Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 379 The Meaning of Cultivation

Chapter 379 The Meaning of Cultivation

"Bear Two."

"Kill your people."

Lu Chen answered calmly, raised his hand and pointed again, and the questioning four-turn alchemy late stage was instantly killed.

"We are Flying Eagle Fort, a fifth-rank force..."

call out.

Before the other party could speak, Huang Xing killed him with one finger.

"Ah, run away..."

The rest of the ten eagles fled in all directions in horror. Huang Xing looked at them with a mocking smile, and stretched out his hand to point at them continuously.

call out.

call out.

call out.

One after another of extinguished lights shot out, and there were screams, but in the blink of an eye, the situation was turned upside down, and the mighty thirteen eagles of Flying Eagle Castle all fell.

There are still more than ten people left in Shanhaizong. They stared blankly at what happened before them, as if they were dreaming.

The Thirteen Eagles who beat them so helplessly were killed so easily.

They were already prepared to die, and now they survived. Some disciples hugged each other and cried bitterly.

Pang Shiyuan came over with the three elders. They were all seriously injured. They thanked Huang Chen gratefully, "Thank you, Young Master Xiong, for saving your life."

Huang Chen said calmly, "You don't need to thank me, just thank Hongyi if you want to."

If Yan Hongyi hadn't spoken, he wouldn't have made a move.

The four turned to Yan Hongyi and said thanks, "Thank you, Miss Yan, for saving my life."

Pang Shiyuan walked up to them respectfully, took off the storage spirit ring and offered it up and said, "The Huoling Mine is here, and there are still unmined Huoling Mines and resources from the Thirteen Eagles. We will offer them up after we have collected them." To the two benefactors."

Huang Xing didn't go to pick it up, leaving it to Yan Hongyi to handle it himself.

Yan Hongyi looked at the injured members of the Shanhaizong, and decided, "Just collect the resources from the Thirteen Eagles and give us the Huoling mine and the Huoling concentrate for you to keep."

The Thirteen Eagles were killed by Xiong Er, and the spoils should belong to them. As for the Huoling Mine, it is dispensable to her, but to Shanhaizong, it was fought back with more than ten lives.

Pang Shiyuan said solemnly, "How can this work? Although Shanhaizong is only a small sect of the eighth rank, it also knows how to repay its kindness. The two of you saved us. These Huoling mines should be enshrined to you two."

Yan Hongyi shook his head, pointed at those injured and fallen members of the Shanhai Sect, and said, "We saved you not because we coveted these fire spirit mines, but because they protected you from leaving regardless of life and death. Your fellowship is worthy We came to the rescue."

If Shanhaizong didn't unite as one just now, but ran away separately, she wouldn't let Xiong Er make a move.

Pang Shiyuan turned around and looked at those injured juniors, as well as those disciples who blocked him to death with their bodies, and couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes.

He wanted to say something more, but Huang Xing had already flown up Wufeng Cliff with Yan Hongyi in his arms.

Pang Shiyuan looked at their figures, turned to the surviving disciples and said, "Go and collect the resources from Thirteen Eagles first."

Then he said to the three elders, "The three elders and I dug out the fire spirit essence mine together."

They didn't care about healing, so they started to implement Pang Shiyuan's arrangement.

Huang Chen carried Yan Hongyi and flew up Wufeng Cliff. The two sat beside the cliff. She leaned on Huang Chen and stared at the sky in a daze, with confusion and sadness in her eyes.

After a while, Pang Shiyuan also flew up Wufengya, and he also felt a strange feeling when he stepped here.

Without thinking too much, he handed the storage spirit ring he obtained from Thirteen Eagles to them and said, "The storage spirit rings collected from Thirteen Eagles are all here. The great kindness of the two great virtues, Shan Haizong, is unforgettable." , in the future, as long as there is something useful, please do not hesitate to order."

Huang Xing took the storage spirit rings, and said flatly, "Get out alive, I wish you good luck."

Pang Shiyuan's face showed hope, and he thanked, "Thank you, Mr. Xiong, for your kind words. I won't bother you two anymore. Let me leave."

Getting out alive is the greatest wish of every monk who steps into the Fire Cloud Secret Realm.

He was going to take the rest of the people back to the periphery, but it was only relatively safe, which didn't mean there was no danger.

There are some monks who specialize in retreating after the peripheral interception and harvest.

In the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, no place is safe, and there are murderous opportunities everywhere.

When they came in, they were already prepared to die.

After Pang Shiyuan left, Yan Hongyi looked at the sky and murmured in a low voice, "It is said that monks are fighting for their lives in cultivation, but what I see now is fighting for their lives."

She asked confusedly, "Xiong Er, what do you think we cultivate for? It's better to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life for a hundred years."

Huang Xing put his arms around her gently and said, "Actually, being ordinary is the greatest luxury. When you become an ordinary person, your life and death are only at the whim of others. When facing danger, you will long for strength. Desire to be a monk."

"When you become a monk, you will find that the road to cultivation is long, and you are just an ant, and you don't even have the qualifications to break through to the Tribulation Stage and compete with the heavens."

"The original sin of all this is just because I am too weak."

"If you want to control your own destiny, you have to constantly make yourself stronger."

"If you want to become stronger, you have to cultivate resources and fight for them."

"What I practice is to control my own destiny and protect the people I care about from harm."

Yan Hongyi looked at Huang Xing and asked seriously, "Xiong Er, am I the one you care about and protect?"

Huang Xing kissed her forehead, and replied affirmatively, "Of course."

Yan Hongyi leaned against him, raving, "Xiong Er, your words are enough."

There are too many secrets hidden in Xiong Er, like a fog, I don't know anything about him, but I have already given my heart to him.

Just like this, Huang Xing quietly hugged Yan Hongyi and sat on the Wufeng Cliff. Shanhaizong had already dug out the fire spirit concentrate and left here.

Maybe they can return to Shanhaizong alive with the Huoling Mine.

Or maybe encounter other monks to kill and fall.

If you don't have enough strength to step into the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, life and death are not up to you.

The two sat for a long time, Huang Xing said softly, "Let's go, let's start the next journey."

He carried Yan Hongyi and flew to the foot of the mountain, where only the corpse of Thirteen Eagles and the hollowed-out spirit vein remained.


Huang Xing swept through the Spirit Vein Mine, and found that from the hole where the Fire Spirit Concentrate was dug out, wisps of Fire Spirit breath gushed out, which was stronger than the breath given to him by the Fire Spirit Concentrate.

Shan Haizong left in a hurry, without careful investigation, it turned out that there was another mystery here.

Yan Hongyi asked curiously, "Xiong Er, what's the matter?"

"There's something in there."

As Huang Xing said, he pointed to the Ling mine vein.

One after another spiritual energy pointed to break open the ore on the edge of the hole.

The hole got deeper and deeper, and the breath of the fire spirit became stronger.

Yan Hongyi saw the crimson veins gradually exposed, and cried out, "Fire marrow."

(End of this chapter)

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