Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 405 Geng Le's Invitation

Chapter 405 Geng Le's Invitation

Having obtained the pledge of allegiance from the black-clothed swordsman, Huang Chen nodded slightly. He admired the character of being able to fight desperately to save his sister.

He said, "Go to the shore to heal your wounds first, and leave the other things to me."

The black-clothed swordsman said respectfully, "Thank you benefactor, I'm going to Xu Youquan, I don't know my benefactor's name yet."

"Xiong Er." Lu Chen said his name calmly, then turned and walked towards the west bank.

Yan Hongyi and Xu Youquan also followed him back to the shore.

His name spread throughout the volcanic lake, and all Tianjiao and evildoers firmly remembered this name.

The battle for the first Huoyunhua ended, and the ownership of Huoyunhua was settled.

Everyone turned their attention to Huang Xing and Yan Hongyi.

These arrogance and evildoers finally know what it means that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

They have always been arrogant, thinking that they are almost the same as real dragon-level monsters.

Now after seeing Xiong Er's strength, they realized that the gap between evildoers and evildoers can be so huge.

That Xiong Erhao said that he would grab another Fire Cloud Flower for the black-clothed swordsman.

This is taking food by the mouth of a tiger, which touches the common interests of the three major alliances.

Those rank six evildoers are all thinking, wanting to get rid of Xiong Er before he really grows up.

Although Yan Hongyi is a disciple of Confucianism, she usually practiced with her master Master Longsu, so even disciples from Confucianism did not recognize her, let alone other Tianjiao monsters.

But someone recognized Ji Yanran beside Huang Xing.

She comes from a third-rank family, and she is already considered the pride of the powerful.

Just now, Huang Xing and his party went to the west bank, so they didn't attract the attention of the powerful Tianjiao and evildoers.

At this time, Huang Chen and the others returned to the shore. A member of the Zhanmeng Tianjiao saw Ji Yanran next to him, and said to his companion in doubt, "That woman in blue seems to be Ji Yanran, the Tianjiao of the Ji family in Yongle City. I also saw her with Liu Tianyi from Dongling Liu Family in Yaoguang City, why is she with Xiong Er?"

When Zhanmeng Tianjiao heard the monk's words, they all looked at Ji Yanran, and one of them echoed, "It is indeed Ji Yanran, I met her once a month ago."

"Are you sure she is the daughter of the Ji family in Yongle City?"

A gentle voice asked, everyone looked over and greeted respectfully, "Senior Brother Geng."

The one who spoke was the only seven-turn alchemy evildoer in Zhanmeng's trip, Alchemy Geng Le.

He walked over and looked at the two Tianjiao monks who said they knew Ji Yanran just now.

The two of them took another look at Ji Yanran, and after confirming that they were correct, they said with certainty, "It's her, I just met her not long ago, so I won't admit my mistake."

The realm of comprehension is too big, there are dozens of big forces in Zhanmeng alone, plus countless small forces, the alchemy stage is still not well-known, not all Tianjiao monsters know each other, only a few six-turn alchemy The evildoers are widely spread, and most of the other Tianjiao evildoers also know disciples who are adjacent or close to the forces.

Geng Le was dressed in white, and his temperament was dusty. Hearing this, he looked at Huang Chen and his party, then frowned and pondered for a while, then took out a pill bottle and handed it to a Tianjiao beside him, and said, "Junior Brother Di, you give this Earth Yuan Pill to me." Give it to Xiong Er, and then invite them to come and talk."

The expressions of the four six-turn pill-forming monsters all changed when they heard the Earth-Yuan Pill.

This is an earth-level mid-level elixir, which has a price but no market. It is used for monks to relieve backlash after taking the golden elixir level violent elixir.

The black-clothed swordsman was seriously injured after using the Berserk Pill. If he only used the Earth Spirit Pill, the healing effect would not be great. If he used this Earth Yuan Pill to heal his wounds, the effect would be very significant, reducing his basic damage to a minimum.

Geng Le, he is planning to use Di Yuan Dan to make friends with the evil Xiong Er who established the foundation.

The evildoer in blue beside Xiao Qingchen persuaded, "Senior brother Geng, Xiong Er uttered wild words and wanted to fight for the next nine fire cloud flowers. If he is allowed to come here now, I am afraid that both the League of God and the League of Saints will have ideas."

Geng Le said with a smile, "Junior Blue Sword, if Xiong Er can join our Zhanmeng, it will be a great help to us. Could it be that without Xiong Er, the League of God and the League of Saints would be polite to us?"

Lan Jian frowned and didn't say much.

Junior Brother Di took the Diyuan Pill, and flew into the sky towards Huang Xing.

At this time, there were still more than ten minutes before the second fire cloud flower bloomed. The Tianjiao and evildoers of the Divine League and the Holy League saw him fly from the volcanic lake to the west bank, and watched him away thoughtfully.

When Huang Xing returned to the shore, he spent 6400 gold coins to buy a level 9 healing pill and handed it to Xu Youquan, saying, "Take it together with the Earth Spirit Pill to heal your wounds."

Xu Youquan took the Healing Pill and thanked him, "Thank you, benefactor."

There was both sadness and joy in his heart, and he staggered to the side and began to heal his wounds.

The sad thing is that he was seriously injured after taking the Berserk Pill, which may cause irreparable damage to the foundation.

Happily, Xiong Er agreed to help him snatch a fire cloud flower, and his sister was saved.

He knew that it would be difficult and dangerous to snatch Huoyunhua from the three major alliances, but he still believed in Xiong Er very much.

Xiong Er's strength made him despair, and it was also his greatest hope.

After Yan Hongyi returned to the shore, she kept persuading Huang Xing to give her Huoyunhua to Xu Youquan, and not to grab other Huoyunhuas.

Huang Xing reassured her confidently that everything was under his control.

Tianjiao Di surnamed came from the volcanic lake, landed in front of Huang Xing, and greeted him with cupped hands, "Mr. Xiong."

Then he turned to Ji Yanran and said, "This is Junior Sister Ji Yanran from the Ji family in Yongle City?"

Ji Yanran nodded and asked, "Who is this senior brother?"

"Die Feijing of the Lower Alchemy Sect, under the order of Brother Geng, sent the Diyuan Pill to Mr. Xiong, and I invite everyone to go over and talk about it."

After Di Fei finished speaking in shock, he handed the Diyuan Pill to Huang Xing.

Diyuandan and the three-turn life-returning medicine given to him by Tianle Shengzi are the same level of medicine.

Among the earth ranks, every time a level is raised, the value will be multiplied several times. Geng Le sent the Earth Yuan Dan, which also shows his sincerity.

Huang Chen shook his head and didn't take the Diyuan Pill, but said with a smile, "Thank you Mr. Geng for your kindness, as the saying goes, you don't get paid for nothing, please return it to Mr. Geng."

Di Fei was shocked when he heard the words, pointed to Xu Youquan who was recovering, and said, "He was seriously injured again with the Furious Pill. If he doesn't use the Earth Pill to heal his wounds, I'm afraid the foundation will be ruined."

"Brother Di doesn't need to worry about this. I'll take a free approach." Huang Chen said calmly, "Brother Di, please go back and tell Mr. Geng that the companions around me are all from Zhanmeng. It will only target the Divine League and the Holy League, but if someone is desperate, don't blame me for being merciless."

Di Feijing's face changed, this Xiong Er is too crazy, does he want to fight against the monsters of the three alliances alone?
He said in a deep voice, "In that case, I will take my leave. I will definitely tell Brother Geng what Mr. Xiong said."

(End of this chapter)

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