Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 56 Go to the Chu family

Chapter 56 Go to the Chu family
Wang Hu took the Iron Bone Pill excitedly, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Young Master Lu for giving me the pill. Wang Hu will swear allegiance to Young Master Lu to the death."

He has never seen the elixir, but he has heard of the name of the elixir.

He heard that elixir is an extremely precious treasure in the martial arts world, and it is of great benefit to ancient warriors to take it.

He was very excited to be rewarded with such a precious pill after following Huang Xing for only two days, and he was extremely grateful to Huang Xing.

He believed that following Huang Xing was the most correct thing he did in his life.

It is also the thing I am most proud of in my life.

Huang Chen said lightly, "As long as you do things for me well, it's not impossible to become a master of ancient martial arts in the future."

He is not joking, as long as he has a high level and has enough gold coins to buy marrow washing pills, he can create countless ancient martial arts masters.

Become an ancient martial arts master!

When Wang Hu heard Huang Xing's words, his heart beat violently.

He has been on the road for more than ten or twenty years, and he has long cultivated the ability to not be surprised.

But the excitement at this moment is indescribable.

Becoming an ancient warrior has always been his extravagant wish.

He knew that ancient warriors had to start training at an early age, and at his age, there was no chance to become an ancient warrior.

That's why I say it's a luxury.

Now Huang Xing gave him the hope of becoming an ancient warrior.

It just gave him new life.

From now on, his own life will belong to Huang Chen.

Wang Hu hung his right hand in a plaster plaster around his neck, his body trembling with excitement bent over and said, "In the future, Master Lu has an order, Wang Hu will go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, and he will die."

Lu Chen calmly said, "Master Tiger can use the Iron Bone Pill directly on the car later, I believe it will also have an effect on your arm injury. You all lead the way and set off to the Chu family."

The three of Wang Hu resigned and returned to a Land Rover.

"Uncle Lu, the little girl will be your personal driver in the future, can you also make the little girl a master of ancient martial arts?"

Xu Shasha heard that Huang Xing had a way to make Wang Hu a master of ancient martial arts, looked at Huang Xing with wide eyes, and said softly.

After she got to know Huang Xing, she realized that her fourth-degree black belt in karate was just flamboyant, and she also dreamed of becoming an ancient martial artist.

It would be so handsome if he could become an ancient warrior.

Xu Shasha wanted to become an ancient warrior, but she just wanted to be handsome and pretend to be aggressive.

Huang Xing looked at Xu Shasha contemplatively, and joked, "Look at your performance, maybe you perform well, and someday when the uncle is happy, I will teach you the peerless magic."

"The little girl must perform well to make sure the uncle is satisfied." Xu Shasha stepped on the gas pedal, followed the Land Rover in front, and said shyly.

"How do you want Sasha to behave well?" Ji Ran looked at Huang Xing with a half-smile, stretched out his hand to his waist and twisted it hard.

Huang Chen grinned in pain and gasped, and smiled at Ji Ran flatteringly, "I was just joking."

"It deserves it, even my old lady dares to tease me." Xu Shasha said wickedly first.

Lu Xiaoke laughed and giggled like silver bells.

Three women in one scene, Huang Chen smiled helplessly.

Ji Ran, who is so reserved and fresh, can also pinch his waist, and even pinch himself so that he has no temper at all.

The two cars, one in front and the other in the back, headed straight for Chu's Villa at high speed.

Chu Family Villa——

Compared with the recent bustle of the Qin family, the Chu family has been a little low-key these past few days, eerily quiet.

Most of the Chu family members stayed in the villa, and they would not go out unless there was something important to do.

During this time, Linjiang belonged to the Qin family's stage, and their Chu family had to stay away.

Mr. Chu looks good today, and he got up early in the morning to practice boxing in the yard.

After practicing a set of Kongmingquan, the whole person is full of energy.

After Huang Xing helped him regulate his meridians two days ago, he felt that his physical condition was much better than before.

He knew that Huang Xing would come to visit today and bring him the elixir to heal the old injuries of the meridians.

Unfortunately, he has always been steady and excited, looking forward to the early arrival of Huang Chen.

The old injury that had tormented him for decades would be healed immediately, making him suddenly feel like a dream.

Chu Siqiao has been in a low mood for the past few days. The day her grandfather told her that Huang Xing didn't have a girlfriend, she still had some strange thoughts in her heart.

Handsome, mysterious, and a little bit annoyingly annoying, it made her a little bit excited.

She wants to walk into his world, to uncover his veil, to explore his mysteries.

As a result, when her father came back, he told her tactfully that Huang Xing already had a girlfriend.

It's over before it starts.

In the early morning of these two days, she came to the Weiyang Lake of Linjiang University alone, looking forward to the appearance of that figure.

I don't want to run with him in the morning anymore, I just want to see how he runs in the morning light.

Is it still so annoying?

But that figure didn't appear, presumably his girlfriend came and was sweetly accompanying his girlfriend, and he didn't have time to go for a morning run.

She ran round and round along Weiyang Lake in frustration, and didn't stop until she was too tired to run.

Chu Tianxiong got up as soon as he was a freshman and arranged for his servants to clean the entire villa, and personally attended to the prepared luncheon, making sure that there were no mistakes in all aspects, so that Huang Xing could see how much their Chu family valued and respected him.

He had already received the news that Wang Hu had abolished Lei Yun the night before yesterday.

This kind of thing may not make the Qin family take action against Huang Xing.

As a result, Wang Hu beat the son of the second master of the Qin family again at noon yesterday.

The Qin family had no choice but to respond to this kind of thing immediately, and sent Hu Gufeng, who had a fifth level of dark energy, to visit Huang Chen in Dynasty Entertainment City.

In the end, there was a disagreement, and Hu Gufeng was blown away by Huang Chen's punch, which made him lose face even more.

Now guests from all over the world gathered in Linjiang to attend Young Master Qin's birthday party. If the Qin family didn't fight back strongly against Huang Xing immediately, the birthday party might not be able to be held.

Today, he received Huang Xing with great fanfare, just to tell the big families in the martial arts world that his Chu family stood with Huang Xing.

This is equivalent to tearing face off with the Qin family.

But so what, as long as Huang Xing is around, what kind of waves can the Qin family make?
Lu Xing didn't want his identity as a martial arts master to be too public, so Chu Tianxiong blocked the news that day. Only those who knew that Huang Xing was a martial arts master were himself, and even the rest of the Chu family didn't know about Huang Chen's true identity. strength.

In fact, he also has his own selfishness.

If the Qin family knew that Lu Xing was a master of martial arts, they might not dare to retaliate against him.

But now they only think that Huang Xing is the master of the peak of dark energy, according to their background, they still dare to give it a go.

The Qin family may not dare to do anything to Huang Xing, after all, they are also very afraid of cultivating such a monstrous power as Huang Xing, they just want to send experts to defeat Huang Xing, destroy his prestige, and let the big families know, Linjiang, the face of their Qin family is not so easy to sweep.

But facing a martial arts master like Huang Xing, the Qin family will only lose miserably at that time, and they will not even be able to gain a foothold in Linjiang.

As one goes up and down, their Chu family will naturally become stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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