Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 8 Brother Will Protect You Forever

Chapter 8 Brother Will Protect You Forever
Huang Chen's level of glory of the king is good, and he is best at the jungle position. Generally, if he gets it, he can carry the whole game. Every season, he can lead Lu Xiaoke and Ji Ran to become the king.

This season has just started, and they are all Xingyao.

As soon as Huang Xing logged into Glory of Kings, he received an invitation from Lu Xiaoke to form a team.

"Brother, wait for a while, but sister is still taking a bath, let me tell you a gossip."

Entering the team formation interface, Huang Xing heard Lu Xiaoke's cheerful voice like a bird.

"What gossip?" Huang Xing asked curiously.

Lu Xiaoke said excitedly, "After Brother went offline, Brother Shenhao came to Sister Ran's live broadcast room. How much gift do you think he gave Sister Ran?"

"You said you were Brother Shenhao, you must have done a lot." Huang Chen almost laughed out, it turns out that he is the leading actor of the gossip.

"Brother Shenhao opened an emperor for Sister Ran, and bought 668 rockets and 2373 super rockets! It cost a total of 510 million yuan, which is too awesome, and the whole shark live broadcast is crazy." Lu Xiaoke said excitedly.

If it was before, Huang Xing heard that someone paid 510 million gifts on the Shark live broadcast, he would definitely scold others for being stupid and rich, but now he definitely can't scold himself, he just pretended to be surprised and said, "Such an exaggeration, this god Brother Hao’s family prints money, right?”

With the Invincible Qiangshenhao system, Huang Xing is similar to printing money.

"Yeah, it's too domineering. Brother Shenhao's confession is so hot, I guess sister Ran's heart is moved."

Across the screen, Huang Xing could see the little stars in Lu Xiaoke's eyes.

"What confession?" Huang Xing was confused, when did he confess his love to Ji Ran?He obviously just wanted to ask her out as a joke.

"510 means that I want you. This declaration is too domineering. Brother Shenhao must be a domineering president." Lu Xiaoke said excitedly like a nympho.

510, I want you!

Is this an explanation?
Huang Xing felt that he was wronged, and wanted to tell them that the 510 million was just the amount given to him by the system.

"Are you jealous?" Lu Xiao asked carefully, seeing that Huang Xing didn't respond.

"Why am I jealous?" Huang Xing asked puzzled.

"I thought I was jealous when I heard that the domineering CEO confessed to Sister Ran." Lu Xiaoke said with a smile.

"You're a big kid, and there are some messy things in your mind." Huang Xing smiled angrily.

Lu Xiaoke is three years younger than Lu Chen. He has just graduated from high school, which is the age when he loves to fantasize and dream.

She has a good relationship with Ji Ran, knowing that Ji Ran doesn't have a boyfriend, and she is not a vain girl, so she often encourages her brother to pursue Ji Ran.

After getting along for so long, it is a lie to say that I am not at all tempted by such an excellent girl as Ji Ran, but Huang Xing knows his own conditions, and is afraid that it will be embarrassing at that time, and he will not have any friends, so he has always kept a proper distance , just treat Ji Ran as an ordinary friend.

"Hehe, brother, don't worry. Compared with brother, brother Shenhao has to stand aside." Lu Xiaoke said happily to himself, "Brother Shenhao wanted to ask sister Ran, but he was directly rejected. Brother, make an appointment. Then sister couldn't wait to walk up the canyon."

"Hehehe." Huang Xing was speechless to Lu Xiaoke's brain hole, these two "appointment" methods can be confused.

"What are you talking about, so happy?" Ji Ran asked suddenly.

When Lu Xing said hehehe, Lu Xiaoke happened to invite Ji Ran in, and she overheard her.

"My brother and I are talking about Sister Ran." Lu Xiaoke said mischievously, "I told my brother that Sister Ran rejected Brother Shenhao's date in order to meet him in the canyon, so my brother is so happy."

"Don't listen to Xiaoke's nonsense." Huang Xing said awkwardly.

"Hmph, I'm not talking nonsense." Lu Xiaoke snorted softly.

Ji Ran didn't want to mention the live broadcast just now in front of Huang Xing, so he changed the subject and asked, "Xingchen, I heard that you went to Chuanglong Group for an internship these few days, how is your work going?"

"I don't think it's appropriate, I've already resigned." Huang Xing didn't want to say anything about Liu Feifei, he didn't say that he was fired, otherwise he couldn't explain clearly.

Ji Ran felt a little strange when he heard that Huang Xing had resigned. Chuanglong Group is a big company. As a student at school, it was very rare for Huang Xing to go in for an internship during the summer vacation. He actually resigned.

Lu Xiaoke knew that Teacher Xia got into Huang Xing's job after looking for connections, so he quickly asked, "Brother, you actually resigned, how do you explain to Teacher Xia?"

"I found a better job, so I resigned."

"The No. [-] Shenhao in the universe" is also a job, and it is a unique good job, which is [-] times better than working in Chuanglong Group.

"Hee hee, that's great." Lu Xiaoke also knew that Chuanglong Group is a big company. He was very happy to hear that Huang Chen had found a better job, and said, "Sister Ran and I made an appointment to go to Linjiang in two days. Playing, I just wanted my brother to treat me to KFC, but now my brother wants to treat us to a big meal."

"Are you going to come to Jiangshi to play in two days? Fireball is coming too?" Huang Xing was taken aback. He didn't hear them mention it, and he didn't expect Ji Ran to come to Jiangshi to play.

"Yes, sister Ran also agreed to come and play." Lu Xiaoke said with a wicked smile.

"Xiao Ke said that she wanted to go to Linjiang in advance, and asked me to play with her for two days. I happened to have nothing to do, so I agreed." Ji Ran quickly explained.

Ji Ran still has to broadcast the live broadcast every night, so it's "just fine", but Lu Xiaoke asked her to come to Jiang City to play for a few days, and she agreed without even thinking about it.

"Xiao Ke, why are you here so early?" Huang Xing asked puzzled.

Lu Xiaoke has been admitted to Linjiang University, but it is inconvenient for Huang Xing to live in the dormitory, so he thought Lu Xiaoke would come back after school starts.

"It's too boring to be alone at home. It's better to go to Linjiang directly. There are still two months left, and I can also find a part-time job to make money." Lu Xiaoke expressed his thoughts.

When Huang Chen heard that Lu Xiaoke was going to find a part-time job to make money, he immediately shouted angrily, "What kind of part-time job are you looking for? Don't look for it."

Now that he has the Invincible Qiangshenhao system, he can support Lu Xiaoke richly, so why would he let her find a part-time job.

Even without the Invincible Qiang Shenhao system, he would not let Lu Xiaoke go out to find a part-time job.

Lu Xiaoke doesn't know anything, and now he can only find a part-time job as a waiter in a beverage shop. He is reluctant to make his sister suffer.

"Why don't you look for it? I'm about to go to college and I can support myself. I will make money to support myself in the future." Lu Xiaoke said aggrievedly.

She is no longer a child, knowing Huang Chen's hard work in the past few years, other boys are busy dating in college, but Huang Chen is busy working part-time to make money.

She didn't want Huang Xing to bear so much pressure, and wanted him to use his parents' compensation, but he scolded him severely and forbade her to mention it again.

That was the first time Huang Xing scolded her.

"Attention the host, there is only 1 minute left in your mission, please complete it as soon as possible. If the mission times out, it will be judged as a failure."

Nine minutes passed unknowingly, and Invincible Qiang issued a reminder.

"Xiao Ke, brother will protect you for the rest of your life." Huang Xing said seriously, "So you are not allowed to mention part-time jobs in the future."

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task. You will get 10 experience points, 10 gold coins, and a pill for washing marrow."

 Don't like to watch Glory of Kings, just tune to Chapter 13

  Does not affect subsequent reading

(End of this chapter)

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