Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 422 This battle, I will come

Chapter 422 This battle, I will come
Blue Sword's continuous attacks also consumed a lot of himself.

Although he had taken the mid-level Qingling Pill to maintain his combat power at its peak, he was already feeling exhausted.

Facing the same monster of rank six pill formation, it was more difficult than he imagined to be one against two.

He was very jealous of Xiong Er's unparalleled fighting power in his heart, and now he had to admit that compared with him, he was on a par with him, and only a peerless monster like Xiao Qingchen could be compared with him.

Lan Jian looked at Gui Xianren who had joined the battle, with fear in his eyes.

Xuan Ming and the other eight Rank [-] Jiedan Tianjiao were all wounded, this battle was very difficult.

"Two junior brothers, I will protect the formation for you and make a quick decision."

Gui Xianren's voice was a bit gloomy, which made people feel a chill down their spine.

Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao were so embarrassed by Lan Jian's beating that they were holding back their anger. Now that they had Gui Xianren protecting the formation, a cold light flashed in their eyes, and they all responded coldly, "Okay."

Boom, boom.

Qinglong takes off.

Mammoth on the run.

Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao shot out angrily and attacked Lan Jian together.

With Gui Xianren protecting the formation, they have no worries, and their attack power has been greatly improved.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the three major alliances all watched the battle on the volcanic lake with bated breath.

This battle is of great importance, and it is related to the competition for the next five fire cloud flowers.

Geng Le's face was not as relaxed as before, but solemn.

The blue sword has a domineering intent, and the Xuanming golden body is dazzling, but in a two-on-three match, the opponent has eight more five-turn jiedan monstrous evildoers to restrain them, so it is very difficult to deal with it.

Gui Xianren's moves were weird, and Lan Jian tried to break through his defense by changing various sword styles, but was blocked.

Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao attacked again and again, while Xuan Ming stood guard at the side, and his injuries became more and more serious.

Both Shangguan Jiaojiao and Han Sanmu looked tense.

It seems that the limit of Lan Jian and Xuan Ming is to hold back the other three.

The opponent also has eight more five-rank jiedan monsters, and it is enough for them to do this.

The rest of the pressure is on the two of them.

At least one of them only needs to deal with one sixth-rank knot pill monster, but the opponent will have ten more five-rank knot knot monsters.

Even so, that battle was the best chance for them to win Huoyunhua, so they had to win it.

After they played, Zhanmeng could only send five-rank and four-rank Knot Dan Tianjiao for the remaining battles for the fire cloud flower.

Facing twice as many enemies, there is no one in the Zhanmeng that can turn the tide.

Those few battles can basically be given up, and the pressure is all on the two of them.

The two are deducing the situation behind, and the battle on the crater lake is coming to an end.

Lan Jian was also injured and was punched by Long Hai.

Xuanming's injuries were even more serious, and his golden body was dim.

Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao were not much better, their wounds were worse than Lan Jian's. Even Gui Xianren, who fought at the end, was out of breath and was slashed by Lan Jian.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party went out with eight more Five-Turn Knot Dan Tianjiao to restrain them, with two vs. three, the two of them might really win.

With the situation on the field, it is only a matter of time before Zhanmeng loses.

The sword comes out of nine layers.

Blue Sword tried his best to use Xeon Yi Style.

Nine sword lights in a row cut towards Gui Xianren.

Boom, boom, boom...

The nine swords cut at one point almost instantly, cutting off Gui Xianren's tortoise shell in ancient script, and the last sword cut him flying, leaving a long bloodstain on his chest.

Lan Jian sneered proudly, proving his strength with the last sword.

He fell down without support, Xuan Ming hurriedly supported him.

"We admit defeat in this battle." Geng Le's voice also came out at the same time.

In the battle for Huoyunhua, the three major alliances are very restrained. As long as one party admits defeat, the others will no longer pursue and fight fiercely.

Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao also attacked him when the blue sword came out, Xuan Ming protected the blue sword to block their attack, adding more injuries.

Geng Le turned to Long Qi and said angrily, "Do you want to violate the agreement of the Three Leagues?"

"Stop." Long Qi's expression darkened, and he stopped Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao who were going to continue to attack.

Long Hai and Meng Jiuyao attacked again, but Xuan Ming blocked it with strong support. Hearing Long Qi's voice, they stopped unwillingly.

Long Hai glared at Lan Jian and Xuan Ming angrily and said arrogantly, "Let's spare your lives now, and take your lives after the midnight fire cloud battle tonight."

Lan Jian's weak voice said not to be outdone, "Lan will accompany you at any time, but I still don't know who killed whom tonight?"

The ten members of the Zhanmeng retreated to the east bank, each of them was wounded, Geng Le hurriedly went up to him and said, "You guys have worked hard, go and heal your injuries first."

Lan Jian said in shame, "Lan Jian has a heavy trust."

Shangguan Jiaojiao comforted, "Where is Senior Brother Lan, you and Senior Brother Xuanming are worth two to three, and there are many five-rank Knot Dan Tianjiao restraining you. This is enough to prove the strength of Senior Brother."

Geng Le also comforted, "Junior Sister Shangguan is right, you junior brothers have greatly reversed the situation in this battle, you don't need to blame yourself, hurry up and heal your wounds first."

He ordered the Dan sect disciples to help the ten people who fought to heal their wounds, then looked at the fire cloud flowers in the volcanic lake, and said to Shangguan Jiaojiao and Han Sanmu, "Junior Brother Han, Junior Sister Shangguan, the next battle is up to you!" .”

Shangguan Jiaojiao and Han Sanmu looked at each other, and said firmly in unison, "Senior Brother Geng, don't worry, we will at least take one Fire Cloud Flower."

Geng Le nodded, and said in a deep voice, "As long as we can capture another Fire Cloud Flower, the situation will not be too bad."

As long as there are two fire cloud flowers, they can basically offset the influence of the blood moon on them.

He turned to Xiao Qingchen, and saw her looking at the volcanic lake as cold as water, with no waves on her face.

He put all the treasures he said on Xiao Qingchen, if she is not as powerful as he imagined.

They are doomed to fail in this battle.

Geng Le dared to place this bet because he had seen Xiong Er's strength and saw with his own eyes how powerful the Foundation Establishment Stage could be to such a level.

He believes that Xiao Qingchen can become the sword master of the Heavenly Sword, and his strength in the foundation establishment period can definitely reach that abnormal level.

On the volcanic lake, Tianjiao, the ten five-turn knot pills of the League of Gods, retreated to the shore voluntarily.

The Tianjiao evildoer of the Holy League broke through the bloody qi on the fifth fire cloud flower and plucked it.

Long Qi looked at the Fire Cloud Flower that he had snatched, but there was no joy on his face.

Now there is only one sixth-rank alchemy evildoer left in the Holy League, so this cooperation with the Divine League will not have an advantage.

Meng Jiuyao and Long Hai also felt a little embarrassed, and went to heal their injuries in silence.

The sixth fire cloud flower will soon bloom, and Shangguan Jiaojiao's face is frozen, this battle will be fought by her.

She had to gain the upper hand when the opponent only released a monster with a rank six pill, forcing them to produce another monster with a rank six pill to create opportunities for Han Sanmu's battle.

"This battle, I will come."

Shangguan Jiaojiao was about to bring nine five-turn knot Tianjiao into battle when a cold voice suddenly came.

(End of this chapter)

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