Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 546 Breaking the Array

Chapter 546 Breaking the Formation ([-])

Huang Xing's confident voice was full of sarcasm. Hearing it in everyone's ears, he seemed to be laughing at them for being cowardly and not even having the courage to break through.

The healed Dugu Fei opened his eyes and looked at Huang Xing with a stern look on his face.

Everyone looked at Huang Xing, heard the sarcasm in his words, and their expressions were not unkind.

The realm of this casual cultivator of unknown origin only has a golden core, but his cultivation should not be underestimated.

The woman in yellow who was traveling with him broke through the Jinyan sword formation, and the swordsmanship among them was so high that even the sword cultivators among them were ashamed.

Lin Ming said warmly, "Young master Lu, you have already broken through for a while just now, if you break through again, the extra resources in exchange for the qualification to enter the secret realm will belong to you."

Huang Chen arrogantly smiled at the few leading disciples who hadn't broken the formation, "Since you don't want to break the formation, why don't I do it together in the next few battles, and each of you take out ten high-level elixir and five Give me a thousand top-grade spirit stones in exchange for the qualification to enter the secret realm."

His arrogant words caused an uproar among the crowd.

Dugu Fei and Fan Pengyu paid a heavy price for only one battle, and he actually wanted to break the next six battles together.

This is too arrogant.

One of the leading disciples said coldly, "If you want to break the formation, then I will give up the chance to break the formation. As long as you can break all the formations, I am willing to take ten high-level heaven-level pills and five thousand top-grade spirit stones in exchange for entering the formation." The qualifications of the secret realm."

The other leading disciple looked cold, and directly took out a storage spirit ring and threw it to Huang Xing, and said with a hidden knife in his smile, "Since Fellow Daoist Lu is so confident in breaking the formation, Beiluozong is willing to give up the chance to break the formation. The medicine and five thousand top-quality spirit stones will be handed over to Fellow Daoist Lu in advance, and I wish you success in breaking the formation."

Huang Chen knew that his intentions were bad, but he just pretended not to know. He casually took the storage spirit ring and checked it, and said with a smile, "Beiluozong's Taoist friends are the most straightforward."

The other leading disciples also saw that person's intentions, and they all took out a storage spirit ring and threw it to Huang Xing, saying:

"Zixiaozong gave up the opportunity to break the formation."

"The Barren Cloud Sect gave up the opportunity to break the formation."

"The Soaring Snake Clan gave up the chance to break the formation."

"The Yunlong Divine Kingdom gave up the opportunity to break the formation."

"Dragon Elephant Sect gave up the opportunity to break the formation."

"Baicaomen gave up the chance to break the formation."

"Moon Palace gave up the chance to break the formation."

Huang Xing took the eight storage rings that they flew over, a total of [-] high-level heaven-level pills and [-] top-grade spirit stones. It can be said that he is now richer than the holy land of the cultivation world by himself.

Even the entire Zhanmeng may not be able to come up with so many high-level heaven-level pills and top-grade spirit stones all at once.

These monks in the world are really rich.

Compared with them, monks in the comprehension world are beggars.

If Xiao Qingchen, an ancient monster like Xiao Qingchen, was born in the Great Thousand World and had sufficient resources to cultivate, he might have passed the tribulation and become a fairy by now.

What Huang Xing lacks most now is the cultivation of top-grade spirit stones.

After breaking through the golden core, the speed at which he absorbed spiritual energy reached an appalling level.

Of the [-] top-quality spirit stones given to him by the Shinto Academy, [-] each were distributed to Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen, and he had [-] top-quality spirit stones left, more than half of which had been refined.

Now he is still at the golden core stage, if he breaks through to Nascent Soul and Dongxu, he doesn't know how much resources will be consumed.

Although you can slowly wait for the system's daily quota to buy Good Fortune Golden Pills, but the cultivation base will double before breaking through a small realm, and the gold coins needed are also astronomical. I still have to keep practicing, so that I can break through the cultivation base faster.

The Shinto Academy said that it could provide him with the resources to practice, but he certainly didn't expect him to refine the spirit stone so terrifying. According to Huang Xing's calculation, if he didn't use gold coins to buy the Good Fortune Golden Elixir, he could cultivate by himself, and the whole world of self-cultivation would be destroyed. All the resources are exhausted, which is enough for him to break through to the late stage of crossing the tribulation.

In addition, the spiritual stones that Xiao Qingchen and Ji Ran needed for their cultivation were also very terrifying, and the sum of the two of them was almost the same as him.

He, the number one god in the universe, began to realize that he was really poor.

That's why he angered the forces of the great world, and left him to break through the remaining few formations, and asked them to take out pills and spirit stones in exchange for the qualification to enter the secret realm.

When Ji Ran heard that Huang Xing was about to break through six formations in a row, she was worried, but she knew that Huang Xing would not do anything uncertain, and believed that he would find a way to break the formation.

After Xiao Qingchen came out of the Jinyan Sword Formation, he had been meditating and comprehending the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Hearing what Huang Chen said, he just slightly opened his eyes for a look, and then closed them again.

The Jade Immortal Sword Formation is like a treasury of kendo, allowing her to truly see the vastness of kendo, and her constant comprehension is only the tip of the iceberg, and kendo is constantly improving every minute and every second.

Patriarch Xutian has nothing left but sighs, everyone here is stronger than him, no matter what Huang Xing does now, he is not surprised.

Huang Xing put away the eight storage rings, smiled boldly, and flew into the tuyan battle formation.

Those few leading disciples looked at the Tu Yan battle formation, their eyes flashed with sternness, how could their pills and spirit stones be so easy to get?

Now that you have taken it, you must destroy all the remaining six formations.

If you can't break the formation, you will either die in the Ten Jue formation, or die in their hands.

Huang Xing also saw their intentions, since he dared to take it, he was sure to break the formation.

As soon as he entered the Tuyan Battle Formation, nine natives condensed on the ground.

Every native is a late Mahayana cultivation base, holding a shield in one hand and a knife in the other.

Because they do not have powerful martial arts and magic weapons, their individual strength is somewhat different from that of real late Mahayana monks.

But nine people form a battle formation, and the power of the combination should be feared by the cultivators.

Huang Xing was fearless, and a flaming dragon gun appeared in his hand.

With a gun in hand, he is like a peerless god of war, full of fighting spirit.


Nine late Mahayana natives formed a battle formation to kill him.

Huang Xing spent 250W gold coins to buy 25 good fortune golden pills to break through to the middle stage of golden pills, and then swallowed the level 13 violent pill.

He charged into the formation with a gun and fought with nine late Mahayana natives.

After a few shots, the nine natives turned into a pile of dirt.

Before Huang Xing could breathe, the soil on the ground quickly condensed into eighteen natives.


Huang Chen's eyes were burning with flames of war, the more he fought, the more courageous he became, and the gun was invincible.

Eighteen is followed by 36.

36 followed by 64.

64 followed by 81.

In the end, one hundred and eight late Mahayana natives formed a battle formation.

Huang Xing's eyes had turned scarlet, and the clothes on his body were blood-stained.

The native has no blood, these are his blood.

If it weren't for the extremely powerful Xingchen Taoist body, he would have died long ago.

The fighting spirit maximized his strength and soared his combat power to the peak.

Huang Xing didn't use the pupil of the abyss of the holy rank, nor did he use the 16th level of the mid-level sky splitting hand.

He just broke through with the gun.

He wants to sharpen his spear through battle and realize his heavenly spear skills.

(End of this chapter)

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