyment, and the scenery on the top of the mountain will be even more beautiful.

The two flew towards the foot of the mountain, when suddenly a breath stopped them, a big man landed in front of them, bowed his hands, and said cautiously, "Two friends, our Shan Haizong discovered this place first, please take a detour. "

Seeing the aura exuding from Huang Xing and Yan Hongyi, he was stunned for a moment, wondering in his heart, how could a late foundation establishment and early alchemy stage go deep here?

The new resources bred every ten years in the Fire Cloud Secret Realm are located in random places, and there is no fixed place, so monks need to explore by themselves.

Shanhaizong obviously found cultivation resources in this mountain, so they sent people here to prevent others from approaching.

Generally, when encountering such a situation, monks who do not want to have a conflict will take a detour, but there are also some monks who will directly snatch it.

Huang Xing cupped his hands in return, and said politely, "We just want to go up to Wufengya to see the scenery, and we can ask our friends to make it easier for us."

The big man was stunned for a moment, anyone else came to Huoyun Secret Realm to see the scenery?
His face pulled down in an instant, and he said in a deep voice, "I don't care if you are looking at the scenery or for other purposes, leave now, or don't blame me for being rude."


Another figure flew over from the air and landed beside the big man. He looked at Huang Xing and Yan Hongyi with an unkind expression, and asked the big man, "Junior Brother Zheng, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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