Chapter 48 Second Master Qin

"Sister Shasha, I usually only use some Dabao SOD honey."

Lu Xiaoke replied sweetly.

She basically does not buy skin care products, and only uses cheap Dabao SOD honey.

She naturally knew that all of this was the effect of the marrow washing pill given by her brother, but if her brother confessed that she couldn't tell it, then she absolutely couldn't say it, this is their little secret.

"Holy shit, you only use Dabao SOD honey for your skin to be so good."

Xu Shasha squeezed Lu Xiaoke's face again.

With this feeling, I can't wait to knead her face into dough.

Her heart is very messy, and more than half of her monthly living expenses are spent on skin care products. Although her skin is also very supple, it is still not as good as Lu Xiaoke's.

Xu Shasha said sadly, "I'm going to go back and throw away all the cosmetics, and also go buy Dabao SOD honey."

Huang Chen said proudly, "My Xiao Ke is naturally beautiful, you can't compare to her."

Xu Shasha and Ji Ran didn't think much about it. They really thought that Lu Xiaoke was God's favorite, and his skin was so naturally beautiful and crystal clear.

They didn't feel it at the station just now, maybe it's because Lu Xiaoke sat in the car for several hours, but now after taking a bath and dressing up, his face is radiant and his spirit has returned.

Huang Xing looked at the time, it was almost 6 o'clock, and said, "Stop making trouble, it's getting late, let's find a place for Xiao Ke to clean up, and then go to sing K."

Then he said to Lu Xiaoke, "I invite you to have a big meal tonight, and you can say whatever you want."

Lu Xiaoke exclaimed excitedly, "Alright, I'm going to have a self-service barbecue."

Poverty limits Lu Xiaoke's imagination, and the self-service barbecue is a feast in her eyes.

Huang Chen didn't usually eat buffet barbecue, so he took out his mobile phone to search for self-service barbecue restaurants in Linjiang, and found a barbecue restaurant named "Wooden House BBQ Bar" with high ratings, and the reviews from the diners below were mostly positive.

He decided to go to this restaurant, and said, "OK, let's go to the wooden house barbecue bar to have a self-service barbecue, and the reputation there is quite good."

"Okay, go, go, go, let's go and have a big meal." Lu Xiaoke exclaimed excitedly.

The driver of the car, Xu Shasha, drove a Maserati and arrived at the barbecue bar in the wooden house about 10 minutes away.

The Maserati parked on the side of the road. The beautiful women in the car, and three beauties with different styles surrounded Huang Xing, which naturally became a beautiful scenery on the street.

Passers-by all looked sideways and commented on them in their hearts.

Of course, most of them are not good words.

The wooden house barbecue bar has a retro environment, and there is a quiet and elegant feeling when you walk in.

The per capita is 388 yuan, all kinds of seafood, meat, and vegetables are available in unlimited quantities, and drinks and desserts are free, which is relatively cost-effective.

After Huang Xing paid the bill and found a good seat under the guidance of the waiter, they began to eat heartily.

Lu Xiaoke is like a little greedy cat, his mouth is full of greasy food, even Huang Xing can't eat it in time for her.

Xu Shasha is also a foodie, and she never stopped talking.

Compared with them, Ji Ran's eating looks like Xiaojiabiyu's, she eats slowly and is very elegant.

Huang Xing was completely reduced to a barbecue boy. While roasting for Lu Xiaoke to eat, he also wanted to give Ji Ran a taste, and then Xu Shasha came to snatch food from time to time.

He had to sigh.

Women are so difficult to serve.

And he served three women at once.

But seeing Lu Xiaoke and Ji Ran eating so happily, Huang Xing felt very happy.

Huang Xing was still eating with them at the barbeque bar in the wooden house, Gu Wu Qin's family had already turned upside down.

The Guwu Qin family, one of the three major families in Linjiang, has been powerful in Linjiang for decades, and has never been provoked like this.

Qin Erye's son was beaten by Lord Hu of Beicheng on Yujia No. [-], which was a shocking incident.

If you don't recover this face, what face will Second Master Qin have to gain a foothold in the Jianghu in the future?

In the Qin Family Villa, Second Master Qin sat in the lobby with a gloomy expression.

As an ancient warrior, his disappointing son was actually beaten by an ordinary person.

If it is a battle between ancient warriors, then you lose if you lose, and you can only blame yourself for being inferior to others.

The ancient warrior was beaten by ordinary people, this is a great shame to the ancient warrior, it is a big joke, and will be ridiculed for a lifetime.

He had also heard of this man, Lord Tiger of Beicheng, he was number one in the Tao, but in his heart he was just an ant.

As long as he wanted, he could slap him to death.

"Second Master." A calm middle-aged man walked into the hall and bowed to Qin Second Master.

"How's the investigation going?" Qin Erye asked in a calm but prestige voice.

"This Huang Xing is a student of Linjiang University, from Hucheng. His parents died in a car accident seven years ago. He has only one younger sister, Lu Xiao, who is his only family member. We won't be able to find out anything unusual about his identity for a while."

The middle-aged man reported in a dignified tone, "However, it was found that he is related to the Chu family. The Jingsheng Garden where he lives now belongs to the Chu family, and Chu Tianxiong personally arranged for it. He and Mr. Chu often do morning exercises together. , someone saw Mr. Chu unconscious yesterday morning, he and Jiang Zhitao rescued him together, so it is suspected..."

Qin Erye frowned and asked, "What do you suspect?"

The middle-aged man said his guess in a deep voice, "I suspect that Huang Xing is a master of dark energy, and his identity information has also been tampered with."

The Qin family is worthy of being one of the three giants in Linjiang. In just a few hours, Huang Xing's information has been checked in various ways.

Yesterday morning, Mr. Chu was in a coma. Many morning exercisers saw him, and some helped him call 120.

Chu Tianxiong led people to decorate Huang Xing's house in Jingsheng Garden, and he also used a lot of manpower, so you can find out after checking.

Qin Erye remained silent, his face even more gloomy.

Huang Xing is also an ancient warrior, he is a master of dark energy at a young age, at least he is the son of arrogance like Qin Guanlan.

Is there a greater force behind him?
In the past, he just studied in Linjiang University in a low-key manner.

After intersecting with the Chu family, he started to provoke the Qin family. Is this a conspiracy of the Chu family?
Could it be that the Chu family wants to use Huang Xing, an external force, to deal with the Qin family?
Qin Erye pondered for a moment and asked, "Has there been any movement in the Chu family these two days?"

"Since yesterday, the members of the Chu family have all returned to the Chu family village one after another, and have not gone out again." The middle-aged man replied.

Second Master Qin said with a sneer, "The rain is about to come and the wind will fill the building."

The middle-aged man continued, "Dynasty Entertainment City has issued an announcement to suspend operations tonight, but Wang Hu's staff has been transferred back to the Entertainment City, and I'm afraid they are waiting for us to come."

"A group of ants, so what if there are more people?" Second Master Qin said disdainfully.

He didn't pay attention to Lord Tiger of Beicheng, what he was afraid of was the Chu family and Huang Chen.

Second Master Qin tapped the table with his hands, and said in a deep voice, "Tonight, you will go to Dynasty Entertainment City to meet that Young Master Lu in person."

"Yes, Second Master."

The middle-aged man agreed blankly.

 the second
  One more night

(End of this chapter)

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