Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 380 Fire Essence

Chapter 380 Fire Essence

If it is said that concentrated ore is rare in a hundred years, then the spiritual essence is rare in ten thousand years.

There are only a handful of spiritual marrows that appear in the entire cultivation world.

Yan Hongyi asked in shock, "Why is there a fire marrow here?"

This fire spirit vein is only miniature, and it is already a miracle that it can form fire spirit concentrate.

Now that the fire spirit marrow appears, it is beyond common sense.

A corner of the crystal clear Fire Essence was revealed, and it was overflowing with crimson brilliance.

The aura of the fire spirit is strong and formed, condensed but not scattered.

Even Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes couldn't see clearly, he could only see a red patch, as sticky as blood.

He said disapprovingly, "The Fire Cloud Secret Realm can breed such a strange thing as the Fire Cloud Qi. Is it any wonder that the Fire Spirit Essence appears again?"

Yan Hongyi was left speechless by Huang Xing's retorted question. The Fire Cloud Secret Realm is indeed full of mystery, so she asked in shock, "Xiong Er, do you know what the Fire Essence is used for?"

Huang Xing carefully broke open the ore next to the fire marrow, and asked Wudi Qiang, "Brother Qiang, what is the fire marrow used for?"

From the introduction in the jade slips, the spirit ore and the concentrate were known to be used for refining weapons, but he had never heard of the spirit essence.

Wudiqiang replied, "Spiritual marrow is the top refining material in the cultivation world, and one of the materials for forging heavenly magic weapons."

Hearing this promise, Huang Xing thought to himself, no wonder Yan Hongyi was taken aback.

The heavenly magic weapon is the foundational magic weapon of the major powers. If people know that there is the essence of forging the heavenly magic weapon here, the arrogance and evildoers of those big forces will definitely come to fight for it.

But it’s nothing to him, not to mention the magic weapon in the store after he upgrades, the Muramasa Demon Sword is a real heaven-level magic weapon after recovery, and the fire spirit marrow is just a forging material, which is still far away.

He turned around, pinched Yan Hongyi's little nose, and said with a smile, "Isn't it just the material for forging a heavenly magic weapon, what's the fuss about?"


Yan Hongyi was a little messed up after hearing Huang Xing's nonchalant answer. The materials for forging the heavenly magic weapon are all high-grade spirit stones to trade, and there is still a price but no market. If it appears in the auction house, all major forces will send people to bid for it.

Huang Xing patted her head, thinking in his heart that he would have a chance to give her a heavenly magic weapon in the future.

He continued to dig the fire marrow, and the more he dug, the larger the area was, and the exposed position was already [-] centimeters high, but it hadn't reached the edge yet.

Yan Hongyi opened his mouth so wide that he could swallow an egg, and said inconceivably, "This, how is this possible? How could this fire marrow be so big? The diameter of the marrow excavated in the records of the cultivation world is only a dozen or twenty at most. About centimeters, this fire marrow is [-] centimeters long and has not yet seen the edge, and its volume exceeds all the marrows in the records."

Huang Chen smiled sheepishly, "Maybe we are lucky."

His luck has always been very good, and the luck of a man who loves to laugh has never been too bad, because a man with too bad luck can't laugh.

Yan Hongyi could only understand it in this way, and echoed a little bit in a daze, "Maybe."

Invincible Qiang suddenly said, "This fire marrow is a bit strange."

Huang Xing was not smiling, but asked seriously, "What's going on?"

Things that can make Wudiqiang feel strange are definitely not trivial, and he dare not be careless.

Invincible Qiang said solemnly, "I can't tell, you can dig it out first."

Huang Xing frowned, and continued to dig, digging bigger and bigger, so big that Yan Hongyi was shocked to the point of numbness.

When they are all dug out, they will be 1.2 meters high and [-] centimeters wide in the shape of an oval egg.

The entire fire marrow is a translucent crimson, refracted red in the sunlight.

The aura of the fire spirit above is as thick as water, and the surface of the fire spirit marrow is like blood flowing.

Looking at the red giant egg in front of him, Huang Xing asked Wudiqiang with his divine sense, "Brother Qiang, do you notice anything unusual?"

His delusion-breaking eyes could only see a sea of ​​blood.

Invincible Qiang said solemnly, "Only the surface of this giant egg is the fire marrow, and I can't see what's inside. You can find a chance to refine the fire marrow on the surface, which can improve your cultivation a lot. I'll see what's in there."

Huang Xing thought to himself, even if Wudiqiang said it was a good thing, it must be a great thing.

Unexpectedly, there is a mystery in the fire spirit marrow, which even Wudiqiang can't see through.

Yan Hongyi was in a daze looking at the Huo Ling Essence Giant Egg, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, and said cautiously, "Xiong Er, put it away quickly, and don't tell anyone that you have such a large piece of Huo Ling Essence on your body." Otherwise, it will lead to death."

She is not scaremongering, such a large piece of fire essence, even a real person like her master would snatch it.

Huang Xing put the fire marrow into the storage space, and said, "Let's go, just in time to arrive at Qianyue Lake to watch the moon when it gets dark."

"En, en." Yan Hongyi nodded happily.

Qianyue Lake is also one of the wonders of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm. At night, a thousand moons will be reflected on the lake.

The names of these scenic spots were all named by Yan Hongyi's sister.

Everyone else came in to fight for resources, and she was the only one who calmed down and simply enjoyed the scenery of Huoyun Secret Realm.

The two hurried on their way, and on the way they met a group of seven or eight people who intercepted and killed them.

Huang Xing casually pointed out a few fingers, and killed them all.

After refining the red finger bones, the power of fingering is much stronger than before.

Yan Hongyi has been deeply impressed by his strength. Even in the world of Confucianism, his current influence is enough to become a core disciple.

She guessed that Xiong Er had opened up 36 spiritual veins unprecedentedly, and his current strength was not as good as that of Tianle Shengzi in the later stage of foundation establishment.

The withered hidden spirit vein on her body has almost returned to life, according to what Xiong Er said, it can be fully recovered tomorrow.

This kind of miraculous power has never appeared in the cultivation world.

It was already nightfall when we arrived at Qianyue Lake.

The night of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm was shrouded in blood, making it even more eerie.

The moonlight shines through, a layer of light red tulle, hazy.

"Xiong Er, look quickly, there is really a bright moon on the lake!" Yan Hongyi shouted excitedly pointing at Qianyue Lake, "Let me count, is there really a thousand moons?"

"one two three four……"

When the two landed by the lake, Yan Hongyi happily counted them.

Huang Xing looked at the lake, this place is really a wonder.

The moon in Fire Cloud Secret Realm can be called a blood moon.

But reflected in Qianyue Lake, it turned into a bright moon again.

Moreover, the bright moons are distributed irregularly on the surface of the lake, and none of them overlap.

"Wonderful." Invincible boasted in Huang Xing's mind, "The master who pioneered the world of self-cultivation has reached the pinnacle of the law of space. This small lake is actually a thousand layers of space."

(End of this chapter)

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