Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 55 Upgrade to Level 2

Chapter 55 Upgrade to Level 2

"Cough cough."

There was a crisp coughing sound.

Xu Shasha walked towards Huang Xing and Ji Ran in her pajamas.

After taking a bath, her face was flushed with wine, and she was radiant.

Huang Xing and Ji Ran were still hugging each other tightly. Seeing Xu Shasha approaching, Ji Ran pushed Huang Xing away blushing.

"Shouting so loudly that the whole world can hear it, why are you so shy?" Xu Shasha looked at Ji Ran who was shy and restless with a smile on her face, and teased, "Aren't you afraid of being sued by your neighbors for nuisance?"

Ji Ranjiu woke up quite a bit, and realized that he was indeed a little crazy just now, his face was red and hot, and he said shyly to Huang Xing, "I'm going to take a shower and sleep first, good night."

"Good night." Huang Xing watched as Ji Ran was dragged back to the bedroom by Xu Sasha.

With Xu Shasha around, he would never have any intimate contact with Ji Ran again tonight.

He also went back to his room and took a cold shower, then lay down comfortably on the bed.

It has been a long time since Huang Xing was as happy as today. The two most important people, Lu Xiaoke and Ji Ran, were by his side and had a wonderful day.

Life is like this, what more can a husband ask for.

He has the ability to give them happiness, but also has the strength to protect them from harm.

All of this relies on the invincible and powerful Shenhao system in his body.

He has found an opportunity to use up the remaining quota yesterday at KTV, and today's 10 has also arrived in the account. As long as the 10 is used, he can be upgraded to level 2.

Huang Xing opened the shopping website, went shopping frantically, and consumed all the 10 credit.

Invincible's sweet voice sounded, "Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 2, unlocking the detection function, the store has unlocked level 2 items, and a chance to draw a lottery."

"Investigation function? Lucky draw chance?" Huang Xing asked doubtfully.

"Every time you level up, you will get a new ability and a chance to draw a lottery." Invincible Qiang explained to Huang Xing.

Only then did Huang Chen understand.

Investigative function: You can check the opponent's cultivation base (no more than two big realms of yourself).

Huang Xing is very satisfied with this skill, at least he can predict and prepare in advance when he encounters a master who is stronger than himself in the future.

Then, a lottery nine-square grid appeared in his mind, and there were five grids on it for money, ranging from 10 to 500 million; one was thank you for participating, one was Iron Bone Pill, one was Mingyu Jing, and the last one was Creation Pill.

Money and thanks for participating can be ignored.

Tie Gu Dan is a level 2 elixir, which can increase the strength of muscles and bones.

The Mingyu Jing belongs to the third-level exercise, which is a exercise suitable for women.

The final Good Fortune Pill belongs to level 5 pill, which can upgrade his "Good Fortune Heavenly Scripture" by one level.

There is a one-third chance of getting the pill or exercise. If you can get the Good Fortune Pill, it must be the best.

Huang Xing doesn't have high demands, as long as it's not money and thanks for participating.

He silently recited the lottery draw in his heart, and the aperture quickly rotated on the Jiugong grid.


The aperture gradually slowed down, and finally stopped on the iron bone pill.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining an Iron Bone Pill."

It's a pity not to get the fortune pill, but the iron bone pill is much better than money, Huang Xing is already very satisfied.

This iron bone pill can just be rewarded to Wang Hu tomorrow.

He did his best for himself these two days, and was injured by Hu Gufeng, this is the reward he deserves.

The combination of grace and power is the way to control people.

Huang Xing checked his attributes:
Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 2 (0/200)

Today's quota: 20

Gold: 80
Combat Power: 500 (Huajin [-]st level)
Dao Dharma: Good Fortune Scripture
Item: Iron Bone Pill
Mission: none
After the upgrade, today's quota became 20, and it was refreshed again, and his bank account received another 20.

But now money is just a tool for upgrading to him.

Huang Xing checked the store again, the level 2 items had been unlocked, and there were five more items for sale in the store, all priced at 50 gold coins.

Iron Gudan: Increases the strength of muscles and bones.

Ningmai Pill: Increase the strength of meridians.

Qingxin Pill: Increases mental strength.

Crimson Blood Strike: Huang Pin Intermediate Martial Skill.

Thousand Hammer Kung Fu: Huang Pin's middle-level kung fu method.

Huang Xing directly spent 50 gold coins to buy the Congealing Pulse Pill, which is a meeting gift for the Chu family tomorrow.

There are 30 gold coins left, if you use up today's 20 quota, you can buy another item, but Huang Xing doesn't need other things for the time being, so he will exit the store interface.

Looking at these gold coins, Huang Xing suddenly felt that he was very poor. If he couldn't receive the task, it would be too slow to rely on the daily quota alone.

But he was confused about the rules of the mission, and he didn't know where to start.

Unable to figure it out, Huang Xing didn't want to think too much, and soon fell asleep to welcome a new day.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Huang Xing set off with his three daughters to visit Gu Wu Chu's house.

Because it was an official visit, the three girls got up in the morning and dressed up carefully. Even Xu Shasha, a tomboy, dressed up like a lady, all of them were bright and charming, and wherever they went, there was a beautiful scenery.

Huang Xing looked at Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke. Although they were outstanding in appearance, the clothes and jewelry on their bodies were of ordinary brands.

Ji Ran is fine, although his body is not a luxury item, it still costs thousands of dollars.

Lu Xiaoke just came here yesterday, and Huang Xing hasn't taken her shopping yet, and it doesn't cost more than 1000 yuan, which looks a bit shabby.

Huang Chen felt sorry for Lu Xiaoke in his heart, this girl has never enjoyed happiness with him, so he must make up for her in the future and give her the best happiness.

He thought, he must take Lu Xiaoke and Ji Ran shopping tonight and spend all 20 yuan.

Not enough for tomorrow night, I will continue to buy the day after tomorrow, and buy them all the 20 every day.

Ding, trigger the task - buy, buy, buy.

The number one Shenhao in the universe spent only 20 on shopping with his girlfriend and sister, which is too shabby.

The host is requested to spend 1000 million mission funds before twelve o'clock tonight, and the mission funds can only be used for shopping and shopping.

Task Reward: Get 20 experience points and 20 gold coins.

Failure penalty: Deduct 20 experience points and 20 gold coins.

Huang Xing suddenly heard Wudiqiang's voice, and received his first mission after level 2.

The task rewards will also increase with the level up, which is equivalent to a daily quota reward.

He originally thought that he only had a daily quota of 20 for shopping, but now the system directly transfers another 1000 million to him.

Huang Chen faintly sensed the rules of the system tasks, except for the first task, Invincible Contempt, the other tasks are only triggered when they are related to Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke.

The tasks are very simple, basically giving away experience and gold coins for free.

Xu Shasha drove a Maserati and took Huang Xing and the others to set off, and Wang Hu also waited at the gate of the community with two brothers early in the morning.

When they saw Xu Shasha driving out, they hurried over and shouted respectfully, "Morning Lu, morning ladies."

Huang Xing nodded to them, then looked at the two brothers behind Wang Hu.

Wang Hu quickly introduced, "This is the fourth brother Zhao Gula, and this is the eighth brother Xu Wanshan."

The two shouted in unison, "I have seen Young Master Lu."

They saw Huang Xing's strength last night, and they all admired him very much.

Huang Xing asked them not to be too polite, then took out the iron bone pill and handed it to Wang Hu and said, "This pill is called iron bone pill, which can increase the strength of muscles and bones."

 the third
  Just finished writing, a bit late

  Thank you friends who reward and vote every day
(End of this chapter)

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