Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 6 510 million = I want you?

Chapter 6 510 million = I want you?
Ji Ran's singing sounded with the accompaniment, and her sincere speech stunned the audience.


"Calling the anchor, who wouldn't love such an anchor?"

"Sound of Heaven."

"+1, the anchor's voice is so nice."

"I'm a fan, I'm a fan, from now on I'll be Goddess Ji Ran's brainless fan."

"It's too awesome, 1314's super rockets are all rejected."

"Ji Ran, the true goddess; Ji Ran, the true goddess."


Bullet screens kept drifting past, and the onlookers frantically swiped and called.

Many viewers were overwhelmed by Ji Ran's temperament and singing voice, and officially became her die-hard fans.

"Attention the host, there is only 1 minute left in your mission, please complete it as soon as possible. If the mission times out, it will be judged as a failure."

Huang Xing listened to Ji Ran's melodious singing, and Wudiqiang's voice suddenly sounded in his head.

"Sorry, I was just joking with you just now."

"Your songs are really nice. I believe you will realize your dream and become a real singer in the future."

Hearing Wudiqiang's reminder, Huang Xing quickly typed to send a message, and sent out two rockets.

The emperor's speech floated at the top of the chat bar, and Ji Ran saw the apology and blessing from the number one Shenhao in the universe at a glance, and his heart was filled with relief.

I am gratified that I always stick to my dream and never forget my original intention.

I am gratified that my persistence has been respected and blessed.

"Thank you for the rocket of the number one Shenhao in the universe, and thank you for your blessing."

With a sweet smile on Ji Ran's face, he sincerely expressed his thanks, and then threw himself into his own singing with forgetfulness.


The first dream will definitely arrive

real desire

To be able to count to heaven

With the end of the singing, Huang Xing lightly pressed the gift giving option during the mission countdown.


The most spectacular scene in the two years since the live broadcast of Sharks took place, 2373 super rockets were launched.

A 2000 yuan super rocket soared into the sky like it didn’t cost money, and the entire shark live broadcast was silent, leaving only the crazy sound of the super rocket.

Before that, the single most super rockets were 1314 super rockets given to Mengyue by Master Long.

The No. 120 Shenhao in the universe reached the full level of 10 in an instant, and an invincible voice sounded in Huang Chen's head, "Congratulations to the host for completing the task, gaining 10 experience points and [-] gold coins."

It's done, plus today's consumption rewards, it's just right to buy both the Xisui Pill and the "Natural Scripture".

Huang Xing happily snapped his fingers, and then quit the shark live broadcast, no longer paying attention to the waves he caused, leaving only a new legend.

In Maggie's anchor room, Ke Shao waited for 5.6 minutes before waiting for the two rockets from the number one Shenhao in the universe, thinking that he had confessed, and laughed heartily, "Haha, this coward has confessed so quickly? Brush 2 rockets, do you feel like you made a mistake?"

"That's right, my husband is the most awesome, if you use a little force, you'll knock him down."

"Haha, husband, do you want to force the baby down as well?"

"I hate it, so many people are watching."

Ke Shao was in a good mood and flirted with Maggie in public.

He spent hundreds of thousands all of a sudden, and he felt a little distressed, but seeing Maggie's flamboyant look, he thought that it wouldn't hurt to ask this flirtatious bitch out a few more times.

Thinking about it, Ke Shao's little brother was a little ready to move.

Then, he saw the banner of No. 2373 Shenhao in the universe presenting Ji Ran with [-] super rockets, which frightened the little brother to death.

Ke Shao seemed to hear a crackling sound.

This face really hurts from the slap.

He didn't have any temper after beating him.

He spent more than a year in Shark live broadcasting and spent more than 300 million in total. Now the number one Shenhao in the universe can easily kill him with a flick of his little hand.

Ji Ran's live broadcast room was even more crazy.

The popularity suddenly soared to more than 600 million. Shark Online viewers saw the inhumane super rocket, and they all poured into Ji Ran's live broadcast room to watch.

Ji Ran's heart beat faster, she was just an ordinary girl after all.

She can keep her heart and reject the temptation of money, but now it's money that hits her directly on the head.

If Brother Shenhao hadn't said that apology and blessing to her, she would be very calm and even disdainful when she saw these super rockets.

She would think that brother Shenhao was trying to use money to make her submit, and she would only reply him with one word - "Get out".

But now Ji Ran can't understand what it means that Brother Shenhao gave her 2373 super rockets.

If you really love her and want to pursue yourself, then you shouldn't hint at a one-night stand so frivolously.

Even if he said it was a joke at the end, it would make people's first impression greatly discounted.

If you don't want to pursue yourself, is it true that some people are in a hurry to burn too much money, and give away 500 million as soon as they say it?
The number one god in the universe is really arrogant.

The barrage in her live broadcast was refreshed crazily, and the legend of the number one Shenhao in the universe was crazily discussed.

"Run away after pretending to be aggressive, and I will obey Brother Shenhao as a shark."

"I came from Maggie's live broadcast room. Ke Shao said that brother Shenhao is cowardly, so I really want to ask if his face hurts?"

"Let's go, let's go to Maggie's studio to interview Ke Shao, and keep up."

"Can anyone tell me what 2373 means?"

"+1 for solving 2373."

"Have you noticed that brother Shenhao just spent 520 million yuan, which means I love you."

"I'll go, this is the rhythm of confession!"

"Fuck, it costs 520 million to say I love you. We don't understand the world of Shenhao."

"The upstairs pretends to be ignorant. Emperor Kai has returned 10 shark fins. Brother Shenhao's real consumption is 510 million. This is what I want you to mean."

"66666 I want you to be more domineering than I love you."


Ji Ran looked at the bullet screen in the live broadcast room, and calculated the money spent by the number one Shenhao in the universe just now, it was really 510 million.

She thought that Brother Shenhao had deliberately used 2 rockets in front of him. Could it be that he really wanted to make up 510 million yuan?
I want you?
Such an overbearing declaration.

Is this a confession to her?
Ji Ran was thinking wildly, if it wasn't for Brother Shenhao who was offline, she couldn't help but want to ask him what he meant.

If Huang Xing knew their misunderstanding of 510 million, he would definitely feel wronged.

He just spent all the money the system gave him, without thinking about it at all.

He spent 12 yuan to open the emperor, and found that today's quota was not consumed, and he did not gain experience and gold coins. He guessed that the 500 million mission funds had to be spent first before consuming today's 10 quota, so he spent all 510 million at once. .

The result was misunderstood as a domineering declaration of "I want you".

At this time, Huang Xing didn't know all this, he was checking his status in the dormitory.

Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 1 (20/100)

Today's quota: 0

Gold: 20
Combat Strength: 5
Mission: none
This experience leveling up is very slow, if you don't receive the task, it will take 8 days to upgrade to level 2, but the gold coins are enough to buy the marrow washing pill and "The Heavenly Scripture".

Huang Chen thought automatically, and bought the marrow washing pill.

I saw a jet-black pill appear out of thin air in his hand.

The elixir exudes a tangy fragrance, which is refreshing, and the elixir surface is covered with dense elixir lines.

(End of this chapter)

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