Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 54 The Confession of Love

Chapter 54 The Confession of Love
After Huang Xing and Ji Ran sang together, it naturally drew warm applause.

Ji Ran, a high-achieving student from a professional conservatory of music, naturally had a voice that didn't need to be said. The ethereal and melodious singing caused everyone to exclaim in surprise, and Lu Xiaoke, an idiot fan, applauded crazily, making his little hands red.

Su Xiu also muttered about becoming Ji Ran's fan.

Ling Tianqi has already gone to find a pen and wants to ask Ji Ran for his autograph.

Huang Chen's singing skills are also not bad, his singing voice is full of his sincere affection for Ji Ran, the sincere singing infected everyone, and they gave them applause without hesitation.

A few young people were singing, drinking, shaking dice, and playing games. Everyone was a little crazy.

Even Su Xiu, who can't drink, made an exception and drank a glass of red wine, and sat on the sofa resting on Wang Dongyi's shoulder in a daze.

Ling Tianqi, a single dog, had no one to ask him to sing a love song, so he ordered a single love song sadly.

Needless to say, his singing voice is only a little worse than Ji Ran's, a few blocks away from Huang Xing and Wang Dong.

A single love song vividly interpreted their own sadness, and then everyone unanimously asked Huang Chen to comfort Ling Tianqi's wounded heart, and sang Lin Junjie and Charlene Choi's dimples together with him.

The two big men, Huang Xing and Ling Tianqi, refused at first, but there were a few women who got into trouble, and they were pulled and dragged to stand together, and they were asked to hold hands and sing dimples together with bitter faces .

Small dimples and long eyelashes are your most beautiful signs
I can't sleep and miss your smile every day
You don't know how important you are to me

With your life complete just right
Small dimples and long eyelashes are irredeemably charming

I slowed down and felt like I was drunk

Finally found the beauty of the heart

I will always love you till old age

A song made several beauties lean forward and backward, laughing loudly.

After both Huang Xing and Ling Tianqi sang, they wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in, it was so embarrassing.

They have to lament that women are the most difficult creatures in the world.

A few people played until after one o'clock in the morning, and everyone went home happily.

Xu Shasha drank a little crazy, and clamored to drive a Maserati for a fast car with the help of alcohol, but of course it was unanimously rejected by Huang Xing and the others.

Ji Ran also drank a little too much, her little face was flushed and cute, her eyes were hazy when drunk, Huang Xing gently supported her, and could hear each other's heartbeats.

Lu Xiaoke didn't know how to drink at first, but because his physical fitness became stronger after washing his marrow and cutting his body, he didn't get drunk after drinking a lot of wine, but he was a little dizzy and sleepy, which surprised Xu Shasha.

When the four returned home, Xu Shasha staggered back to Ji Ran's room while hiccupping.

Lu Xiaoke couldn't stand the attack of sleepy bugs, he patted his mouth with his hands and yawned, said goodnight to Huang Chen Jiran, and walked back to his room.

Only Huang Xing and Ji Ran were left in the living room.He helped Ji Ran to the sofa and let her lean on his shoulder.

"Sometimes it's like a dream when you think about it." Ji Ran leaned on Huang Xing's shoulder intoxicated, and whispered to himself, "I don't know where I got the courage to come to you alone, but I No regrets."

Huang Xing hugged her tenderly, and listened to her whispering quietly.

"I don't know when I got used to having you, used to you calling me fireball, used to you calling me a fool while helping me find game guides."

Ji Ran recalled the good memory of playing games with Huang Xing, smiled sweetly, and continued, "I deliberately didn't have fun, I just like you calling me an idiot, I just like you want to be angry after being tricked by me It looks like you can't get angry."

She gently raised her head to look into Huang Xing's gentle eyes, and said shyly, "Xingchen, can you call me Fireball again? I want to hear you call me that."

"Fireball." Huang Xing called out softly, lowered his head to kiss her forehead, and cursed, "Idiot."

Ji Ran also raised his head and kissed Huang Xing, then leaned his head on his shoulder, and continued to whisper softly,
"I thought at the time that a game is a game, and everything in the game is fake."

"However, I can feel my love for you again."

Ji Ran raised his hand to touch his heartbeat, and continued talking to himself,
"It's not fake, it really exists."

"It's not fake, it's always in my heart."

"Later, I could feel your alienation from me, and you wanted to keep a distance from me."

"I feel my heartbeat and feel its pain."

Huang Xing hugged Ji Ran tightly, he always knew her love and her pain.

He didn't dare to face it at that time, afraid that he would not be able to give her happiness.

Ji Ran enjoyed landing in Huang Chen's embrace, with a happy smile on his face, and continued to confide in his heart, "I've been waiting and waiting, I want to wait until you graduate, work, and have skills, you think you can be with me now, We're together again."

Ji Ran raised his head, looked at Huang Xing, and found that his eyes were also red.

She pulled out her hand, wiped it gently, and asked, "Am I stupid?"

With his fingertips running across her face, Huang Xing grabbed her little hand and said softly, "I've always been the stupid one."

Ji Ran's palm felt the temperature of Huang Chen's face, and then said,

"I thought it was a long wait for this day."

"Maybe just wait and wait, I'm in love with someone else."

"Or wait and wait, you fall in love with someone else."

"Regardless of how it ends, I wake up every day and tell myself that day is getting closer."

A happy smile bloomed on Ji Ran's face,
"I'm lucky that I didn't wait until you fell in love with someone else, and I didn't wait until I fell in love with someone else."

"Everything is like a dream, this day comes so fast and so suddenly."

"I was caught off guard."

"But I still come to you desperately, and I don't want to wait a day longer."

With tears of happiness in his eyes, Ji Ran looked at Huang Xing, laughed through his tears, and asked loudly, "Xin Huang, are you a fool?"

Before Huang Xing could answer, she smiled like a crazy girl and asked, "If you're not a fool, I've been here for so long, why didn't you say those three words to me?"

"I love you."

Huang Xing said these three words gently, he is indeed a fool.

Ji Ran laughed happily, with a smile on his face, and excitedly ordered loudly, "Speak louder, I can't hear you."

She is a little drunk.

I don't know whether it is drunk or self-drunk.

"Ji Ran, I love you." Huang Xing shouted loudly.

"Lu Xing, I love you too." Ji Ran shouted loudly regardless of his reserve.

They completely ignored that it was already two o'clock in the morning, and the sound of shouting awakened the dreams of countless people.

 The second update, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket

  Suddenly thought of a book "First Intimate Contact"

  "Qing Wu Fei Yang" 20 years ago

  How many people still remember?
(End of this chapter)

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