Chapter 46 Lu Xiaoke

At [-]:[-], Didi driver Xu Shasha drove Huang Xing and Ji Ran to the train station in a Maserati.

Huang Xing and Ji Ran got off the car and went to the station to pick up Lu Xiaoke, while Xu Shasha stayed in the car, scrolling through Weibo boredly waiting for them.

They waited at the exit for a few minutes, and the radio finally announced that Lu Xiaoke's D2263 bullet train had entered the station.

Huang Xing looked around anxiously, he hadn't seen Lu Xiaoke for several months.

Although videos are very convenient now, they are not as real as seeing them in reality.

It is said that women's colleges have undergone eighteen changes, and adolescent girls in high school are the time of greatest change.

After he went to college, he always went back every few months. Every time he went back and saw Lu Xiaoke, he felt like a different person.

I don't know if the little girl has grown taller recently, whether she has become more beautiful again, whether she has gained weight or lost weight.

Ji Ran could also feel Huang Xing's concern for Lu Xiaoke, which was different from his feelings for her.

What Huang Xing gave her was love, and he held her carefully in his hands, caring for her like a crystal.

And Huang Xing's affection for Lu Xiaoke is a kind of family affection that melts in blood, and he can protect it with his life.

She was not sure whether Huang Xing would protect herself with his life;
But he was sure that Huang Xing would protect Lu Xiaoke with his life.

"Xiao Ke, here."

Huang Xing found Lu Xiaoke's figure in the crowd, raised his hand and waved and shouted loudly.

"Brother, sister Ran."

Hearing Huang Xing's voice, Lu Xiaoke looked up, saw Huang Xing and Ji Ran beside him, and shouted excitedly.

Huang Chen pulled Ji Ran, pushed through the crowd and came to Lu Xiaoke's side.

"Brother, I miss you to death."

Lu Xiaoke, who was wearing a sky blue dress, hugged Huang Xing like a koala. She was a head shorter than Huang Xing, and kept rubbing her small head on Huang Xing's shoulder.

"It's so big, it's still like a child."

Huang Xing patted Lu Xiaoke's back lightly with one hand, and rubbed her hair vigorously with the other hand, making her hair look like a bird's nest.

This is his habit since childhood.

Often make Lu Xiaoke cry.

Lu Xiaoke got up from Huang Chen's shoulders, stretched out his hands to straighten his messy hair, stomped his feet and said coquettishly, "Don't mess with other people's hair."

She straightened her hair, and gradually calmed down the excitement of seeing her brother for the first time, then turned to Ji Ran and said playfully, "Sister Ran, your brainless fan Lu Xiaoke will report to you."

"Don't be shy, little fan." Ji Ran took Lu Xiaoke's hand and said, "Let's go back and talk first."

Ji Ran pulled Lu Xiaoke, the two walked, chatted and laughed like good sisters, and Lu Xing followed behind, pulling the suitcase, and walked out of the hall together.

"Look, the girl in the Maserati is so beautiful. Her family must be rich. If I can marry such a rich and beautiful woman, I can save at least 20 years of struggle."

"Come on, how do you know it's Bai Fumei? Maybe it's the mistress of some local tyrant."

"Don't look, let's go, whether it's Bai Fumei or Xiaosan, it has nothing to do with us."

"Hey, that person seems to be Lu Xiaoke."

"What does it look like? That's Lu Xiaoke."

"Why did she come to Jiangjiang so early, and also sat in a Maserati?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Maserati drove away, and three young people who knew Lu Xiaoke watched Maserati go away with puzzled faces.

"Brother, are you sure you're not making up a story?" Sitting on the Maserati, Lu Xiaoke asked in disbelief.

When she saw that the car that picked her up was a Maserati, she was already very confused.

Then Huang Xing told her the compiled story of being accepted as an apprentice by the mysterious old man.

She's completely covered up now.

Xu Shasha, who was driving, was also emotional. She already knew about Huang Xing's situation from Ji Ran in the afternoon.

Now hearing Huang Xing say it again, it still feels like a dream.

Huang Xing scratched Lu Xiaoke's little nose, and asked with a smile, "When did brother ever lie to you?"

"Often." Lu Xiaoke snorted and said without thinking.

When I was a child, my brother would give her anything delicious and fun first, and then lie to her that he had already eaten and played.

I still remember one time when she said she wanted donuts, and her brother stole money from the family to buy them for her.

The father found that the money was missing, and asked his brother if he had stolen the money, and he admitted.

When asked what he did with the money, my brother didn't say anything.

The elder brother was severely beaten by his father.

My brother didn't cry, she did.

But back then she was small and scared.

I dare not tell my father that my brother stole the money to buy donuts for her.

She secretly asked her brother if it hurt.

My brother smiled and said that it didn't hurt at all.

At that time, she believed it.

After she became sensible, she didn't believe it anymore.

and so.

My brother has always been a big liar.

She hasn't eaten donuts since then, but her internet nickname is - Happy Donuts.

Huang Xing knocked on Lu Xiaoke's little head, and laughed and cursed, "Spoof."

Lu Xiaoke grinned, and asked, "Brother has said that he is so awesome, so can I be a little princess who is not afraid of anything in the future?"

Lu Chen looked at the world with disdainful eyes, and said proudly, "From now on, you will be a little princess who is fearless, everyone will respect you and envy you, and no one will dare to hurt you."

He will protect Lu Xiaoke for the rest of his life and prevent her from getting hurt at all.

"Yeah, that's great." Lu Xiaoke exclaimed happily.

She knew that even if her brother lied to her, it was for her own good.

Therefore, she believed in every word and every promise her brother said.

With her brother guarding her, she is the happiest girl in the world.

The four returned home, and Ji Ran and Xu Shasha went back to the bedroom first.

Huang Xing helped Lu Xiaoke move the suitcase to her boudoir.

Lu Xiaoke looked at the spacious and bright house, although he was prepared, he was still very excited.

She has never lived in such a beautiful house.

Looking at the excited Lu Xiaoke, Huang Xing remembered the days when he and his sister were dependent on each other, and the hardships Lu Xiaoke had endured.

He swore in his heart that he would let her live the happiest life like a little princess in the future.

"Brother Qiang, take out the marrow washing pill."

With a thought in Huang Chen's mind, the marrow washing pill that was rewarded by the last mission appeared in his hands.

"Xiao Ke, let me show you something nice."

Huang Xing clenched the marrow washing pill in his fist, and said mysteriously.

"What good stuff?"

Lu Xiaoke leaned over with his head poking around.

When I was young, there were many scenes like this, and my brother would always conjure up a new toy for her from time to time like magic.

Huang Xing spread his palms and said, "This is called the marrow-washing pill, which can cleanse the marrow and cut down the body. After you eat it, you can become a master like my brother."

Lu Xiaoke's big eyes were bulging, and he asked curiously, "So powerful?"

"When did brother lie to you?"

Huang Xing said this again.

Lu Xiaoke picked up the Xisui Pill and looked left and right like a beloved toy. The exquisite pill patterns and the tangy fragrance of the pill made her unable to put it down.

 Fourth, I'm too tired
  No update after midnight, no need to wait
  Immediately there will be a head-to-head confrontation with the Qin family, the plot is more important
  In order to ensure the quality, I don't want to write in a hurry

  Hope to understand
  I've been doing my best these days, and I hope my writing speed can improve

(End of this chapter)

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