Chapter 376 Shanhaizong

Junior Brother Zheng replied truthfully, "Senior Brother Qiu, they said they want to go up to Windless Cliff to see the scenery."

Senior Brother Qiu's face darkened, he looked at Huang Xing and Yan Hongyi and said coldly, "You two's excuses are too clumsy. I'll count to three. If you don't leave, don't blame us for being rude."

After he finished speaking, he began to count: "One..."

call out.

As soon as his "two" came to his lips, he felt a dead light shooting towards him.

He wanted to hide, but there was no time to do so, his body stood there stiffly, his two limbs fighting, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

The dying light flew between him and Junior Brother Zheng.

They could clearly hear the sound of passing through the air and feel the temperature of the dying light.

The two stood there motionless, their throats twitched, they swallowed, and wanted to say something, but they couldn't speak, they just looked at Huang Xing with fear.

Huang Chen's finger didn't hurt them. The resources here were first discovered by Shanhaizong. It's normal for them not to let them in if they want to go up to Wufengya. Moreover, they just warned themselves to leave, not because of him and Yan Hong. If Yi Xiu is low, he will directly attack.

His pointing was only a deterrent.

The dying light passed between them and flew straight to the mountain peak.

Wherever it passes, the space seems to be torn apart, and the creepy sense of silence continues endlessly.

The members of Shanhaizong who were collecting resources felt trembling all over, and raised their heads to look at the dying light in horror.


The extinguished light shot into the mountain peak, and there was a loud noise, and everyone in the Sea Mountain Sect came back to their senses.

Two more of them flew over and landed in front of Huang Xing. One of them was an old man in the late stage of the third round of alchemy, and the other was a young man in the middle stage of the second round of alchemy.

The two of them looked at Lu Chen and Yan Hongyi, and what they were exuding was only the aura of the late stage of foundation establishment and early stage of alchemy, but the terrifying power of the extinguished light just now made them tremble with fear.

The young man clasped his hands fearfully and said, "Pang Shiyuan of Xiashan Haizong, if you dare to ask the two surnames, what is your business here?"

Huang Xing said calmly, "Xiong Er, we want to go up to Wufeng Cliff to see the scenery, please help me."

Pang Shiyuan was also taken aback when he heard this reason, and discussed with a look of embarrassment, "Mr. Xiong, please wait for three hours and go up the mountain after we finish our business."

Although the extinguished light gave him a great shock, the things found inside were not trivial. If they found out, they might attract prying eyes.

Lu Chenyun shook his head lightly and said, "I don't want to waste time here, if you don't agree, I can only force my way."

"What a big tone, let this old man test your skills." The old man beside Pang Shiyuan shouted angrily, and drew his sword to attack Huang Xing.

After all, they didn't really fight against Huang Xing. Although that finger was terrifying, it was only in the foundation building stage, and there were only two opponents, and there were more than 20 people in Shanhaizong, so they were not afraid of them.

Huang Xing just glanced at him lightly and raised his hand.

"call out"

Before the old man could fly, a blood hole was pierced through his left shoulder in an instant, and the attack stopped.

Pang Shiyuan quickly supported him, and called out anxiously, "Elder Ma."

Swish swish.

Everyone in the Shanhaizong saw a fight here, and six figures flew out to surround Lu Xing and Yan Hongyi.

Elder Ma clutched his wound and looked at Huang Xing in horror.

He didn't have time to react to the power of this finger. If the other party hadn't been merciful, as long as he casually hit his vitals, he might have fallen.

When Pang Shiyuan saw the crowd surrounding Lu Xing and Yan Hongyi, he hurriedly exclaimed, "Everyone back down, don't be unreasonable to Mr. Xiong."

He was beside Elder Ma just now, and he could feel the terror of that finger.

Elder Ma, who is the highest in Shan Hai Zong's cultivation and is in the late stage of three-stage alchemy, can't stop him from pointing at him casually. All of them are his enemies.

The six people who besieged Huang Chen realized that Elder Ma had been injured, their faces showed horror, and they turned back and flew behind Pang Shiyuan.

Pang Shiyuan saw that Huang Chen had shown mercy, and cupped his hands in gratitude with lingering fear, "Thank you, Mr. Xiong, for your mercy. Shan Haizong has offended you so much, please forgive me, Mr. Xiong."

Huang Xing asked lightly, "Can we let us climb the mountain now?"

Pang Shiyuan asked everyone in the Shanhaizong to move out of the way, and said respectfully, "Mr. Xiong, Miss Yan, please."

They didn't dare to stop them anymore, with Xiong Er's strength, he could crush them with just one finger.

"Hongyi, let's go." Huang Xing led Yan Hongyi through the crowd and flew towards the foot of the mountain.

Pang Shiyuan stared blankly at the backs of the two leaving, and thought bitterly in his heart, "Is this the legendary evildoer? One finger at the late stage of foundation establishment can injure the late stage of three-turn alchemy."

He is the young suzerain of Shanhaizong, he has opened up two hidden spiritual veins, he is known as the number one pride of Shanhaizong in the past century, and he has a great chance to refine the four-turn golden elixir in the future.

He has always been proud of it, but now that he has seen Huang Xing's strength, he realizes that he is just a frog in a well.

Pang Shiyuan looked away, and asked the old man with concern, "Elder Ma, how is your injury?"

Elder Ma looked at Huang Xing's back, and said with lingering fear, "Thanks to Mr. Xiong's mercy, it's just a flesh injury, it's not a problem."

It was the first time he felt so close to death, and when he came back to his senses, he realized that although his shoulder was pierced, it was only a flesh wound, avoiding his spiritual veins.

What monks are most afraid of is being injured on the spiritual veins and other fatal parts. Generally, flesh and blood injuries recover quickly.

Pang Shiyuan confirmed that Elder Ma was fine, so he was relieved, and said to the people around him, "Let's quickly dig out all the Huoling Mine, and then retreat to the periphery."

Shanhaizong is just a small eighth-rank sect. If they can be safely brought back to the Fire Spirit Mine here, the harvest from this trip will be enough to satisfy them.

The middle part of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm is their limit. If they continue to go deeper, they are likely to be intercepted by powerful monks. Let alone the Fire Spirit Mine, it will be difficult to save their lives.

Huang Xing flew to the foot of Wufengya, and saw a group of people digging around a small vein of mine.

He just glanced at it briefly and then retracted his gaze. The Xuan-level intermediate Huoling Mine should be able to mine nearly 200 Yuan Huoling Mine, which is a fortune. Shanhaizong's luck is really good.

Seeing that Huang Xing didn't pay much attention to the Huoling Mine, everyone in Shanhaizong was relieved. If he tried to snatch it, it would be a disaster for them.

Huang Xing and Yan Hongyi fell to the foot of the mountain, squatted down in front of her and smiled, "Come on, I'll carry you up."

Yan Hongyi put her arms around his neck, and lay on his back sweetly, feeling that she was the happiest person in the world.

"Hurry up." Huang Xing held her buttocks and started to climb the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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