Chapter 43 has exceeded 10 minutes

Ling Tianqi was unmoved by Qin Muyu's roar, and said calmly, "Young Master Qin, if people know about your Qin family's affairs and you need outsiders to intervene, I'm afraid it will affect your Qin family's prestige."

He and Qin Muyu have just met, and they don't have any friendship, so he won't act rashly until he finds out the details of Young Master Lu.

He is not a fool like Qin Muyu, knowing that a ruthless person like Lord Tiger of Beicheng dares to fight the Qin family, he must have something to rely on.

Qin Muyu knew that Ling Tianqi didn't intend to stand up for him, so he looked at Wang Hu bitterly, and said through gritted teeth, "The Qin family will definitely not let you go, just wait and see."

"let's go."

Qin Muyu put down his harsh words, and ran away in despair with a few of his second-generation friends.

Ling Tianqi and his two friends from Huaibei did not leave with Qin Muyu, but looked thoughtfully at the closed door of the box.

This Young Master Lu was so arrogant that when Young Master Qin of the ancient Wu Qin family arrived at the door, he didn't even have the qualifications to enter, so he was beaten away by his subordinates.

"Does Young Master Ling have any advice?" Wang Hu asked with a salute.

Ling Tianqi didn't make a move just now, which meant that he was not an enemy, so Wang Hu couldn't lose his courtesy.

"I just want to make friends with Young Master Lu." Young Master Ling said meaningfully.

"In that case, I'll go in and inform Young Master Ling."

Wang Hu didn't dare to let Ling Tianqi enter the box on his own initiative.

"Since Young Master Ling wants to make friends, let's come in and have a meal together." Huang Xing's voice came from the box and continued, "Master Tiger, ask the waiter to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and let them hurry up and take away the rest. Two dishes are delivered."

When Wang Hu heard Huang Xing calling him "Master Tiger", he was refreshed.

Huang Xing called him Lord Tiger to give him face, so his title of "Master Tiger" will definitely resound throughout Linjiang in the future.

Even if he went to visit the Chu family tomorrow, as long as Lu Xing called him Lord Tiger, Chu Tianxiong, the Patriarch of the Chu family, would also politely call him Lord Tiger.

This is face, this is status.

"Master Ling, please."

Wang Hu pushed open the door of the box excitedly, and invited Ling Tianqi in.

Ling Tianqi asked the two friends who came with him to stay outside the door, entered the box by himself, walked towards Huang Chen and the others, bowed and said, "Ling Tianqi from the Ling family in Huaibei, take the liberty of disturbing Young Master Lu."

"Linjiang University, Huang Xing, it's a pleasure to meet Young Master Ling." Huang Xing also reported his name.

Huang Xing's principle is that if people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If people do offend me, I will directly trample to death. If Ling Tianqi really wants to make friends with him, he is also very happy to make friends.

Ling Tianqi frowned slightly. He thought that Lu Xing was also from the ancient martial arts family, but his introduction showed that he was not from the ancient martial arts family. So what confidence did he have to provoke the ancient martial arts Qin family?

Ling Tianqi is also a free and easy person, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it anymore, looking at Ji Ran and Xu Shasha with a smile, "Would you like to introduce these two beauties to me, Young Master Lu?"

"She's my girlfriend Ji Ran." Huang Xing pointed at Ji Ran for introduction, then pointed to Xu Shasha and said, "This beauty is called Xu Shasha, my girlfriend's best friend."

"Beauty Ji, Miss Xu, it's an honor to meet you two."

Ling Tianqi was not as cold and arrogant as he was when he was with Qin Muyu just now, but sat down beside Huang Xing familiarly, and greeted Ji Ran and Xu Shasha in a sunny manner.

We are all young people, so making friends is naturally a little casual.

On the contrary, Ji Ran and Xu Shasha were a little cautious, but nodded to Ling Tianqi with a smile.

"Young Master Lu is really brave, even the Qin family dares to offend." Ling Tianqi said to Huang Chen admiringly after sitting down.

Huang Xing asked back, "I just offended the Qin family, and Young Master Ling made friends with me, isn't it a good spirit."

Ling Tianqi laughed and said, "The Qin family can't control me, Ling Tianqi, but someone from Young Master Lu beat Qin Muyu. I'm afraid the Qin family won't let it go."

"I haven't paid much attention to a mere Qin family." Lu Chenyun said calmly, "If they don't know how to advance or retreat, I don't mind letting the three great families in Linjiang become two great families."

Ling Tianqi was stunned by Huang Xing's overbearing words.

This is not just the courage to offend the Qin family, but the confidence to suppress the Qin family.

Who the hell is this Huang Xing?

Ji Ran is fine, she has seen Huang Xing's incredible strength, she has blind confidence in him, and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with what Huang Xing said.

Xu Shasha was stunned for a moment, this Qin family sounds awesome, but in Huang Xing's mouth, it is like a cat or a dog.

Ji Ran's online boyfriend is too mysterious.

dong dong.

After two light knocks on the door, the door of the box was pushed open. Manager Zheng led the waiter with a look of fear and fear, and brought in the remaining two dishes, the crab roe soup with seven treasures and the steamed deep-sea bluefin fish.

Manager Zheng felt remorseful, and Wang Hu even dared to hit Young Master Qin, let alone smashing the store.

After Mr. Mo heard the news, he scolded him bloody, and told him to keep Huang Xing steady. He was coming here in person.

"Manager Zheng, it seems like 10 minutes have passed by now, right?"

Huang Xing glanced at Manager Zheng, and asked with a half-smile.

He just said that if it takes more than 10 minutes to send it up, there is no need for Yujia No. [-] to exist.

"Clap clap."

Manager Zheng seemed to have lost his soul, raised his hand and slapped himself fiercely on the face, begging to apologize, "Young Master Lu, it's because I have eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, please don't remember the villain's faults, sir, and let the little one go." of."

Huang Xing didn't even look at Manager Zheng, and said coldly, "Get out, don't affect my appetite."

"Young Master Lu, I was wrong, please hold your hands high..."

"Young Master Lu told you to get out, so you get out, and if you talk nonsense, I'll get rid of you."

Manager Zheng still begged bitterly, but Wang Hu pulled him out of the box by his collar.

The room became quiet again. Ling Tianqi broke the silence and said, "I just ate this steamed deep-sea bluefin fish. It tastes great. Everyone hurry up and eat it while it's hot. It won't taste good when it's cold."

"Come on, of course, you try it first, the meat on the side of the fish head is the most tender, this one is for you."

Huang Xing was like a wife-loving madman, he gave Ji Ran the piece of tender meat next to the fish head.

Ji Ran finished eating the fish, and asked timidly, "Lu Xing, you won't really smash this shop later, will you?"

"This kind of store, if it is smashed, it will be smashed." Huang Xing nodded and said, "If you don't teach them a lesson, they will never repent."

Ji Ran said with a regretful look, "The seafood in this store is delicious. I still want to come and eat together when Xiao Ke comes. It's a pity to ruin it."

In fact, she is kind-hearted, and feels that although Manager Zheng is at fault, he is not the boss here, and he is not guilty of directly destroying this store, so she uses it as an excuse to bring Lu Xiaoke to eat seafood next time, and save this place. shop.

Hearing that Ji Ran intended to intercede for this store and moved Lu Xiaoke out, he said, "After so much trouble, the boss of Yujia No. [-] should show up. If he has a correct attitude, let him Keep going."

 Today continues three more

  Focus on five-star praise

  Ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation, ask for a five-star praise

(End of this chapter)

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