Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 47 The Fairy in the Painting

Chapter 47 The Fairy in the Painting
Lu Xiaoke held the Xisui Pill in his palm, and said mysteriously, "Brother, I also tell you a secret."

Saying that, Lu Xiaoke stood on tiptoe, and brought his small mouth to Huang Xing's ear.

"What secret?" Huang Xing asked curiously.

"Thank you bro."

Lu Xiaoke yelled cheerfully in Huang Chen's ear, attacked him suddenly, and secretly kissed him on the face.

"You have deafened my ears." Huang Xing touched the remaining saliva of Lu Xiaoke, pinched her cheeks and taught her a lesson, "Little girl, how many times have I told you that now that you have grown up, Don't steal your brother's kiss again."

When she was a child, when her brother gave her something fun and delicious, she would always kiss him.

Now that she's grown up, her brother doesn't give her a kiss, so she can only kiss her secretly.

"Ah, it hurts." Lu Xiaoke grinned and shouted pitifully.

There was no strength in Huang Xing's hand, he knew that the little girl was putting on a show, but he still couldn't bear to pinch her again, so he let go.

"A little bit."

As soon as Huang Chen withdrew his hand, Lu Xiaoke stuck out his tongue and made a face, humming, "I don't want, I don't want, I don't want to grow up."

"Crazy girl." Huang Chen cursed with a smile, and said, "Brother, go out first, you should quickly eat the marrow washing pill. When washing the marrow, your whole body will feel comfortable, and it will expel the impurities in your body. It will take about half an hour Left and right, you will smell bad after the end, take a shower and change your clothes, and I will take you to sing K at night."

Huang Xing urged Lu Xiaoke to eat the marrow-washing pill, and then solemnly ordered, "Don't let anyone know that brother has given you the marrow-washing pill."

Invincible Qiang told him that the Martial Dao World also has the Marrow Cleansing Pill, but the effect is much worse than his.

"Sister Ran, can't you?" Lu Xiaoke asked with blinking eyes.

"En." Huang Xing nodded.

Lu Xiaoke laughed and said, "Hee hee, do you only have one, and you gave it to me but not to Sister Ran, so I am afraid that Sister Ran will be angry?"

Lu Chen rolled his eyes at Lu Xiaoke, and said, "This one was named by the master for you. At that time, I hadn't fallen in love with Ranran. I'll ask the master to give you another one after a while."

This is the task reward for protecting Lu Xiaoke, so it is naturally for Lu Xiaoke to use. When he has enough gold coins, he will buy another one for Ji Ran.

Lu Xiaoke pouted and asked, "If you only have one marrow washing pill, should you give it to me or sister Ran?"

It seems that girls like to ask this kind of question more.

Huang Xing patted Lu Xiaoke's head and cursed, "You're a big kid, why don't you ask who you and sister Ran will save first when they fall into the water?"

Lu Xiaoke followed the pole and asked, "Then sister Ran and I really fell into the water, who will Brother save first?"

She raised her chin slightly, and looked at Huang Xing expectantly with her big clear eyes.

"Of course I'll save you first." Huang Xing replied naturally.

"You're dead. I'm going to tell Sister Ran."

Lu Xiaoke looked at Huang Xing with the look that you are finished.

But she is sweet in her heart, and in my brother's heart, I am the most important.

Huang Xing glanced at Lu Xiaoke, showing that I had already seen through you, and said, "Did you forget? Apart from singing, your biggest hobby is swimming, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly stroke, freestyle, you can play swimming well, And you can't swim, of course I will save you first."

"It seems to be." Lu Xiaoke said dumbfoundedly, and then said happily, "Hahaha, I forgot, you are also a landlubber."

The country is superstitious, and the fortune teller told their parents that it is best not to let them go to the beach, so although their hometown is by the beach, neither brother nor sister can swim.

Huang Chen shrugged, and said with an embarrassed smile, "Come on, let's both wait for Ran Ran to rescue me."

The siblings played around for a while, Huang Xing returned to the living room, leaving Lu Xiaoke alone in the bedroom to use the marrow washing pill.

Ji Ran and Xu Shasha haven't come out yet, so they should still be packing up.

It is always troublesome for a girl to go out, no matter how beautiful a girl is, it takes a long time to go out slowly.

Huang Xing took out his mobile phone, and found that today's quota had not been used up yet. At noon, Yujia No. 4 spent more than [-] yuan, and Mo Sanye didn't dare to ask for a cent.

He now knows that the Shenhao system gives him the quota every day, money is the most important thing, and the most important thing is the experience and gold coins after spending the money.

Experience can allow him to upgrade and have more store permissions.

Gold coins can be used to buy items in the store to improve yourself.

As long as you are strong.

Money is just numbers.

The daily quota of 10 is just a drop in the bucket for his current status. He opened the e-shopping website and picked out an Alienware 17.3-inch gaming notebook with an AW3418DW 34-inch professional e-sports curved monitor. I also bought accessories such as an external keyboard and mouse.

Xiao Ke occasionally plays chicken games, and this game book is just right.

The whole set cost about [-] yuan, and the rest of the money will treat Lu Xiaoke to a big dinner at night.

After placing the order, Huang Xing sat on the sofa and played with his mobile phone.

After ten or ten minutes, Ji Ran and Xu Shasha came out of the bedroom side by side.

Ji Ran is still dressed in a fresh and fresh outfit, which makes people want to hold her hand and stroll around the playground on campus.

Xu Shasha was dressed very coolly, with a white shirt on top, a light-colored vest, and jeans underneath. Her short hair looked a bit like a tomboy, which didn't match her weak name at all.

Huang Xing looked at Xu Shasha and joked, "Sasha, I dare not let Ranran sleep with you anymore."

"Are you afraid that my sister will not succeed if she eats your house?" Xu Shasha held Ji Ran's chin and smiled, "I have slept with her for several years, are you jealous? Are you envious?"

She has a lively personality, and after she and Huang Xing let go of their grudges, they get along like good friends.

Ji Ran dodged Xu Shasha's claws, and said coquettishly, "If you play hooligans like this again, I will sleep with Xiao Ke at night."

A female hooligan, a smelly hooligan.

Ji Ran, the little white rabbit, felt so pitiful.

"Okay." Lu Xiaoke just opened the door and came out, giggling, "I want to sleep with Sister Ran tonight."

Lu Xiaoke walked towards them with a smile.

Huang Xing, Ji Ran, and Xu Shasha were all dumbfounded.

Stepping on the lotus steps and looking at the autumn waves, she is graceful and girlish.

The skin is like the cream of the bright moon, and the skin is like jade.

Show off Pingting gracefully, Qingsu is like Qiuzhi.

The Lu family has beautiful women who are peerless and independent.

"Wow, Xiao Ke, what skin care products do you usually use, tell your sister quickly."

Xu Shasha's eyes lit up, she ran to Lu Xiaoke's side, reached out and pinched her face, and shouted frantically, "Tsk tsk tsk, it's too tender, too elastic, hurry up and tell my sister how you take care of it." of."

After Lu Xiaoke used the Xisui Pill, his skin became firm and smooth, which was not something any skin care product could achieve.

The girl's unique breath, full of youthful smiling faces, is like a fairy walking out of a painting.

 The first update, the third update today
  Thanks to "橴", "Master Wuxin", "Chasing the Wind Miniature", "K" and others for their rewards
(End of this chapter)

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