Chapter 7 Reborn
This is the legendary marrow washing pill that can transform people?

Huang Xing took the marrow washing pill in his hand and looked at it carefully. The exquisite texture was pleasing to the eye, like a flawless work of art, even Huang Xing was a little reluctant to eat it.

But in order to get rid of the combat value of the five scumbags, no matter how beautiful it is, it has to be eaten.

After entering the Xisui Pill, Huang Xing instantly felt a hot current flow down his throat, which turned into thousands of warm currents in his body, scattered in all directions, and flowed through the meridians of his whole body.

The process of washing the marrow and cutting the body lasted for half an hour, Huang Xing's whole body was sticky, and a stinky smell came out of his nostrils.

"It's cool."

Huang Xing felt comfortable all over, he was breathing through every pore, the meridians all over his body were opened one by one, his blood was rolling, full of strength, and there was a trace of breath flowing in the meridians.

Could this be the legendary internal force?

"Let's see how much the battle is worth."

Huang Xing immediately checked his battle value, the big number 100 let him get rid of the title of five scumbags.

"Brother can hit ten one by one now." Huang Chen clenched his fist, brother is an invincible bully.

"The combat value of ordinary people is between 1 and 10. According to the host's current combat value, regardless of the environment and weapon factors, unless the host is not only hand disabled, but also brain disabled, it is not a problem to fight a hundred."

Invincible explained very seriously, as if he despised that he could only fight ten.

"Damn it, the Sui Sui Pill is so powerful, if you eat one, you'll be enemies of a hundred people."

Xisui Pill is only a level 1 product, only 10 gold coins. Unexpectedly, the effect is beyond Huang Xing's imagination. If you eat one, you can become enemies of hundreds of people. After the upgrade, it will sweep the universe.

"You're amazing, my brother." Huang Xing called exaggeratedly.

"Brother Qiang's product must be a high-quality product." Invincible Qiang said arrogantly.

"Brother Qiang is mighty."

After flattering, Huang Xing went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a refreshing cold shower, Huang Xing washed the impurities out of his body. He found that after washing his marrow, his whole temperament changed, exuding an indescribable charm.

Facing the mirror, Huang Xing said shamelessly narcissistically, "If brother is a woman, he will definitely marry me."

Back in the room, Huang Xing opened the store and chose to buy "The Heavenly Scripture".

Huang Xing faintly looked forward to the martial arts secret book with such an awesome name.

The Heavenly Scripture of Creation did not appear in his hand like the Xisui Pill, but he heard Wudi Qiang's voice, "Congratulations to the host for learning the Heavenly Scripture of Creation."

Then, there was an extra memory of "The Good Fortune Scripture" in his mind, and he had already mastered it thoroughly, without any strangeness.

"It's that easy to learn?" Huang Xing was a little confused, he thought "The Heavenly Scripture of Creation" was a secret book of martial arts, and he needed to buy it and practice it by himself.

"Nonsense, Brother Qiang, I'm the Shenhao system, not the cultivation system. I'm only in charge of letting you spend money, not letting you practice." Invincible Qiang said as a matter of course.

"I like this kind of system." Huang Xing couldn't help shouting in his heart.

He was also worried that he had never been in touch with cultivation before, and he didn't know where to start. Now that he has learned it directly, he has saved even the time for cultivation.

Huang Xing felt that the internal force in his body was thicker, flowing all over his body, excitedly checking his attributes, and found that the combat value had soared from 100 to 500, and there was an additional content under the combat value - Dao Fa: "The Good Fortune Scripture" No. one heavy.

"Dear me, brother, is this the rhythm of wanting to fight the world's invincible hand?"

"The host, please don't be narcissistic. The "Natural Scripture" is the first level. It is easy to be called a fool if you are too pretentious now."

Huang Xing was still smug, so Wudi poured cold water on him.

"Then how many times does the "Natural Scripture" have to be before you can play it casually?"

""The Heavenly Scripture of Good Fortune" is the first of the twelve heavenly scriptures. If the theory rises to No. 90, it can sweep the universe, and you can pretend to be as aggressive as you want."

"How to upgrade the "Natural Scripture"?"

"One method is that the host can practice and continue to improve by himself. With the host's aptitude, it can be raised to 10 after several 99 years of cultivation; the other method is that after the host reaches level 5, he can buy the Good Fortune Pill in the store and use the Good Fortune Pill. Dan can enhance the realm of "The Heavenly Scripture of Creation."

"How many 10 years does it take for me to cultivate?" Lu Xing had black lines all over his head, this method was directly ignored by him, it seems that upgrading and buying Creation Pill is the kingly way.

"So it is recommended that the host keep a low profile for the time being and spend money in a high profile." Invincible Qiang added coolly.

Be low-key and spend money high-key.

Well said.

Huang Xing discovered that invincible is strong enough to pretend to be aggressive.

In just less than an hour, Huang Xing underwent earth-shaking changes. Not only was his body reborn, but his mood was also more confident and detached.

Now that he has become stronger, the first thing Huang Xing thinks of is his sister that he vowed to take good care of for the rest of his life.

It is said that girls must be rich and well-off. I used to be unable to give her a superior life. Now that I have the Invincible Powerful God System, I must make her the happiest little princess in the world.

"Brother Qiang, is this marrow washing pill also effective for other people?"

Xisui Pill can transform a person, Huang Xing wants to buy one for Lu Xiaoke to change her physique.

"As long as something purchased in the store can be taken out of the real world, it can be used by other people."

"That's good."

After buying the marrow washing pill just now, it appeared in his hands. It seems that it can be used by other people. Huang Xing thought about buying a marrow washing pill for Lu Xiaoke after spending the quota tomorrow.

Wudiqiang knew Huang Xing's thoughts, and said: "The Xisui Pill and "The Heavenly Scripture" purchased this time belong to the benefits for beginners, and the Xisui Pill has returned to the normal price of 1000 gold coins."

Huang Xing hurriedly opened the store and found that the price of the marrow-washing pill had changed to 1000 gold coins, and the "Book of Creation" showed that he already had it and could not buy it.

"Businessman." Huang Xing muttered.

At the same time, Huang Xing heard Wudiqiang's voice:
Ding, trigger the task - protect Lu Xiaoke.

Lu Xiaoke is the most important person in the host's heart, and the host once swore to take care of Lu Xiaoke for the rest of his life.Please tell the host the following to Lu Xiaoke within 10 minutes: Xiaoke, brother will protect you for the rest of your life.

Task reward: get 10 experience points, 10 gold coins, and a marrow washing pill.

Failure penalty: Deduct 10 experience points and 10 gold coins.

"Accepted the mission again, and also rewarded a marrow washing pill, triggering two missions in less than an hour, it seems that the mission is very easy to trigger."

Hearing Wudiqiang's voice, Huang Xing was very happy. He really wanted to do whatever he wanted. Such a simple task was like giving him the Essence Cleansing Pill for nothing.

"Ding dong."

When Huang Xing was praising Wudiqiang, he heard the notification tone of WeChat. He opened WeChat, and it was a message from his younger sister Lu Xiaoke.

Xiaoke: Brother, are you free now?
The sky is full of stars: Yes.

Xiao Ke: Miss Ran has downloaded it, and the canyon made an appointment.

Huang Xing checked the time, it was already 21:10, and Ji Ran's daily live broadcast was from 19:21 to [-]:[-] for two hours.

The sky is full of stars: go, I will take you to pretend and take you to fly.

After Huang Xing finished sending the message, he clicked on King of Glory to enter the game.

 Chapters 8-12 of King Glory
  If you don't like it, you can skip directly to Chapter 13

(End of this chapter)

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