Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 420 The battle for battle begins

Chapter 420 The battle for battle begins

Xiao Qingchen listened quietly like water, Geng Le just told her the meaning of fighting for the Fire Cloud Qi first, but did not explain the relationship between Huo Yunhua and Fire Cloud Qi.

Geng Le continued, "As for the mysteries of Huoyunhua and Huoyun Qi that my junior sister asked about, it involves the power of Xuan Zhi You Xuan."

He said, "When the gas of fire cloud is condensed, there will be a blood moon shining in the sky, and the cultivation base will be suppressed by the power of the blood moon. Only by transforming the power with the help of the fire cloud flower can the suppression of the power of the blood moon be offset. Therefore, we need Try to compete for as many Fire Cloud Flowers as possible."

He took out a magic weapon in the shape of a compass and said, "This is the low-level magic weapon Sidou Compass. After the next ten fire cloud flowers are all contested, we will put the captured fire cloud flowers into this magic weapon. By absorbing the transformed power, you can resist the blood moon."

"Huo Yunhua transforms power in Sidou Luopan, not really using his power, but using it as a guide to convert the power in Sidou Luopan into a power that can counteract the suppression of the blood moon. After using it, Huo Yunhua will be intact Return to Junior Sister Xiao without loss." Geng Le put away the Si Dou Compass and continued, "One person can only fight once for the Huoyunhua. It is not entirely because of the agreement, but each Huoyunhua contains different blood. As long as you reach the range of the volcanic lake, your body will absorb a wisp of blood-feeding qi."

"If there is only one wisp of blood energy, it can be eliminated with the power of the fire cloud flower transformed by Si Dou Luopan, but if there are more than two wisps, when the blood moon appears, the blood energy in the body will be evaporated and become empty. Turned into a mummy, and there is no way to resist, can only wait for death."

Xiao Qingchen frowned, just now she stepped into the volcanic lake to discuss with Xiong Er, and she indeed sensed a ray of power rushing into her body, but she had already cut it off with the sword intent in her body.

She looked at Xiong Er's position and found that he was meditating. She asked, "Just now, Xiong Er fought for Huoyunhua many times. When the blood moon appeared, wouldn't he be sure to die?"

Xiong Er gave her a very strange feeling, and he just sent a fire cloud flower to Huang Xing. With this relationship, she can't watch him wait to die after knowing the situation.

"That's not true." Geng Le shook his head and said, "The power here is very strange. As long as they don't enter the southeast and north coasts, they won't absorb the blood-feeding energy."

Xiao Qingchen nodded. After she entered the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, she really felt that some places here were very strange.

Although it is only a secret realm of experience under the Golden Core, the weirdness is by no means simple.

The positions of the three major alliances are all fixed, and they are related to the final distribution of interests to the outside world. The various agreements are very strict, and it is impossible to cheat and arrange evildoers in the West Bank.

Time passed, and the fifth fire cloud flower bloomed like blood.

Several evildoers from the Holy League and the Divine League all looked at Zhanmeng's position.

Xiong Er no longer competes for the next six Fire Cloud Flowers, and now the initiative is in their hands.

The corner of Long Qi's mouth sneered, the Holy League has two more six-turn elixir monsters than the Shenmeng, and it has taken a great initiative in this cooperation.

They decided to eliminate Zhanmeng first, then Sanmeng would take three flowers, and Shenmeng would take two.

For the last fire cloud flower, the two parties will compete based on their own abilities.

Long Qi was waiting, waiting for Zhanmeng to make a move first, and then he would send someone to make a targeted move.

Time passed minute by minute.

Although Zhanmeng has already arranged the order of battle, they are not in a hurry to start.

They are all mobilizing their momentum and maintaining their strength at their best.

Geng Le gave each of Zhanmeng's four major six-turn knot pill monsters a top-quality earth-level intermediate Qingling pill.

Although it doesn't instantly increase combat power like the Berserk Pill, it can maintain the body at its peak state.

It was silent for more than half an hour, and none of the three major alliances sent anyone to take action.

In the end, an evildoer behind Long Qi couldn't hold his breath, and said in a domineering tone, "Senior Brother Long, I, Meng Jiuyao, will take the fifth Fire Cloud Flower."

He is the evildoer of the Meng family of the first-rank family of the Holy League. Xiong Er was too arrogant and domineering just now, and he had nowhere to vent his pent-up anger. Now he has been confronted for more than half an hour, and he can't hold it anymore.

Rank six monsters have their own pride, and they are both rank six monsters, and they don't accept each other.

Meng Jiuyao was confident that no matter which rank six evildoer Zhanmeng sent, he could win.

Long Qi looked at Geng Le's evildoer with four or six turns of knot pills, calculated that the time was almost up, and he was also very confident in Meng Jiuyao's strength, so he nodded in agreement and said, "I can rest assured that Junior Brother Meng will take action." .”

"Brother Long, don't worry, I will definitely get Huo Yunhua back."

After listening to Long Qi's words, Meng Jiuyao answered loudly, then soared into the sky, flew towards the crater lake, stood in the void, looked coldly at the East Bank Zhanmeng and shouted, "Who dares to come out and fight me, Meng Jiuyao?"

"I'll meet you."

The blue sword stepped into the air, and the long sword on its back automatically unsheathed, drawing a sword light and slashing towards Meng Jiuyao.


Meng Jiuyao drew his saber out of its sheath, and a black nine-ring saber slashed out a streak of light.

The swords collided, creating waves on the volcanic lake.

"Just because of you, you are not qualified to fight me."

Meng Jiuyao yelled loudly, and the two of them fought together on the volcanic lake.

There is not much difference in strength between them, and they quickly competed for more than ten moves without winning or losing.

The sword divides the shadow, and the sky thunder cuts.

Before Xiao Qingchen appeared, Lan Jian was hailed as the No. 1 under the Golden Elixir of the Sword Sect, and his strength was at the top of the six-turn alchemy.

His swordsmanship is incomparable to Xiao Qingchen's, but among ordinary evildoers, he is also very frightening.

I saw him holding a long sword in his hand, and he cut out more than ten sword shadows with one sword.

Every sword shadow slashed out quickly, from virtual to real, every sword shadow shone with a faint blue light, carrying the sword intent of thunder.

Meng Jiuyao's eyes were solemn, and the Nine Ring Saber made a "dangdang" sound, and more than a dozen sword lights were cut out to resist the sword intent of the thunder.

The void between them was shaken by the impact, and the faint blue sky thunder sword intent was blocked.

But suddenly, Meng Jiuyao's hair stood on end, and he felt a sword intent coming from behind.

There was a sword intent that was invisible to the naked eye.


Meng Jiuyao gathered his spiritual power to defend against the sword intent, but he was still split by the protective spiritual power, leaving a sword wound on his back.

Most of Tianlei's sword intent was resisted by the spiritual power of the body protection, and the sword was bleeding, but it didn't hurt him much.

The killing power of the blue sword is indeed powerful. After one blow, the sword moves out in a flowing manner, and Meng Jiuyao only has the power to parry.

Long Qi's face was slightly cold. If there was no help, Meng Jiuyao might not be Lan Jian's opponent.

Jianzong's sword cultivator has extraordinary fighting power, if his reputation is well-deserved.

He said to the Rank [-] Talents behind him, "Go out and help Junior Brother Meng."

Hearing the sound, six of the five rank-[-] dan Tianjiao among the Holy League flew to the crater lake for reinforcements.

Seeing this, Shenmeng also had ten five-turn knot pill Tianjiao flying out.

"Amitabha." Xuan Ming proclaimed the Buddha's name, and flew to Lan Jian with eight Five-Turn Knot Dan Tianjiao.

 This baby needs to code diligently, and make up all the updates owed to the big guys
  Starting from the rudder master, one chapter will be added for each level up

(End of this chapter)

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