Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 421 Sword Sect's Attack Power

Chapter 421 Sword Sect's Attack Power

The eight five-rank Jiedan Tianjiao that Zhanmeng played are all top-notch existences in the five-rank.

This battle is crucial. If the strategic goal cannot be achieved, the subsequent situation will be very passive.

Xuan Ming proclaimed the Buddha's name, his white monk robe fluttered in the wind, he was holding a string of bright yellow Buddhist beads, his face was solemn, and he had the image of an eminent monk.

There are hundreds of people from each side of the Tianjiao evildoers who entered the Fire Cloud Secret Realm from the three major alliances, a total of more than 300 people.

But there are only three turn 13 enchanters, and only [-] turn [-] enchanters.

It can be seen how difficult it is to become a phantom of the golden elixir above rank six.

The strength gap between rank six alchemy formation and fifth rank alchemy formation is also very different.

At this time, on the volcanic lake, there were 17 people from the League of God and the Tianjiao of the Holy League, one evildoer with six ranks of alchemy, and sixteen of the five ranks of Tianjiao.

Zhanmeng has six-turn alchemy monsters like Lanjian and Xuanming. Although there are seven fewer people in Zhanmeng, their combat power is still stronger than that of Shengmeng and Shenmeng.

Long Qi's expression darkened when he saw Xuan Ming going into battle.

He reserved three places, just to prevent the opponent from sending out another sixth-rank evildoer.

There are only two Rank [-] monsters left in the League of Gods, so naturally they will not directly send Rank [-] monsters to fight in this battle.

Long Qi said to a rank six evildoer beside him, "Junior Brother Long Hai, you go to help Junior Brother Meng."

"Yes, brother."

That rank six evildoer, like Long Qi, came from the Azure Dragon Holy Land, named Long Hai.

He responded and flew to the crater lake.

On the fire lake, 28 Tianjiao monsters stand facing each other.

Eighteen to ten, the Holy League and the Divine League have an absolute numerical advantage.

Dragon Seven still reserves the remaining two spots, to prevent accidents.

Lan Jian looked at Meng Jiuyao and Xue Hai, with a stern look in his eyes, and said coldly, "Senior Brother Xuan Ming, please protect me."


Xuan Ming threw out the string of Buddhist beads in his hand, split them into 18 yuan Buddhist beads, and protected everyone in Zhanmeng.

Lan Jian stood on the spot, with a sword intent on his body, looking at him like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed.

Although he is a bit narrow-minded, but his strength is indeed top-notch in rank six.

The sword opens Nanshan.

The cold light in Lan Jian's eyes was completely exposed, he pulled up his long sword and slashed out, a blue sword light slashed towards Meng Jiuyao.

The five-rank Jiedan Tianjiao can only play a restraining role. As long as Meng Jiuyao and Long Hai are defeated, the Holy League will have to send a sixth-rank Jiedan monstrosity to fight.


His sword sounded the horn of attack.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the three major alliances launched an offensive one after another.

For a moment, martial arts and magic weapons crashed on the volcanic lake, and the roar was endless, and the frightening fluctuations in spiritual power indicated the fierceness of the battle.

Blue Sword has Xuan Ming protecting the formation for him, instead of reserving strength for defense, he concentrates all his strength on attacking, and the power of his sword moves is somewhat stronger than before.

Xuan Ming stood among the people in the Zhanmeng, controlling the Buddhist beads in the void to defend against the attacks of the Holy League and the Tianjiao of the God League.

With him at the side to protect the formation, the pressure on Lan Jian and the other eight rank-[-] Knot Dan Tianjiao is much less, and it is not a weak disadvantage to pay for more with less.

Seeing that Xuanming's Buddhist beads blocked most of the attacks, Long Hai shouted to Meng Jiuyao, "Brother Meng, let's break their defensive magic weapon first."

"it is good."

Meng Jiuyao responded, his body gathered momentum, and the nine-ringed black knife in his hand let out a long cry, just like the roar of an ancient desolate beast mammoth.

With a single slash, the force of the knife turned into a mammoth totem and rushed towards Xuanming.

L Dragon Fist.

Long Hai's body was endowed with momentum, his right fist concentrated all his strength and blasted out, turning into a blue dragon and roaring towards Xuan Ming.

Qinglong and Mammoth bombarded Xuanming from left to right, with overwhelming momentum.

Xuanming's Buddhist beads and magic treasures are already protecting Lan Jian and others. He stood on the spot, folded his hands together, and said in Kong Ming's voice, "Amitabha."

His treasure appearance is solemn, and layers of golden light are shining on his body.

The indestructible body of the Buddhist Vajra.

Huang Xing once broke Xuan Yi's indestructible body in a martial arts tournament.

Xuan Ming's vajra indestructible body is much stronger than Xuan Yi's. He is a kind-browed white-robed monk, and now he has turned into a golden arhat, seamlessly integrated.

Boom, boom.

Qinglong and mammoth bombarded Xuanming's Jin, as if they wanted to devour him.

The aura was blasted and raged, and after it disappeared, Xuan Ming's golden body remained the same, but it was much darker, and the corners of his mouth kept bleeding.

This punch and knife caused him to be severely injured.

When Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao blasted towards Xuan Ming, Lan Jian didn't miss this opportunity, the sword came out like the wind, and two lightning sword intents glowing with this faint blue slashed towards Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao.

Among the God League and the Holy League, there were eight five-turn Jiedan Tianjiao who attacked the Blue Sword with all their strength, but Xuan Ming, while resisting the attacks of the Rising Dragon Fist and the Mammoth Saber Intent, manipulated the Dharma to block their attacks, allowing the Blue Sword to attack without distraction. Fa Longhai and Meng Jiuyao.


Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao didn't expect Xuan Ming to resist their joint attack with serious injuries, and helped Lan Jian block the eight five-turn knot Tianjiao attacks that besieged him. There was a sword wound.

Lan Jian couldn't let go of the good opportunity Xuan Ming created for him, took advantage of the victory to pursue, and made continuous sword moves, Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao were beaten to the embarrassment by him.

The other fifth-rank alchemy monsters wanted to help the two of them, but they were restrained by Xuan Ming and eight other five-rank alchemy monsters from Zhanmeng.

Geng Le and other Tianjiao evildoers in the Zhanmeng all showed joy. If this continues, it is only a matter of time before Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao lose.

Although Han Sanmu was at odds with Lan Jian, but watching his swift and flowing attacks, he couldn't help but lament that Jianzong's attacking power really lived up to its reputation.

In terms of comprehensive combat power, Jianzong is not as good as the top ten holy places, but in terms of attack power alone, Jianzong is somewhat stronger than the holy places.

The conflict between Han Sanmu and Lan Jian is actually the epitome of the relationship between the major forces in the three alliances.

They are usually not monolithic, and they all compete with each other, but when they encounter the other two alliances, they all put aside their grievances and unanimously speak out.

Long Qi looked at the battle in the lake with a gloomy face, cursing Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao in his heart as trash.

If he didn't send other sixth-rank Jiedan monsters to reinforce him, he would definitely lose this battle.

But if one more person is sent to the field, there will only be one sixth-rank alchemy evildoer left for the Holy League in the next five battles.

The situation changed from active to passive, which made him furious.

With a cold face, Long Qi said to the wretched-looking monk beside him, "Brother Gui, if you go up and help out, you will definitely take back this fire cloud flower."

That wretched monk was named Gui Xianren, despite his sly eyebrows and mouse-eyed appearance, he was an evildoer in the Xuanwu Holy Land's sixth-rank pill formation, and like Xuanming, he was good at defense.

Hearing Long Qi's order, he turned into a stream of light and flew towards the volcanic lake.


The blue sword slashed towards Longhai, and was about to hit it, but a tortoise shell with ancient patterns flew over.

His sword light slashed on the ancient patterned tortoise shell, but he was blocked just by shaking it.

(End of this chapter)

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