Chapter 42 Let him go

Qin Muyu stood up with a grim expression, and said sinisterly, "Take me to meet that Young Master Lu and Master Hu of Beicheng. I want to see who gave them the courage to provoke the Qin family."

"If you dare to offend Young Master Qin, they definitely don't want to live anymore." A young man beside Qin Muyu agreed arrogantly.

"That's right, Young Master Qin went out in person, that Young Master Lu and Lord Tiger of Beicheng knelt down and begged for mercy without being frightened." Another person flattered and laughed.

"Let's go with Young Master Qin to see who dares to provoke the Qin family." Ling Tianqi said to the two friends who came with him.

"Young Master Ling, I made you laugh." Qin Muyu said coldly, "If you dare to provoke the Qin family in Linjiang, I will definitely make them pay the price."

The birthday party of the eldest son of the Qin family is coming soon, and it is time for guests from all over the world to congratulate him. Now someone has jumped out to provoke the Qin family. This is definitely courting death.

The prestige of the Qin family should not be insulted lightly.

Those who humiliate will die.

Manager Zheng led Qin Muyu and his party of eight to the No. 9 box where Huang Xing was located aggressively.

As soon as they reached the corridor, they saw Wang Hu and two thugs guarding the door.

Qin Muyu walked up to Wang Hu, and confronted him, Lei Ting yelled, "Wang Hu, you are so brave, you dare to touch people from our Qin family."

He didn't mention the matter of his robbing the fish at first, but used the matter of Lei Yun to make trouble.

Wang Hu replied disdainfully, "Lei Yun courted death to offend Young Master Lu. I didn't take his life, so it was a good deal for him."

He didn't give Qin Muyu any face, nor did he give the Qin family any face.

"Very good." Qin Muyu was furious, and said coldly, "I'd like to see who Master Lu is, so that you have the courage to talk to me like this."

Qin Muyu took a step forward, wanting to enter the box.

He didn't take Wang Hu seriously. Wang Hu wasn't qualified to talk to him directly. He wanted to go directly to Young Master Lu who was behind Wang Hu.

Wang Hu stretched out his hand to block Qin Muyu, and said seriously, "Young Master Lu is eating with friends inside, without his consent, no one can go in to disturb Young Master Lu."

As long as Young Master Lu didn't speak, he would guard the gate for Young Master Lu and not allow anyone to go in and disturb Young Master Lu for dinner.

Qin Muyu's complexion was serious, and he snapped, "Good dogs don't get in the way, get out of here."

He was really angry, and was swept away again and again.

A mere Northern City Tiger Lord dares to stand in his way.

Behind him was Young Master Ling, and a large group of people were watching.

If Wang Hu and Young Master Lu are not allowed to pay a heavy price today, where will Qin Muyu's face be saved?
"Let him go, don't affect our meal."

Huang Chen's domineering voice came from the box.

He had already heard the commotion outside, but he was too lazy to talk to Qin Muyu and asked Wang Hu to send them away.

"Don't bother with them." Huang Xing put a piece of lobster in Ji Ran's bowl, and said warmly, "Come, eat a piece of lobster."

"Yeah." Ji Ran said quietly.

She was not flustered by the movement outside, as long as Huang Xing was around, she would feel at ease and not be afraid of anything.

Xu Shasha looked at Huang Xing and thought he was too cool. While she was dismissive of Young Master Qin outside, she was so gentle towards Ji Ran at the same time.

When Qin Muyu heard Huang Xing telling him to roll outside, his lungs were about to explode. He had never been humiliated like this before.

He reached out and grabbed Wang Hu Henglan's hand, and shouted angrily, "Go away."

After Huang Xing spoke, Wang Hu had more confidence to face Qin Muyu.

His face turned cold, and he asked sharply, "Didn't Young Master Qin hear what Young Master Lu said? If Young Master Qin still doesn't leave, don't blame me for doing it."

"You dare to fight me?" Qin Muyu laughed back angrily, "Alright, alright, today, I will let you know that in front of the ancient warriors, you are nothing but ants."

Qin Muyu spoke in a majestic manner, looking invincible in the world.

As an ancient warrior, he has proud capital.


Wang Hu yelled violently, and before Qin Muyu could react, he suddenly jumped up and punched Qin Muyu in the chest.

He is a ruthless person who licks blood with a knife. Since he decided to do it, he did it directly. The attack was very cruel.

Exercise the muscles and bones with bright energy, exercise internal strength with dark energy, and exercise the whole body with energy.

After getting through the two veins of Ren and Du, and cultivating internal strength to become a master of dark energy, one can be regarded as an ancient warrior in the true sense.

Qin Muyu is only an ancient martial artist with Ming Jin cultivation, in real fights, Wang Hu is not without chance of winning.

But he didn't dare to underestimate Qin Muyu, and took advantage of his unpreparedness to strike first.

Qin Muyu was spoiled and pampered since he was a child, and he had no real fighting experience. When he was suddenly attacked by Wang Hu, he felt a muffled sound in his chest, his blood was churning, and he couldn't breathe.

If it was an ordinary person, Wang Hu's punch would be enough to knock him down, but Qin Muyu is at the sixth level of Ming Jin and has a strong physique, so he only took two steps back.

Of the seven people who came with Qin Muyu, only Ling Tianqi was also an ancient warrior, but he didn't intend to help.

The other six people were just ordinary rich second generations, they were overwhelmed by Wang Hu's fierce appearance, and it was too late to hide, so how dare they help.

Manager Zheng was even more terrified. Seeing that Wang Hu really dared to fight Qin Muyu, he secretly retreated to the side and called Mr. Mo who was behind Yujia No. [-].

Without giving Qin Muyu a chance to react, Wang Hu took a big step and directly punched him again.

Qin Muyu was dizzy, he conditioned his hands to block Wang Hu's fist, but Wang Hu swept across again, kicked him on the waist, and then attacked Qin Muyu like a storm.

Qin Muyu had no fighting experience, and was attacked by Wang Hu again. He wobbled and received a few forceful blows before being knocked down to the ground.

Wang Hu became ruthless, he wanted to step on Qin Muyu's face.

Ling Tianqi, who had been watching the fight, suddenly made a move, kicked Wang Hu's foot away, and said flatly, "It's over."

As an ancient warrior, if Qin Muyu was trampled in the face by ordinary people in front of him, then he would feel ashamed.

He looked at Qin Muyu who was lying on the ground, and felt very disdainful in his heart, the face of the ancient warrior was completely lost by him.

Wang Hu took a step back and looked at Ling Tianqi warily, the place where he was kicked was still painful.

He didn't know Ling Tianqi, but the power of that kick let him know that the young man who shot was also an ancient warrior, and his aura was different from that of a dude like Qin Muyu, which made him feel palpitations.

Wang Hu knew he was invincible, but he didn't back down. He asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Behind him is the unpredictable Huang Xing, who gives him the confidence to face Ling Tianqi.

Ling Tianqi said proudly, "Ling Tianqi from the Huaibei Ling Family."

Wang Hu said politely, "It turns out that it is Huaibei Ling Shao, who has admired his name for a long time."

In fact, he had never heard of the Ling family in Huaibei, it was just a polite talk in the world.

Qin Muyu felt that his body was about to fall apart, and his whole body was in excruciating pain.

Seeing Ling Tianqi make a move, he climbed up while leaning against the wall, looked at Wang Hu with bloodshot eyes, and shouted hysterically, "Young Master Ling, help me abolish him, I want him to die."

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