Chapter 406

"Xiong Er, why did you refuse Senior Brother Geng's invitation?" Yan Hongyi looked at Di Fei's back in shock and asked in puzzlement, "If we go to Zhanmeng's side, then you will snatch it as Zhanmeng." Give Xu Youquan a fire cloud flower, and he won't be attacked from all sides."

In fact, she also wanted Xiong Er to join the Zhanmeng. With Xiong Er's strength and her identity, no one in the Zhanmeng would object if she took a shot to grab a fire cloud flower. This is the safest thing practice.

Huang Xing smiled and said, "Fool, if you join Zhanmeng, wouldn't you want to help them snatch Huoyun Qi?"

Yan Hongyi suddenly realized, "That's right, snatching the Fire Cloud Qi is far more dangerous than the Fire Cloud Flower. After you get the Fire Cloud Flower, we will go down the mountain and leave."

Lu Xing said with a smile, "How can we miss the grand occasion of snatching the Fire Cloud Qi? We will watch the battle from the sidelines then."

Not only did he not want to help Zhanmeng snatch the Huoyun Qi, but according to the original plan, he wanted to get the last Huoyun Qi and give it to Yan Hongyi.

But when he saw Xiao Qingchen, he felt a little troubled.

He also didn't understand how Xiao Qingchen could appear here because he was only in the early stage of foundation establishment.

Wouldn't it be very dangerous if Xiao Qingchen also made a move when fighting for Huoyunhua?
He must not let her fall into danger.

This time the battle for fire cloud energy exceeded his expectations, and he could only wait and see.

Yan Hongyi dissuaded him, "Xiong Er, let's leave early. Every time we compete for the Fire Cloud Qi, there will be rivers of blood. I don't want to stay here and watch Zhanmeng disciples fall and be powerless."

She is only at the early stage of the second rank of alchemy, and her strength is too weak to participate in such a big battle.

It is also impossible for her to let Xiong Er help Zhanmeng and get involved in this war.

Huang Xing looked at the bewitching fire cloud flowers blooming in the volcanic lake, this battle for fire cloud gas made him feel even more weird.

He touched Yan Hongyi's head and said, "Don't worry, I'm free in my heart, and I won't embarrass you."

Di Fei returned to the east bank in shock, returned the Diyuan Pill to Geng Le, and conveyed Huang Chen's words in detail.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the Zhanmeng were filled with righteous indignation when they heard this, this Xiong Ertai was so defiant that he dared to refuse Geng Le's invitation.

And according to his tone, Zhanmeng evildoers are not allowed to grab Huoyunhua from him.

The faces of the four monsters of Zhanmeng are as serious as water, and they will have to see who is being rude to whom later.

Geng Le also frowned and said, "Juniors, wait for the competition for Huoyunhua. If you meet Xiong Er, don't do it directly. Since he said that it is mainly aimed at the Holy League and the God League, why don't we sit on the mountain and watch?" Tiger fight."

Everyone listened to Geng Le's words, and their minds were active. Let Xiong Er fight with the monsters of the Holy League and the League of God first, so that they can reap the benefits of fishing.

Even if Xiong Er wins the monstrous evildoers of the Holy League and the League of Gods, if he dares to compete with them for Huoyunhua, he can just kill him.

Everyone has their own thoughts, waiting for the second fire cloud flower to bloom.

Time passed minute by minute.

At noon, the second Huoyun flower bloomed as scheduled.

Coquettish blood.

On the west bank, some disciples and casual cultivators from small forces stayed to watch the battle.

They all looked at Huang Xing, waiting for him to make a move.

This was the first time they had seen someone blatantly snatch the last nine Fire Cloud Flowers of the three major alliances.

They admire Xiong Er not only for his strength, but also for his courage.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the three major alliances also looked at Huang Xing, wanting to see if he really dared to make a move.

Huang Xing smiled lightly, and said to everyone around him, "You wait for me here."

Yan Hongyi said worriedly, "Xiong Er, you have to be careful, if the situation is wrong, you should return quickly."

Huang Chen said confidently, "Don't worry, they can't help me."

In the eyes of everyone, he did not disappoint those Tianjiao evildoers, and walked slowly towards the volcanic lake.

Then he looked around at the Tianjiao and evildoers of the three major alliances, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and pointed to the sky.

The meaning of nirvana gathered at his fingertips, and then surrendered from the sky to the second blooming fire cloud flower, raging and spreading, forming a terrifying field.

"Those who enter the circle die."

Huang Xing's voice spread to every corner of the volcanic lake.

His voice was very flat, but it made people feel chilly, and made many arrogance and evildoers feel terrified.

This is the alchemy evildoer who provoked the three major alliances with his own strength.

"Your courage is admirable. As long as you join the Shinto Temple, I will guarantee you to get this Fire Cloud Flower."

A cold voice came from the north, and Huang Xing looked at it. It was a young man in black who was speaking, holding a long knife in his hand. Huang Xing checked his cultivation base, and he was in the late stage of seven-turn alchemy.

Needless to say, it must be the holy son of the Shinto Temple, Miyamoto Musashi.

This is the third holy son he has seen.

Both Jiang Yunxiao and Tianle Shengzi are amazing enough, Miyamoto Musashi can be designated as the Shengzi of the Shinto Temple in the alchemy stage, and his strength is beyond doubt.

Huang Xing looked at Miyamoto Musashi, smiled contemptuously, and said disdainfully, "Shinto Temple? Not interested."

His words made the crater lake quiet.

Yin Yin is the strongest Shinto temple among the top ten holy places, and this Xiong Er actually said that he is not interested.

It's not just rejection, it's humiliation.

Miyamoto Musashi looked calm and didn't get angry because of it, but said lightly, "Everyone has his own aspirations, since you're not interested, then I won't force it."

"Arrogance and ignorance, let me tell you how to respect the Holy Land."

Among the Tianjiao and evildoers in the north, a person rose into the air and came with a thunderous voice.

His body was full of vigor, and his blood was burning vigorously.

Huang Xing checked his cultivation base, he was in the late stage of turning six pill formation.

He sneered in his heart, it seemed that he was an evildoer from the Holy Land of Blood.

The enemy of the Ji family, let's take him first today.

He asked with a mocking smile, "Oh, what kind of respect should we maintain?"

"Kneel down and talk."

The evildoer gave a cold shout, and slapped him with a palm. A bloody hand pressed towards Huang Xing, trying to push him down to his knees.

While healing his wounds, Xu Youquan opened his eyes to watch the battle on the volcanic lake.

The power of this palm is not weaker than the person who took the berserk pill.

He felt a sense of helplessness in his heart, he was also a sixth-rank pill formation evildoer, and the strength from the holy land and casual cultivators was so great.

He looked at Huang Xing fixedly, among casual cultivators, the only one who dared to challenge the monsters in the Holy Land was the mysterious benefactor.

The sky-shrouding blood palm slapped into the circle of extinction, how could Huang Xing's fingers tolerate the invasion of foreign enemies?

Before he even moved, the power of Nirvana in the finger domain automatically condensed into a series of finger strengths and pierced towards the blood palm.

Boom, boom, boom.

Before the blood palm could be photographed, it was pierced through holes, and when it was about to reach Huang Xing's body, it had disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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