Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 588 Unifying 1 Comprehension Realm

Chapter 588 Unifying the Cultivation World

It was already July 4th when Huang Xing returned to Eastern Great Region, and there were only [-] days left before the meeting time, July [-]th.

He said to the outside world that Ji Ran will practice in seclusion for a long time.

But he didn't hide it from the girls, telling them that Ji Ran had already gone to the Great Thousand World first by chance, and told them not to spread it.

The rulers of the major forces in the four major domains have almost arrived in Feitian City.

Feitian City was also expanded during the four months that Huang Xing left, making it ten times larger than before.

A group of real people and ancestors personally cast spells to build the city, and four months is more than enough.

The site selection for the first batch of [-] schools has also been completed and construction is underway.

The selection of the first batch of students is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

The monks at the bottom are naturally grateful to Huang Xing, and his reputation has reached its peak in the cultivation world.

The meeting on July [-] was also held as scheduled.

Although no one from Zhongdayu came to the meeting, it seemed that there was something missing in the unification of the comprehension world.

However, the major forces in the four major domains of east, west, north, south, still did not have any objection.

A series of rules were formulated, and a series of decrees were promulgated.

The structure of the comprehension world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

There is a vast sea between the four domains, which hinders the development of exchanges.

Now monks are also sent to open up sea routes, so that monks at the bottom of the four major domains can communicate with each other.

The magic ship for sea transportation is led by Feitianlou, and it is designed and built in conjunction with the refiners of the major forces.

Naturally, the bulk of the sea transportation business was handed over to Feitianlou.

It is conceivable how big this business is, and how huge the benefits Feitianlou will get.

All major forces know that Huang Xing is behind Feitianlou, who dares to grab this business?
Of course, the resources obtained by Feitianlou must also be handed over in proportion to provide for the expansion and construction of the school.

The meeting lasted for ten days before it ended, and the major forces returned to their own territory, and then began to implement the requirements.

The affairs of the cultivation world have been dealt with, and now we need to deal with the affairs of the earth.

There are still some thousand-year-old ancestors who survived on the earth.

Huang Xing would go back to them to discuss the integration of the two worlds.

Then when the time is right, you can open up the channel between the two realms.

At that time, the catastrophe of heaven and earth will also come.

Huang Xing still needs to improve his strength as soon as possible, keep out the catastrophe, and prevent the catastrophe from destroying the earth and the cultivation world.

It's time to go back to Earth first.

It has been a year since I came to the world of comprehension from the earth.

According to the agreement, their Tianjiao evildoer who came from the earth should also go back.

Huang Xing called all the girls and prepared to take them back to Earth first.

As soon as Lu Xiaoke heard that he was going back to Earth, he shouted happily, "Yeah, I can finally go back to Earth, and I can play Glory of Kings again."


With black hair on his face, Huang Chen slapped Lu Xiaoke hard and said, "You know how to play. If you don't practice hard, when we all ascend to immortality, you will stay alone and let you have a good time."

As soon as Lu Xiaoke heard that she was going to be abandoned, he immediately snorted dissatisfied, "Who says I haven't cultivated well, I have already established my foundation now."

Huang Xing had already despaired of Lu Xiaoke's Buddhist cultivation, and he had been in the cultivation world for almost a year, if someone else broke through to the foundation stage without practicing qi, he would be a monster.

But Lu Xiaoke has the best cultivation method in the cultivation world, the best master, and he used Shengsui Pill to change his physique.

All kinds of natural and earthly treasures, the best spirit stones can be used by her at will.

However, it is only the foundation stage.

Even Huang Xing started to have a headache.

According to her progress, when will she be able to overcome the tribulation and ascend?

He and Xiao Qingchen will not talk about it.

After Luo Xiaoying, Yan Hongyi, Fang Yan and him "Yin and Yang Dual Cultivation", their cultivation speed has obviously increased.

The three of them have now condensed golden cores and become golden core monks.

Xiao Qingchen loved Xiao Ke the most, and immediately defended, "The way of nature is about letting nature take its course, and Xiao Ke's character is in line with the essence of the way of nature. As long as one day he is enlightened, he may ascend in the daytime. .”

Fang Yan also spoke for her, "Xiao Ke has been cultivating seriously every day recently, my sister in red and Meng Long can all testify for her."

Yan Hongyi and Yu Menglong nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Seeing that all the girls were defending Lu Xiaoke, Huang Chen was about to be pissed off by them, so he said angrily, "You spoil her, and you will spoil her sooner or later."

He discovered that the girls treated Xiao Ke much better than him.

Seeing that his brother was deflated, Lu Xiaoke happily made a face at him, left him aside, chatted enthusiastically with the girls about the glory of the king, and muttered about going to the earth to teach them how to play the glory of the king, just five of them can play black.

He directly expelled Huang Xing from the team.

Hearing that the five of them were chatting enthusiastically while hanging him aside, Huang Xing could only shake his head helplessly. Three women play a show, and five women are kings.

"Welcome Mr. Lu and Sword Master Xiao."

The teleportation array from the Eastern Great Territory to the earth is established in the Misty Palace.

Huang Xing brought all the girls to Misty Palace, and the owner of Misty Palace and Jia Jing and his wife greeted them.

"Palace Master Dragon is being polite." Huang Xing smiled at Long Yu, the master of Piaomiao Palace.

Then he greeted Jia Jing and his wife who were beside him, "Brother Jia, Miss Jiang, please stay safe."

When Huang Xing and the others first came to the cultivation world, Jia Jing and Jiang Yunxiao took good care of them, and he always kept that in mind.

Jia Jing said with a smile on her face, "Brother Lu and the girls are even more elegant. We have been separated from Brother Lu for less than a year, and Brother Lu is so powerful in the realm of comprehension. It is really admirable."

Huang Chen also said with emotion, "Before I knew it, I've been in the cultivation world for almost a year. This year, I was in a hurry, and I didn't have time to visit you two. When we get to Earth, we'll catch up on the old days."

Jia Jing and Jiang Yunxiao also wanted to return to Earth. This time, not only the arrogance of Earth, but also the envoys from the cultivation world who went last time would also go there.

The teleportation array leading to the realm of comprehension is very important, and it was built by gathering the power of the three major alliances.

Its periphery is guarded by a large array, which is guarded by the ancestors in the tribulation period.

You also need to use the three tokens of the three major alliances at the same time to open it.

The ancestors of the Holy League and the Divine League have already brought two tokens and waited in the teleportation array in advance.

When Huang Xing and the others came to the teleportation formation, those arrogant and evil spirits who came from the earth had already gathered together.

They looked at Huang Xing and his party with emotion.

When Huang Xing was on the earth, he rose up in just a few months and became the well-deserved No.1 in the earth's martial arts world.

Unexpectedly, after coming to the cultivation world, it took less than a year to unify the cultivation world and become the uncrowned king of the cultivation world.

Their status and status are already worlds apart, and the gap between them is like a natural moat, making them afraid to say hello to Huang Xing.

But there are two exceptions.

The little monk and Mingyuexi got acquainted with Huang Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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