Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 589 Return to the Earth

Chapter 589 Return to Earth
"Boss." As soon as the little monk saw Huang Xing, he ran over and said, "The little monk heard about the boss' deeds the day before yesterday when he left the customs. It's too awesome. From now on, the boss will cover the little monk."

After he came to the world of comprehension, he has been practicing in seclusion in the Buddhist pagoda. He left the customs the day before yesterday to prepare to return to Earth, and only then did he know that the structure of the world of cultivation had undergone earth-shaking changes.

His old Daluchen has become the uncrowned king of the entire cultivation world.

The little monk heard it like a legend.

Amazed and proud of Huang Xing.

It is also very happy.

His boss is so strong, wouldn't the group of old monks dare not control him in the future?

He wanted to go to Feitian City to find Huang Xing the day before yesterday.

It was stopped by the group of old monks in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

One is because Huang Xing is very busy.

The second is because they also have to explain some things after the little monk returned to Earth.

So today was the first time they met after they came to the cultivation world.

Before Huang Chen answered, Lu Xiaoke said proudly from the side, "Of course your boss is awesome, and I don't care whose brother it is."

She was also very happy to see the little monk.

Because her brother is so awesome that she has no friends anymore.

"Hey." The little monk smiled cheaply as always, "Of course it's Miss Sister's brother, dear brother."

Then looked at Xiao Qingchen and the others and shouted cheerfully, "Hello, four sister-in-laws."

Finally, he looked at Yu Menglong and said with a smile, "Hi, little loli."

He already knew what happened to Huang Xing this year from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and he knew the identities of these girls.

For Huang Xing, there is only one capitalized word "serve".

Not only is he convinced by his fighting strength, but also by his ability to pick up girls.

The girls knew that the little monk was Huang Xing's friend, and they all greeted him with smiles.

Yu Menglong also shouted with a smile, "Hello little brother."

As long as she is a friend around Huang Xing, she always calls her brother and sister.

The little monk was overjoyed when he heard Yu Menglong calling his little brother.

In the past, it was full of gunpowder to fight with Lu Xiaoke, but in the end it was because she didn't sleep on the street, so she begrudgingly called her Miss Sister.

When Lu Xiaoke heard Yu Menglong call the little monk brother, he said displeasedly, "Menglong, he eats and drinks all by himself, don't call him little brother, just call him little monk."


The little monk heard a black line, isn't it because he was penniless at the time, and ate and drank for a few days, as for remembering it until now?

"Oh." Yu Menglong changed her tune with a smile, "Hello little monk brother."

Lu Xiaoke said angrily, "It's a little monk, don't add brother."

"Xiao Ke, don't make trouble." Huang Xing heard Lu Xiaoke's headache, and interrupted Lu Xiaoke's nonsense, "The teleportation array will be activated soon, do you still want to go back to Earth?"

"Slightly." Lu Xiaoke stuck out his tongue at Huang Chen, and then let the little monk go.

"Little brother, you are really good. It seems that my sister will not be able to cover you in the future. I want you to cover my sister."

Ming Yuexi also came over and shouted carelessly.

She also just left the customs two days ago, knowing that Huang Xing has become the uncrowned king of the cultivation world.

Lu Xing looked at Ming Yuexi with a smile, besides Xia Qingqiu, the only one who could call him little brother was the Young Master of the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect.

After a year, Ming Yuexi's personality still hasn't changed, she is still careless.

Huang Xing smiled and said, "No problem, if someone bullies the young leader in the future, just report my name."

When she came to the world of self-cultivation a year ago, Ming Yuexi said that she was the daughter of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect in the world of self-cultivation, and she wanted to cover up Lu Chen and the others, so that if Lu Chen and the girls were bullied, they would report her name.

Now that Huang Xing has strength, he will naturally reciprocate, and will also cover her in the future.

Everyone exchanged a few more pleasantries.

Huang Xing said to the void, "Please open the teleportation array, everyone."

"Yes, son."

A reverent voice came from the void.

Three tokens flew out, and the multicolored formation shot up into the sky, and the simple and simple atmosphere permeated the entire formation.

In just an instant, everyone was teleported to the Misty Palace on Earth.

Several envoys from the cultivation world walked up to Huang Xing and said respectfully, "Mr. Lu, let's take them back first and take our leave."

Huang Xing looked at one of them, and said with a smile, "I never thought that the Shinto Academy would let Seiko Miyamoto lead the team back to Earth."

It turned out that Jiang Cheng Guyi, the envoy of the Shinto Academy, was killed by Huang Xing, but this time it was Miyamoto Musashi who brought the evil spirit of Dongying Tianjiao over.

Miyamoto Musashi said with a smile, "I've heard that the earth is the home planet of the cultivation world. I just have this opportunity, so I'll come and see it."

Huang Chen smiled lightly, "Although the earth is not as rich in aura as the world of cultivation, the atmosphere of home is refreshing. This place is different from the civilization of the world of cultivation. Seiko Miyamoto can take a good look at it."

"I have plenty of time to come to Earth this time. I'll take a good tour of Earth once I've settled down with the business." Miyamoto Musashi said with a smile, "Young Master Lu, I'll take my leave first."

After Miyamoto Musashi finished speaking, he left with Dongpu's Tianjiao monster.

Sakurai Asako didn't say hello to Huang Xing and the others, their relationship hasn't been made public yet.

Looking at the leaving figure of Miyamoto Musashi, Huang Xing smiled slightly, and then said to Jia Jing and his wife, "Let's go."

The Piaomiao Palace has set up a large teleportation formation, which is heavily guarded, and the forces of the Huaxia Martial Arts World are still gathering in Confucianism.

The world of Confucianism——

The power holders of the nineteen superpowers in China gathered in the Confucian world, waiting for the return of those arrogance and evildoers who went to the world of cultivation.

During this year, some changes have also taken place on the earth.

The aura gradually became more abundant, and the overall speed of the warrior's cultivation was improved.

The first batch of resources obtained by the major forces from the realm of comprehension allowed many masters of the ninth level of innate innateness to break through to the innate level (foundation establishment period).

There are even a few innate peak powerhouses who have surpassed the innate (alchemy period).

The entire martial arts world is prosperous.

The world of martial arts in various countries is also calm
The major forces also went to the world to find young people with cultivation qualifications to train.

During this year, the world of martial arts gradually revealed itself in the world.

Although not every ordinary person knows it, as long as they have a certain status, almost everyone knows it.

The nineteen rulers have all broken through to the innate level, and they are anxiously waiting for everyone's return.

I want to see how far those disciples in their forces have grown in the cultivation world.

They are also very much looking forward to the new batch of resources brought to them by the envoys of the cultivation world.

A powerful breath came.

Huang Chen and his party flew into the Confucian world and landed on the square.

Their faces showed a bit of excitement. Although the cultivation world is a treasured place for cultivation, they are all very excited to go back to their hometown and see their relatives.

The nineteen rulers looked at the returned Tianjiao monster with relief on their faces.

The temperament on their bodies has undergone tremendous changes from before they left.

During this year, these Tianjiao evildoers have made great progress. Those with the lowest cultivation base are already at the Qi refining stage, and more than half of them have already established their foundations, and a few evildoers have broken through to the alchemy stage.

"Lu Chen, where's Ji Ran?"

Daoist Feng Qing suddenly changed his face, he searched around but couldn't find Ji Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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