Chapter 547 Three Thousand Tigers
Xiao Qingchen's Zhu Xian sword formation gave Huang Xing a great stimulus.

The power of destroying heaven and earth even surpassed the pupil of the abyss to him.

After Xiao Qingchen broke the formation, he has been meditating and comprehending, and he hasn't told him that the Zhuxian Sword Formation was passed down by the Master Tongtian.

Huang Chen thought Xiao Qingchen figured it out by himself.

After having the system, he was not qualified enough, so he used cheats to make up for it.

In the end, it was not as powerful as Xiao Qingchen's comprehension of swordsmanship.

It took a huge blow to his self-esteem.

A gun is a weapon of war.

It can be honed in battle to become stronger and stronger.

At this time, he was full of fighting spirit, and his body was full of power.

One hundred and eight late Mahayana natives formed a battle formation.

Their aura is one piece, impeccable.

The time for a stick of incense has passed, and the entrance to the Tuyan Battle Formation has been closed.

The power coming from inside is getting stronger and stronger.

Ji Ran nervously looked at the big formation in the center of the Nine Peaks, and kept praying in his heart that Huang Xing would break through the formation quickly.

Patriarch Xutian also began to feel restless. After all, after the formation is closed, he can only come out unless he breaks the formation, otherwise he can only fall inside.

Xiao Qingchen still meditated and comprehended the Zhuxian sword formation, she believed that Huang Chen would be able to break through the formation.

Most of the leading disciples of the forces in the Great Thousand World showed gloating expressions.

Huang Xing's drag formation method has not yet broken the formation, which shows that he is very reluctant to break the formation.

Even if he was lucky enough to break the Tuyan battle formation, there are still five big formations waiting for him to break through.

They want to see how he breaks through the remaining ten unique formations by himself.

Huang Xing was trapped in the tuyan battle formation, and was besieged by one hundred and eight late Mahayana natives.

Holding the flame dragon gun in his hand, he has reached the realm of the unity of man and gun.

The gun on his body kept rising, his eyes sharpened suddenly, and with a roar, the gun swept out.


Total Annihilation.

This shot swept away one hundred and eight natives with invincible power, turning them into dust in an instant.

There was a smile on Huang Chen's face, and the sky-level advanced spear martial arts-sweeping thousands of troops.

Although it was still not as good as Xiao Qingchen's Zhuxian Sword Formation, he was already very satisfied.

This is a great breakthrough for him.

He believed that one day, even without a system, he would be able to sweep away invincible.

The dust turned into by one hundred and eight natives slowly condensed together, turning into a warrior wearing pitch-black armor.

The warrior exudes an iron-blooded cold murderous aura.

This murderous aura condensed into the jet-black armor on his body.

I don't know how many enemies have been beheaded to have such a murderous aura.

Behind the black-armored generals, soldiers in black armor emerged from the ground.

Thick and dense, cold and chilling.

Huang Xing tightly held the flame dragon gun in his hand, raised his aura to the peak, and looked solemnly at the group of iron-blooded black-armored soldiers in front of him.

He was terrified.

How could the Tu Yan Battle Formation be so strong?
If the previous battles were also this strong, Lin Ming, Dugu Fei, and Fan Pengyu would definitely not be able to break the formation.

Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes swept across them, and there were a total of [-] black-armored soldiers.

The black battle armor wrapped them tightly. They were different from the natives just now. They seemed to be real people, but they lacked "popularity".

"See my lord."

The black-armored warrior suddenly knelt down on one knee and shouted in a thick voice.

Swish, swish, swish.

The three thousand black-armored soldiers behind him also knelt down on one knee and shouted in unison, "See my lord."

The sound resounded through nine days.

Huang Xing was already ready for a bloody battle to the end, but was taken aback by the sudden appearance.

He quickly recovered his composure. Although he didn't know what was going on, he looked at the black-armored warriors in front of him who recognized him as the master, and his heart was full of pride.

Give him three thousand tigers, and he can level the world.

Huang Xing asked, "What's your name?"

The black armored armor replied, "The last general has no name, please give me a name from my lord."

Lu Chen said loudly, "From today on, you will be called 'Lu Hu', and they will be called 'Hu Benjun'."

The black-armored warrior said in an iron-cold voice, "Thank you, my lord, for giving me the name."

The three thousand tiger and ben troops roared in unison, "hu ben, tiger ben..."

The sound is deafening and heart-pounding.

Invincible Qiang's voice sounded in his head, "Hey, I never thought they would appear here. They are indeed the masters of Brother Qiang, good fortune is Invincible."

Huang Xing asked suspiciously, "What is their origin, how could they recognize me as the master?"

Invincible Qiang said, "They are the guardian spirits of the Ten Absolute Formation Tuyan Battle Formation. Brother Qiang, I already recognize you as the master. Why is it so strange that they recognize you as the master?"

He urged, "Don't ask, hurry up and put them in your hands, otherwise it will be bad if their aura is discovered by the Dao of Heaven."

It's the same whether Wudiqiang has an answer or not. Huang Xing knew that if he answered ambiguously, he would definitely not tell him in detail, so he didn't ask any more. He spread his right hand, and a chaotic ball appeared in his hand.

From the outside, the universe in the palm is only as big as a basketball, but inside it is really vast, and it is not known where the end is.

The universe in the palm is still chaotic, with only a gleam of light.

This ray of light spread a bit more than the last time he saw it, it should be because he broke through to the middle stage of Golden Core.

Huang Chen said to Huben Jun, "You go to the universe in my palm first."


The Huben army answered in unison, and then led by Lu Hu, they entered the universe in the palm of their hands in an orderly manner.

After they entered the universe in their palms, they seemed to turn into sculptures, standing still.

Huang Xing asked Wudiqiang, "Brother Qiang, are they also the ones that Heaven wants to kill?"

Tiandao wanted to kill Ji Ran, and Huang Xing had already marked him as hostile.

This tiger and ben army is the guardian spirit of the Tuyan Battle Formation, why should the Heavenly Dao obliterate them?

If so, wouldn't he be unable to summon the Huben Army to mop up the enemies?
Invincible Qiang replied, "The way of heaven established the laws of heaven and earth, everything in the world must obey the laws of heaven and earth, and even the way of heaven itself must obey the laws of heaven and earth, but some people don't want to be bound by the laws of heaven and earth, and some people have discovered the laws of heaven and earth. They want to transcend the shackles of the laws of heaven and earth, and even break the laws of heaven and earth, these people are the objects that the Dao of Heaven wants to kill."

He went on to say, "There is a law left by Emperor Qing in the realm of comprehension. You can summon the tiger and ben army in it, but after the fusion of the two realms, you have to wait for them to fully integrate the power of chaos in the palm of your hand before you can summon them. The power of chaos is the most original power of heaven and earth, and the way of heaven will not obliterate them."

After hearing this, Huang Xing roughly understood.

He also asked Invincible Qiang if he was the reincarnation of a supreme power like Ji Ran.

In the end, in exchange for Wudiqiang's supercilious look, he was just an ordinary person. It was only through shit luck that the "Invincible Qiang Shenhao System" recognized him as the master. This series of fortunes came only after he practiced the "Natural Scripture of Creation".

Huang Xing subdued the Huben army in the Tuyan battle formation, but everyone outside the formation was terrified.

After the formation was closed, the power of the [-] natives was already very terrifying, so that all major forces in the world did not have much hope for Huang Chen to break through the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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